I notice a sudden influx of themes (or predictive programming) these last few days.
2 key words include:
👉🏼 Vampires
👉🏼 Cults
Will the 3rd act finally reveal who & what has been running the world?
1. Jim Jones FDA official resigns. Do you remember another famous Jim Jones? The cult leader of the Peoples Temple and mass murderer?
2. Musk referred to social security recipients over 150 years old as “vampires”.
Perhaps (soon) we’ll learn about the cult that practices vampire rituals & culture—from child sacrifice to adrenochrome consumption.
What will we learn when the Pope dies?
Maybe it’s just me…
But I see it in play and very active right now (outside of what truthers have researched & have known & have carried for years now).
They’re getting ready to put in the face of all those who chose to keep their blinders on.
Be ready.
Prepare your mind and heart.
Help others but don’t become the dumping ground for the sake of comforting others.
In fact…
DIScomfort will teach them well.
It taught you, yes?