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चैनल निर्माण की तिथिSep 30, 2023
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Oct 30, 2023
संलग्न समूह

समूह "Pole Connection" में नवीनतम पोस्ट

Can anyone explain why Peruvians are applying for asylum in Spain and Italy
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Keith Woods avatar
Keith Woods
There is a long-standing debate within nationalism on if the success of a nationalist project requires rehabilitating historical National Socialism.

In my latest essay, a response to some recent posts by Joel Davis, I argue it does not:

40% of murders in Poland are committed by foreigners
President Duda gives Polish citizenship to foreign jew
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Jack Posobiec avatar
Jack Posobiec
The leaders of the EU constantly warn about a hypothetical invasion from Putin while ignoring the current invasion of their lands from 3rd world migrants who are raping and killing their citizens right now. Why is that?
New FBI chief says Ukraine lied about the rocket that killed two Poles in Przewodów.
Terror attack in Mannheim, Germany today
"Ukrainianwarrior88" sent Konfederacja presidential candidate Mentzen emails with photoshopped images of his wife and children on the bodies of victims of the Wołyń Massacre.


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Pole Connection के लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

I hope AfD wins the German election. Among other reasons that are good for Poland such as opposition to green deal, improving industrial output, they are the only party whose policy is to send illegal migrants back home to Africa and not to Polans
We can laugh but the situation is pathological

I'm scared to turn on netflix because I don't remember which shows have homosexual couples

I don't want it. I have kids and I want to protect my kids and I know Mentzen also wants to protect kids
Terror attack in Mannheim, Germany today
Anti white south African communist leader
Can anyone explain why Peruvians are applying for asylum in Spain and Italy
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Demographics Now and Then avatar
Demographics Now and Then
Busan, South Korea is a living example of a city with extinction level fertility (according to even the Korean government). It is aging far faster than Seoul, young people are fleeing, & it is near the highest on the extinction risk index of Korea (for ref Sejong a TFR leader).

Many homes are vacant there and many elderly live alone. Busan has the lowest fertility rate in South Korea itself the country with the worlds lowest fertility rate. Thank you to @chiragmahe for the link. Source: https://www.ft.com/content/1a8920e7-6851-4f96-91bc-4327a3f0dddd
Georgian knife showdown in Szczecin today
Nigerian arrested in Katowice after attacking someone in a gym
🇩🇪🇩🇪 Is AfD based or cucked? As an expert in German politics, I've written an explainer...

What most people outside of Germany get wrong in their analysis because they don't understand the Federal Republic's domestic politics very well is that AfD isn't simply Alice Weidel. She is just the figurehead at the top of the ticket.

AfD can only be understood by the decentralised nature of its party structure which looks like this:

First level: 2 Co-leaders (Weidel & Chrupalla)
Second level: 3 Deputy co-leaders
Third level:
Federal executive board (which is made up of a number of individuals)
Fourth level: State associations for Germany's 16 Bundesländer/states (these are largely autonomous)

Apart from the first tier, the leadership level, the hard-right völkisch and ethnonationalist faction known as 'Der Flügel' – which is led by a man named Björn Höcke (you've likely heard of him before) – has members in every single level of the party's governance.

For instance, one of the three deputy leaders is a man named Stephan Brander. He is a staunch adherent of Der Flügel and one of Höcke's biggest allies. His Wikipedia page is linked, go look at the 'controversies' section 🤣

As for the AfD's state associations, they are mostly radical in the former East Germany which, funnily enough, corresponds with the party's strongest bases of support.

In a number of these states, Der Flügel not only controls the AfD's state leadership but dominates much of the administrative board. Perfect examples of this (but not limited to) are Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony:

AfD Saxony-Anhalt Senior Management
Leader: Martin Reichardt (Flügel)
Co-deputy leader: Hans-Thomas Tillschneider (Flügel)
Co-deputy leader: Oliver Kirchner (Flügel)
Secretary general: Jan Wenzel Schmidt (Flügel)

AfD Thuringia Senior Management
Co-leader: Björn Höcke (Flügel)
Co-leader: Stefan Möller (Flügel)
Co-deputy leader: René Aust (Flügel)
Co-deputy leader: Torben Braga (Flügel)

AfD Saxony Senior Management
Leader: Jörg Urban (Flügel)
Co-deputy leader: Siegbert Droese (Flügel)
Co-deputy leader: Joachim Keiler (non-Flügel)
Co-deputy leader: Martina Jost (non-Flügel)
Secretary general: Jan-Oliver Zwerg (Flügel)

These three state associations of the AfD are classified by the German government as 'proven right-wing extremist organisations'. This is obviously a smear tactic to justify state persecution, but it's also true that these branches take hardline positions that are closer to our style of politics.

AfD state associations in Brandenburg and Bavaria (the latter played an important role in mainstreaming the term 'remigation' in Germany btw) are also predominantly Flügel-aligned, including their leaders. Other states like Baden-Württemberg, Bremen, Lower Saxony and Hesse are balanced between non-Flügel and Flügel, but as time increases the nationalist camp is winning out. AfD's youth wing is almost entirely made up of ethnic nationalists who openly associate and identify with the Identitarian movement and activists like Martin Sellner.

On the other hand, the AfD state branches that are considered more 'cucked' and part of Weidel's libertarian camp are:

Rhineland Palatinate
North Rhine-Westphalia

Even in these states there's some prominent Flügel members, but they don't hold significant positions in the leadership.

Overall Assessment
AfD began as a eurosceptic libertarian party in 2013 and first gained notoriety for its free market policies and criticism of the euro. With the advent of the 2015-16 migrant crisis, their focus shifted from economics to anti-refugee sentiment.

During the period 2016 through to 2022, the party underwent open infighting between the libertarian wing in the tradition of Bernd Lucke and the emerging nationalist faction in the east. AfD co-leader Jörg Meuthen's resignation and subsequent departure from the party in January 2022 – citing concerns with rising party 'extremism' – ended the open warfare. The politics of distancing had ended.

Continuing... (1/3)
AfD MP Beatrix von Storch
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