.. and the clip I read 2.2 Million Government employees exist YET 4.7 Government employee (credit cards) issued _all the taxi rides, hotels, plane flights .. charged on said clone credit card NO GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE 4.7 is over double ..
You really don't get it WITTY COMEBACK However,
I HAVE YET TO READ the 711 but, just because you haven't learned or had the opportunity to view something .. doesn't mean (said prop) doesn't exist .. have to be open to the unknown .. as (WE) U&I will be the pioneers navigating through our new surroundings
Yes we will be taught truth .. said wisdom to share will be learned _with our wisdom intact .. there is a difference
.. we will obsorb said precious information with an untainted set of eyes and share the damaged history as the skewed version ..
You think there may have been a Druze good book written would be great to read their version of events
I'm just not limited by the definition the 66 books offer as a life on lived on earth .. our individual life is our teaching ..
no (I have) not .. laughing
I HAVE THAT SEED .. it's still there .. I learn it all
we are only limited by our comfy definition _I AM
66 < just a coincidence rite?
Where Did I criticize this limited text 66 books New&Old Testaments 777 books 711 I have yet to read
again as she reiterates. OUR LIFE is our teaching
LOL defining my fear(less)ness of the unknown > been there done that < Hence why ? I sot after additional good books of other understandings of faith ..
breaking from that first box of division And I was like 23 when I first read the Bible
scripture is SORRY TO SAY just that (a script) .. history (also sorry to say) YES, sprinkled within but manipulated _to fit the propaganda of that time_ actually, someone that never read the Bible(or good book) until they were an adult _ probably would have been (a more feasible solution) keeping in check his personal decerment _as it is read .. otherwise those with said exposure to the limited 66 books New and Old _as children .. are now fighting their adult self with said divided understanding
Really You Told Me .. one of theses days JJ you will see we are the left and right paw of the same LION venturing through without fear ...
Well, I think there are MANY and are the silent majority NOW .. via many are aware but staying quiet .. (1) one because it's hard to admit you've fallen (2) they secretly have exposed themselves to the awareness of deception and standing back awaiting for it all to fall out .. I do have a brother in-law weekly (we butt heads) BUT __he won't admit the seeds I've planted are reining in Plausible in his Mind ... stubborn@ss won't admit it _but, NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE the powers of a seed
NEVER AIRED 4.5 YEARS BEFORE ( I was born ) 45 ay?
that WOULD BE badd@ss 😎😳😁 receiving eggs from TURKEY seems a bit iffy .. unless they are showcasing FDA < uselessness .. expect an (egg driven ailment) mysterious emerge _ COMES TO MY MINDS EYE fake I'm sure
I HAVE THAT SEED .. it's still there .. I learn it all
we are only limited by our comfy definition _I AM
66 < just a coincidence rite?
Really You Told Me .. one of theses days JJ you will see we are the left and right paw of the same LION venturing through without fear ...
You really don't get it WITTY COMEBACK However,
I HAVE YET TO READ the 711 but, just because you haven't learned or had the opportunity to view something .. doesn't mean (said prop) doesn't exist .. have to be open to the unknown .. as (WE) U&I will be the pioneers navigating through our new surroundings
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