I was a guest on The Washington Report recently, check it out. Or not, I'm not your dad.
Probably the best English language source of information on the cartel problem, which is infinitely more important to us as Americans than whatever foreigners happen to be killing each other currently.
"If you sue us for our piece of shit gun uncommanded-discharging into your leg, ur a ANTI GUN LIBRUL!"
Sig fuckin seething lol. I guess theyre getting sick of nonstop lawsuits and canceled contracts from multiple govt agencies and private parties. Yeah that tends to happen when you churn out unQC'd thirdworld poverty shit and call it tactical caviar.
So, I have received word that the documentary about the Patriot Front arrests in CDA I helped shoot last year or so is basically done. This is a trailer for it, I will be looking over the (hopefully) final product later. Stay tuned!
There's no way they didn't do this on purpose
Lone wolves die alone.
Whoever has the most, strongest kin-groups will be the one's left standing in the end. Start a family & build your tribe because it's going to get worse.
I get that sometimes the special interest chooses the autist, but the relationship between Mike Sparks and the M113 is beyond my understanding.
Battle of Attu, Alaska, during WW2. Attu is the only land battle in which Japanese and American forces fought in snowy conditions, in contrast with the tropical climate in the rest of the Pacific. The battle ended when most of the Japanese defenders were killed in brutal hand-to-hand combat after a final banzai charge broke through American lines.
Creative solution to improve soldier preformence, promote ahead of peers.
If SHTF/WROL/RAHOWA whatever were calling it nowadays were to kick off tomorrow, I'd take the guy who can pass a PT test & has basic medical knowledge over the shlubby dude with the tricked out gat every time.
Probably the best English language source of information on the cartel problem, which is infinitely more important to us as Americans than whatever foreigners happen to be killing each other currently.
The official NRA long range 800-1000 yard target is 44". That's a 4.4 MOA target at 1000 yards, or from a perspective, it would be equal in apparent size to a 4.4" target 100 yards away.
A 3/16" dot placed 12 feet away will appear approximately the same size as a 44" bull at 1000 yards. Very, very noticeable and easily aimed at. This should be common knowledge for all shooters.
On one level I knew they'd stop issuing it eventually but it's kinda wild they actually did. The Pizza Stain is no more, at least until the next war starts.
As of 01 January 2023, no active duty service members that enlist after that date will receive the National Defense Service Medal for the Global War on Terror. This marks the longest period that the NDSM was authorized; 21 years, 3 months, and 20 days.
Whoever has the most, strongest kin-groups will be the one's left standing in the end. Start a family & build your tribe because it's going to get worse.
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