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Demographics Now and Then

Channel on Demographic Trends & Related Global Developments
TGlist रेटिंग
चैनल निर्माण की तिथिDec 09, 2023
TGlist में जोड़ा गया
May 25, 2024

Demographics Now and Then के लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

In India the total number of births last year was more than births of China, the United States, Brazil, Egypt, Canada, Korea (North and South), Italy, Japan, Russia combined. Despite the latter countries having more than 2.5 billion combined people. 23 million plus births with a TFR of just 1.9. Population momentum powerful…
When China gets to the 2050 pyramid basically nothing can be done to avoid losing many hundreds of millions of people. The die is cast. That is where many many countries will be by 2050. Germany, Japan, Italy, South Korea etc
France looks set to have no further natural growth by 2030. That is if TFR stays in the 1.55-1.65 range. If it goes below 1.55 then this will obviously happen sooner. The French government already provides generous pro-natal policies & has for years. No longer enough it seems.
Romanian births dropped below 150,000 in 2024(149,612)for the 1st time in its modern history. During height of the birth boom from 1967-1969, in the wake of Ceaușescu's Decree 770,births were more than three times higher.  Births were above 300,000 from 1967-1990 before plunging.
🇹🇼👶Epic demographic decline in January in Taiwan. 14% year on year decline in the first month of 2025. Taiwan will hit South Korean TFR levels this year if this trend holds and may end up with a TFR of ~0.75.
El Salvador on 1.4 TFR, Guatemala on 1.85, Panama on 1.78, Costa Rica 1.15, Nicaragua 2.0, Honduras 2.1. With high emigration Central America looks set for natural decline relatively soon. This area could become the Western Hemisphere’s Eastern Europe demographically speaking.
Busan, South Korea is a living example of a city with extinction level fertility (according to even the Korean government). It is aging far faster than Seoul, young people are fleeing, & it is near the highest on the extinction risk index of Korea (for ref Sejong a TFR leader).

Many homes are vacant there and many elderly live alone. Busan has the lowest fertility rate in South Korea itself the country with the worlds lowest fertility rate. Thank you to @chiragmahe for the link. Source:
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