Wow Thanks for this comment i find it hard to get a hold of very good feedback out there when it comes to this subject matter thank for the guide comment
I found this interesting admission from some Holocaust officials while working on my latest article.
We keep being assured that the Holocaust is the most documented historical event, but when it comes to the majority of the alleged murders there is no documentation. Curious.
My site is overdue for a series dedicated to critiquing internet Holocaust denial memes. Fortunately this person gave me a good idea on how to accomplish this. I'll tell you right now that the cookie monster meme is a big ol' F.
Part one of this series should be out late next week. Stay tuned!
I need to clear up some things about the use of this "Red Cross Report" as a gotcha for Holocaust affirmers.
First, The Red Cross has said that these numbers aren't attributable to them. Which is true in a way because these numbers are from the International Tracing Service. However, the ITS was put under the direction of the IRC in 1954.
Nonetheless, this document never claimed to be a complete count of all alleged deaths. It only counted documented deaths and it is claimed that most of the victims were never registered, therefore never documented.
However, this means that there is no documental evidence for most of the claimed victims. Thus the claim of millions of unregistered deaths is unfalsifiable, untestable and unscientific.
Because this issue is so nuanced it really doesn't meme well IMO.
If the Holocaust is so real why do here's how the Holocaust could have happened sites, like Holocaust Controversies, exist? If the official version isn't good enough and affirmers feel compelled to create their own version, what does that tell us?
Interesting that Bucko brought up this picture while trying to defend the narrative that Dachau had homicidal gas chambers that were never used. That is because that picture isn't of the claimed never used homicidal gas chamber, it's of a delousing chamber. About the photo IRH says:
"Dachau “gas chamber” door. This official US Army photo was taken at Dachau on April 30, 1945, one day after the camp’s liberation. It shows a GI standing in front of a door marked with a skull and crossbones. According to the official caption, “these chambers were used by the Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp.” In fact, this is a small disinfection gas chamber used for delousing clothes, as part of the routine to curtail the spread of disease. This chamber was never used to kill people. For several decades, this photo has been widely reproduced to help keep alive the notorious Dachau “gas chamber” myth."
In my line of work I see a lot of lists for copes that the Holocaust totally happened. However, train tickets is both a new one and the lamest one I've seen yet.
The supporter of a real genocide being put in a position of power to continue the lie of a genocide that never happened. It's almost poetic.
Palestinians are "fundamentally evil," "collectively guilty," unworthy of "any mercy" and need to be ethnically cleansed from Gaza to make it "great again," according Zionist activist Martin Oliner, a Trump appointee to the US Holocaust Memorial Council.
While it is good to spread Holocaust fact checking awareness, it isn't helpful to spread memes that are inaccurate. Holocaust officials do not claim that the door in the meme was used for homicidal gassings. If you see someone making an inaccurate wooden door meme please educate them on accurate revisionism.
Interesting that Bucko brought up this picture while trying to defend the narrative that Dachau had homicidal gas chambers that were never used. That is because that picture isn't of the claimed never used homicidal gas chamber, it's of a delousing chamber. About the photo IRH says:
"Dachau “gas chamber” door. This official US Army photo was taken at Dachau on April 30, 1945, one day after the camp’s liberation. It shows a GI standing in front of a door marked with a skull and crossbones. According to the official caption, “these chambers were used by the Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp.” In fact, this is a small disinfection gas chamber used for delousing clothes, as part of the routine to curtail the spread of disease. This chamber was never used to kill people. For several decades, this photo has been widely reproduced to help keep alive the notorious Dachau “gas chamber” myth."
My site is overdue for a series dedicated to critiquing internet Holocaust denial memes. Fortunately this person gave me a good idea on how to accomplish this. I'll tell you right now that the cookie monster meme is a big ol' F.
Part one of this series should be out late next week. Stay tuned!
We have another installment of "Ranking Revisionist Arguments"!
Palestinians are "fundamentally evil," "collectively guilty," unworthy of "any mercy" and need to be ethnically cleansed from Gaza to make it "great again," according Zionist activist Martin Oliner, a Trump appointee to the US Holocaust Memorial Council.
I need to clear up some things about the use of this "Red Cross Report" as a gotcha for Holocaust affirmers.
First, The Red Cross has said that these numbers aren't attributable to them. Which is true in a way because these numbers are from the International Tracing Service. However, the ITS was put under the direction of the IRC in 1954.
Nonetheless, this document never claimed to be a complete count of all alleged deaths. It only counted documented deaths and it is claimed that most of the victims were never registered, therefore never documented.
However, this means that there is no documental evidence for most of the claimed victims. Thus the claim of millions of unregistered deaths is unfalsifiable, untestable and unscientific.
Because this issue is so nuanced it really doesn't meme well IMO.
In my line of work I see a lot of lists for copes that the Holocaust totally happened. However, train tickets is both a new one and the lamest one I've seen yet.
Wow Thanks for this comment i find it hard to get a hold of very good feedback out there when it comes to this subject matter thank for the guide comment
I found this interesting admission from some Holocaust officials while working on my latest article.
We keep being assured that the Holocaust is the most documented historical event, but when it comes to the majority of the alleged murders there is no documentation. Curious.
The supporter of a real genocide being put in a position of power to continue the lie of a genocide that never happened. It's almost poetic.
While it is good to spread Holocaust fact checking awareness, it isn't helpful to spread memes that are inaccurate. Holocaust officials do not claim that the door in the meme was used for homicidal gassings. If you see someone making an inaccurate wooden door meme please educate them on accurate revisionism.
If the Holocaust is so real why do here's how the Holocaust could have happened sites, like Holocaust Controversies, exist? If the official version isn't good enough and affirmers feel compelled to create their own version, what does that tell us?