Can I keep quiet.. ☺️ 😂 I'd rather read your messages.. I think it will be either tonight or March 21st.. ☺️ 😂 🌹

Did You See
What [They] killbox evil Did? [They] turn George's Face away from In God We Trust
What [They] killbox evil Did? [They] turn George's Face away from In God We Trust
UNDERSTAND TRUMPS ACTUAL MISSION.. what YOU see on TV (is the) _ bankrupt US Corporation negotiations with Ukraine (NOT the) _Restored Constitutional Republics Negotiations with Ukraine https://t.me/JennyOckermanGalle11/19757
Well Geeish WHY COULDNT YOU JUST SAY .. hey Jenny LOVE YOUR TIMESTAMP AWARENESS .. explanation of what I've come to realize meaning .. (THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS COULD MEAN SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT FOR YOU) .. I come to realize it's my higher self helping me through this life .. I use to call this 13 year old self .. my GuardianAngel .. as I envisioned her as age 13 and I was younger .. than her
Brilliance timestamp unintentional JUST NOW 711 117 = 7:47
started to feel I was in VKchat test your strength room again
Brilliance timestamp unintentional JUST NOW 711 117 = 7:47
started to feel I was in VKchat test your strength room again
From Liz Wheeler regarding the Epstein Files:
"This is the story:
President Trump & AG Pam Bondi committed to releasing the Epstein files.
The FBI was told to deliver the files to Bondi.
They did, about 200 pages.
Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.”
Still, Bondi promised to release the documents, so she prepared a binder of them.
THEN, last night a whistleblower contacted Bondi & revealed that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of Epstein files, defying Bondi’s order to give them all to her.
We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc. The juicy stuff. Names.
These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU.
Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE.
The binder is powerful because it’s tangible physical evidence of the disgusting stunt the SDNY tried to pull.
Bondi is now demanding ALL the Epstein evidence from SDNY plus an investigation into the persons who committed this act of defiance.
The legacy media has betrayed you again and again and again. They lie to you. They smear you. They gaslight you. They deserve no special access to realtime exposure of corruption… because they played a role in covering it up in the first place!
You are the media, Elon said. Yes, we are. So celebrate the regular people are being given access to the most powerful people in our country to report on despicable corruption as it’s being uncovered in realtime.
And be very, very angry that deep state agents in the swamp at the SDNY are at this very moment defying President Trump & AG Bondi & you who voted him into office, lying, and hiding the truth about Jeffrey Epstein because they don’t want their own corruption & weaponization of govt exposed.
That’s the story."
"This is the story:
President Trump & AG Pam Bondi committed to releasing the Epstein files.
The FBI was told to deliver the files to Bondi.
They did, about 200 pages.
Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.”
Still, Bondi promised to release the documents, so she prepared a binder of them.
THEN, last night a whistleblower contacted Bondi & revealed that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of Epstein files, defying Bondi’s order to give them all to her.
We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc. The juicy stuff. Names.
These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU.
Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE.
The binder is powerful because it’s tangible physical evidence of the disgusting stunt the SDNY tried to pull.
Bondi is now demanding ALL the Epstein evidence from SDNY plus an investigation into the persons who committed this act of defiance.
The legacy media has betrayed you again and again and again. They lie to you. They smear you. They gaslight you. They deserve no special access to realtime exposure of corruption… because they played a role in covering it up in the first place!
You are the media, Elon said. Yes, we are. So celebrate the regular people are being given access to the most powerful people in our country to report on despicable corruption as it’s being uncovered in realtime.
And be very, very angry that deep state agents in the swamp at the SDNY are at this very moment defying President Trump & AG Bondi & you who voted him into office, lying, and hiding the truth about Jeffrey Epstein because they don’t want their own corruption & weaponization of govt exposed.
That’s the story."
Well, I think there are MANY and are the silent majority NOW .. via many are aware but staying quiet .. (1) one because it's hard to admit you've fallen (2) they secretly have exposed themselves to the awareness of deception and standing back awaiting for it all to fall out
.. I do have a brother in-law weekly (we butt heads) BUT __he won't admit the seeds I've planted are reining in Plausible in his Mind ... stubborn@ss won't admit it _but, NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE the powers of a seed
.. I do have a brother in-law weekly (we butt heads) BUT __he won't admit the seeds I've planted are reining in Plausible in his Mind ... stubborn@ss won't admit it _but, NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE the powers of a seed
the seasoned Patriot Truth Seeker LOL over the years have created a sort of coded language referencing a past wrabbit hole event or habbening < .. perfect example .. when I see this word intentionally typed (this way)
.. I reconize it from santa surfer .. if that Anon has never seen or heard of santa surfer THEY wouldn't notice .. and just assume it was a TYPO
.. I reconize it from santa surfer .. if that Anon has never seen or heard of santa surfer THEY wouldn't notice .. and just assume it was a TYPO
Yep .. we are watching a movie .. in fact ReRuns .. all seen-in Politics Courts MainSteamMEDIA global wars LET FACE IT _ FICTIONAL
The sun is fake : see the video and open the url link https://www.bmwk-energiewende.de/EWD/Redaktion/EN/Newsletter/2017/07/Meldung/dlr.html
Nothing Wrong with WILD GUESSING and sharing it with a few FRENS .. bouncing off thoughts within conversation is LEGAL
Is this a sign
..10:35 am central
Wednesday 5th
..10:35 am central
Wednesday 5th
when U do the HOKEY POKEY
and U turn YOURSELF around
that's what it's all about
and U turn YOURSELF around
that's what it's all about
Ok 🫵U just brought on _also a TODAY story😁😉🥴🙃 .. we live on the coast Mississippi Gulf 'ofAmerica' _ this is Mardi Grah season .. and a local guy that owns a few dealerships and a restaurant ( one of the Allen ) brothers is going to be King this year D'iberville .. interesting enough this is the 117th year
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