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Mississippi Sound avatar
Mississippi Sound
Mississippi Sound avatar
Mississippi Sound
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
5th💣 generation⚔️ warfare avatar
5th💣 generation⚔️ warfare
5th generation warfare.
Battle for the mind.
eek < is a slang for a 6000 year old satanic deepstate global cabal cult bent on world domination out of Israel whining anti semitic _ that have been capturing torturing sexual sacrifice our children (all over the world) _to manufacturers a blood drug called Adrenochrome <<< see how merely saying 'eek' is to our advantage in a chat conversation

yes I used this word 'eek' in a little lyrics replacement to convey a message ..

if you are  'eek' and you know it
if you are 'eek' and you know it
Let Me Think .. .. auuh NO
2030 agenda DEATH PLAN
(via a) 6000 year old satanic masquerading royals out of Israel
> bent on World domination Global DeepState guide stone death cult plan JUST ISNT DOING ANYTHING FOR ME

umm NO
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Vincent Kennedy avatar
Vincent Kennedy
Emma connecting the dots.
Canada Greenland Oneland
Canada Cain Babylon
Ethan (the established) BOT
your welcome < intended sarcasm

We the People are asking our Militaries to assist us to take our country and sovereignty back from the corporation and FED banksters and corrupt politicians.

We the People are FIRING every last one of them!!! They no longer represent us; therefore, they are FIRED!!!! 

We the People are finished paying taxes as slaves _only for our corrupt governments to waste / our $$ is not backed by gold, fiat is worthless paper

We the People will not stand for an illegal and corrupt FED!!! 

We the People want to return to the 2020 election

We the People know Joe Biden did not win

We the People have the right to dissolve our existing currupt government when all other measures have been exhausted

We the People are sick of our own Government keeping the truths from January 6th

We the people have exhausted many measures and options: convoys, going to school board meetings, town meetings, attending the Trump Rallies,  social media voting

We the People know election machines were & currently rigged & watched the movie RIGGED & the proof via Mike Lendel and countless others

We the People have lost friends, family members survived the covid trickery, poisonous vaccines intentional genocide.

We the People have sharing the horrific truth (all hidden from us) for decades

We the People are aware of what was hidden about Kennedy assassination, 9/11 (two of) 100s of examples we can present

We the People of the World are tired of wars and paying for wars oh yes we know wars are used to hide horrific crimes against humanity and funded both side from the same evil OUR OWN HORRID GOVERNMENTS have crossed the line (remember the Alamo) 

We the people do not support these entrances into war and have no desire to participate in such deception at the expense of our families and the ability to a prosperous in our own lives

We the People want our country back and are demanding our Militaries across the world to (act ASAP) on our behalf, we want action, we want our sovereignty

We the people were tricked into the deception via Our Own Governement converted our birth into a corporation and creating a strawman to be bought sold and traded (as if we were all) human pork bellies. 

We the People never agreed to be traded like cattle while others make $$ from us unknowingly.

We the people refuse to be slaves to the deep state period

We the People demand GESARA to be implemented ASAP

We the People are capable of being independently strong and qualified to arrange a much smaller government to be activated / once these horrible, inept people are fired, prosecuted and held accountable for their crimes against our children

We the people have spoken
Our brave Militaries sworn into to allegiance to protect us foreign and domestic need to (act now) on our behalf before our country loses it validity all together
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Champions in Christ avatar
Champions in Christ

A large hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere, and it is directly facing Earth. An emerging stream of solar wind should reach our planet on March 9-10. Forecasters say its arrival could spark a G1-class geomagnetic storm with auroras at high latitudes
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Catturd ™ avatar
Catturd ™
You mean the clown who predicted Kamala was going to win a landslide? 😂

thatNewSparkofLIFE makes a Q .. when the sperm meets the egg
I need to ask DrBry about
France America (French names) kingdom under the NorseAmericaEmpire inside Union
Cally for the Callie California Queen Ca(leaf)a spelling they created genetic modified on humans
AMERICANS ARE THE MELTING POT .. most people that come here Want To Become American .. in inlays the difference .. we've seen foke get here refuse to assimilate and have no need to become American (simply said) we must change for them .. as they burn our flag in our own streets
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Catturd ™ avatar
Catturd ™
And nobody in the USA cares.

G2 Military and US Army .. is also
a magnetic storm
5 National Tribe .. the El
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Follow The White Rabbit ™ 🐇 avatar
Follow The White Rabbit ™ 🐇
🚨🇺🇸 Kash on JFK & 911: We're also waiting on the 911 files Kash❓

⬛️ JFK to 911—Bush family involved in both☠️:
⬛️ 911 docs Hub🧨:
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
DevolutionaRy Intel avatar
DevolutionaRy Intel
Glorious Times Ahead
Negative48 🇺🇸
Let Me Think .. auuh NO
2030 agenda DEATH PLAN
(via a) 6000 year old satanic masquerading royals out of Israel
> bent on World domination Global DeepState guide stone death cult depopulation plan

FOR ME .. umm NO
LCBO they should have taken the word CONTROL out of your title
> Liquid Control Board Ontario
Oh? OK .. We DONT Care
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Vincent Kennedy avatar
Vincent Kennedy
Is the world prepared for Justice and Accountability for everyone?
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
I AM GiaStorm 17 & Friends♥️ avatar
I AM GiaStorm 17 & Friends♥️
Greenland Oneland
Canada Cain Babylon
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