🚨SCOOP: A key pillar of the open source intelligence (OSINT) community on Telegram is being paid to mute criticism of Israel, the Justice Report has learned.
Anonymous insiders have provided testimony that alleges the self-professed “Ultra-Right” and “Pro-Christian” Telegram news aggregator Bellum Acta are being paid to curate its posts by Visegrad24, a 'Zionist' propaganda outlet that maintains a separate donation page specifically for the Jewish community.
Interesting that Bucko brought up this picture while trying to defend the narrative that Dachau had homicidal gas chambers that were never used. That is because that picture isn't of the claimed never used homicidal gas chamber, it's of a delousing chamber. About the photo IRH says:
"Dachau “gas chamber” door. This official US Army photo was taken at Dachau on April 30, 1945, one day after the camp’s liberation. It shows a GI standing in front of a door marked with a skull and crossbones. According to the official caption, “these chambers were used by the Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp.” In fact, this is a small disinfection gas chamber used for delousing clothes, as part of the routine to curtail the spread of disease. This chamber was never used to kill people. For several decades, this photo has been widely reproduced to help keep alive the notorious Dachau “gas chamber” myth."
For the benefit of Public Enlightenment I've unpaywalled our latest episode, "Zionist Occupied White House"---please feel free to share & distribute widely to all those who remain unconviced that our President is an Israeli asset.
🚨SCOOP: A key pillar of the open source intelligence (OSINT) community on Telegram is being paid to mute criticism of Israel, the Justice Report has learned.
Anonymous insiders have provided testimony that alleges the self-professed “Ultra-Right” and “Pro-Christian” Telegram news aggregator Bellum Acta are being paid to curate its posts by Visegrad24, a 'Zionist' propaganda outlet that maintains a separate donation page specifically for the Jewish community.
Interesting that Bucko brought up this picture while trying to defend the narrative that Dachau had homicidal gas chambers that were never used. That is because that picture isn't of the claimed never used homicidal gas chamber, it's of a delousing chamber. About the photo IRH says:
"Dachau “gas chamber” door. This official US Army photo was taken at Dachau on April 30, 1945, one day after the camp’s liberation. It shows a GI standing in front of a door marked with a skull and crossbones. According to the official caption, “these chambers were used by the Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp.” In fact, this is a small disinfection gas chamber used for delousing clothes, as part of the routine to curtail the spread of disease. This chamber was never used to kill people. For several decades, this photo has been widely reproduced to help keep alive the notorious Dachau “gas chamber” myth."
For the benefit of Public Enlightenment I've unpaywalled our latest episode, "Zionist Occupied White House"---please feel free to share & distribute widely to all those who remain unconviced that our President is an Israeli asset.