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Smoke Pit V

The 5th telegram channel for the Smoke Pit podcast, found only on Amerikaner.org
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This story slipped through the cracks, but it looks like there was an attempted insurance CEO attack last week in Oregon.

^^^ Gonna be real when I first saw that one I was like what the fuck is this about at first lol
It's because he's tall and pretty much walking ashore in the 3rd wave of the assault, he's keeping his bro's smokes dry
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White Lads Aesthetics avatar
White Lads Aesthetics
If SHTF/WROL/RAHOWA whatever were calling it nowadays were to kick off tomorrow, I'd take the guy who can pass a PT test & has basic medical knowledge over the shlubby dude with the tricked out gat every time.

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Zyklon IRL avatar
Zyklon IRL
Suck it nerd lol
The official NRA long range 800-1000 yard target is 44". That's a 4.4 MOA target at 1000 yards, or from a perspective, it would be equal in apparent size to a 4.4" target 100 yards away.

A 3/16" dot placed 12 feet away will appear approximately the same size as a 44" bull at 1000 yards. Very, very noticeable and easily aimed at. This should be common knowledge for all shooters.

You are more capable than you think you are.
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Anti-Communist Combat HQ avatar
Anti-Communist Combat HQ
Our best guys are better than their best guys, that is for sure. But go and look through the commie swoletariat reddit.

Some of you would get mogged by these anti-White scum. While it is not a big part of the commie culture in general, there are leftists training.

If you are a nationalist and you know in your heart you would get smashed by some of these people you need to ask yourself why you aren’t living up to your ideals.

If you’re spending time watching a lot of TV or playing vidya or listening to hours worth of podcasts and you’re not measuring up to what you know you should be, it’s time to make a change, not just for yourself but for the cause of nationalism in general.
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Last Frontier Active Club avatar
Last Frontier Active Club
Make your opposition obsolete.


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🍀Spicy Steamed Memeballs🍀 avatar
🍀Spicy Steamed Memeballs🍀
In Soviet Russia, an American spy tries to blend in...
George Keats had trained 20 years for this moment. He had mastered the Russian language in its native accent. He learned all of Russia's customs and social graces. He memorized Moscow streetmaps and knew every back-alley. He swore that he could even think like a Russian.

The big day finally came, and he was parachuted to the outskirts of Moscow at night. He emerged by daybreak, and hopped onto a bus going to the city center.
"Comrade. How much for a ticket to Red square?", he asked the conductor in authentic Russian.
"5 Rubles, Comrade American", came the reply.
Keats was stunned. Perhaps the conductor was just being a smart-ass. He hopped off the bus and asked a passerby for directions to the closest bar.
"It's just around the block, Comrade American."

Keats' doubts grew immensely. Not knowing what to do, he went inside the bar and ordered a glass of Vodka. "Want some Borscht to go with it, Comrade American?", the bartender asked.
Keats threw a fit. "What's the matter with you people? I dress just like you, I speak just like you, I even THINK just like you! Why does everyone keep calling me American?"

"Well Comrade, it's because you're a nigger."
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Operators Operating Operationally avatar
Operators Operating Operationally
Spotted in California
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The Western Chauvinist (Main) avatar
The Western Chauvinist (Main)
To the creator of this video,

You are correct. We do not care about you. Go home!

Big retard take. Does anyone else remember the early OIF rules of engagement? "Any military aged male out after dark gets blasted" can just as easily apply to the Wetbackistan border region. Maybe add in anyone with "I'm totes a cartel nigga" face tattoo, I think one of the beaner countrys started doing that awhile back actually.

Add in a whole lot of regular Americans just itching to use their carry piece and I don't think the beaners really have a chance if they start doing random acts of mexican as they do in they're own shithole disarmed country.

Wish a nigger would though
You would not believe how hard this went in back in the day

It still does
Creative solution to improve soldier preformence, promote ahead of peers.
If SHTF/WROL/RAHOWA whatever were calling it nowadays were to kick off tomorrow, I'd take the guy who can pass a PT test & has basic medical knowledge over the shlubby dude with the tricked out gat every time.

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Wyoming Active Club (Uncensored) avatar
Wyoming Active Club (Uncensored)
While the rest of the country bowed before the idols of consumerism, drunkenness, and negroes, several WYAC members opted for a hike around Flaming Gorge.
A reminder that Narcos have been using drones since 2010 and armed drones since 2015. Could be prudent to brush up on them, Here's a good 2023 study from the journal "Small Wars and Insurgencies" on the issue.
The official NRA long range 800-1000 yard target is 44". That's a 4.4 MOA target at 1000 yards, or from a perspective, it would be equal in apparent size to a 4.4" target 100 yards away.

A 3/16" dot placed 12 feet away will appear approximately the same size as a 44" bull at 1000 yards. Very, very noticeable and easily aimed at. This should be common knowledge for all shooters.

You are more capable than you think you are.
This is actual alchemy

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