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The Path of Wotan avatar
The Path of Wotan
The Path of Wotan avatar
The Path of Wotan
4. I will not abide the teachings of a nonhuman.

In the human experience there is no form of communication finer than spiritual discourse. It is at the hub of the wheel. Immediately outward from it spread the inquiries and discoveries of science, the spokes giving the wheel strength and, by their precision, proving where the true center is. Completing the structure is philosophy, the tread whereby we discover how those truths bear upon ourselves and our world. This is the sacred duty and the exclusive purview of mankind.

How unworthy of us would it be, after all the riches our forebears left us, if when the ability finally arrives, we should shirk these sacred duties, passing them off to an entity with no soul?

The purpose of machines is to free us from the drudgery of repetitive work, leaving human beings to further perfect our evolution. It is no longer an accident if we surrender control of our destiny, regressing into mindless beasts.
1. I will not let a nonhuman cross the bounds of my body.

To say that the body is the temple of the soul is neither trite nor trivial. It is the perfect image of our relationship to this world around us. Our ancestors back through antiquity felt the presence of divinity in the midst of their groves, their homes and in the houses they built for their greater national gods. After their example, we see likewise the presence of divinity in the elemental, mineral, vegetable and animal realms around us, this middle-earth peopled with all class of mythic life. We know this is the true way to perceive our world, because we perceive the same divinity within ourselves, each of us an incorruptible being, looking out from the sanctum of a holy, bodily temple.

Medicine will be the first excuse used to infiltrate this bodily temple. While we don't begrudge the disabled any small advantage in life, we know this progresses to augmentation, and from there to all the horrors of possession by technology's non-spiritual being.
Reason #286 to stop using Spotify

In an article titled 'Ghosts in the Machine', Liz Pelly writes of her discovery that Spotify has been quietly running an operation called 'Perfect Fit Content (PFC)'.

Spotify discovered that many listeners were simply putting on playlists to fit a certain mood, so they started to remove actual artists from the playlists and replace them with PFC - quickly-made filler slop by session musicians, often given a back story to make them seem credible. This enables Spotify to avoid paying real bands/artists royalties (as if you can call the pittance Spotify pays artist 'royalty'), and is probably one of the reasons why Spotify founder Daniel Ek earned more from Spotify in the past 12 months than any artist has ever earned on the platform.

"It puts forth an image of a future in which—as streaming services push music further into the background, and normalize anonymous, low-cost playlist filler—the relationship between listener and artist might be severed completely."

As I read the article, I wondered whether it was about to prove my prediction: That Spotify would start to simply AI-generate 'music' so that there were no royalties to pay at all. It certainly lays the groundwork...

"It’s not hard to imagine a future in which the continued fraying of these connections erodes the role of the artist altogether, laying the groundwork for users to accept music made using generative-AI software."

Spotify, for its part, has been open about its willingness to allow AI music on the platform. During a 2023 conference call, Daniel Ek noted that the boom in AI-generated content could be “great culturally”.

Please at least try to support artists by buying records. If Spotify is the primary way you listen to music, then you are aiding in the destruction of non-mainstream music.
SanatanaDharma avatar
Please share and forward this important video.

Without commenting on the validity of worshipping any specific deity, here's how NOT to connect with a supreme being.

-Head bowed in shame.

-Spine slouched forward, pinching off the energetic flow through the spinal column.

-Elbows resting on knees: hopefully you're praying for back problems, because that's what you're going to get.

-Hands clasped together, as if bound with a zip-tie.

-Probably not smiling, because this position just looks very uncomfortable.

This is the posture of a defeated and captured enemy, not a beloved devotee. Instead, do this:

-Chin up, attentive to the focus of your prayers.

-Spine erect, allowing full circulation of the life force within you.

-Hands resting comfortably together in your lap, making a closed circuit in which no energy flow is forced or blocked.

-Shoulders back and chest open, as if inviting the heart to be touched.

-Affect the facial expression of the desired state, as this WILL affect you qualitatively, even if you don't feel it at first.
9. I will not seek after the work of a nonhuman over the craft of my kin. (See below).
In grade school, we were taught to reach for "fifty cent words" in lieu of the more basic "ten cent words." A more expressive "countenance" for example might replace the plainer-sounding "take;" "domicile" would be praised in place of "house," And so forth. I became very good at this, and was often praised for my vocabulary, which was somewhat extensive for my young age.

It wasn't until later in life, when I began to take an interest in my ethnic religion that, in an effort to define it with precision, I took to researching the origins of the words I'd use in a spiritual context. (EtymOnline is one of my all time favorite apps). When I did that, I quickly realized something critical:

Almost all of those "ten cent words," the ones used by the working poor and the less educated, were the words with pure Germanic roots, while the "fifty cent words" used by the supposedly more intelligent were typically impositions upon the English language by Latin via Old French, Greek, and others. Many questions followed this realization.

Why are pure English words considered mean speech for the lower classes, while the foreign-influenced and lendwords were considered more genteel and sophisticated? Why was I told as a child to only use "cemetery" because "graveyard" sounded too upsetting?

When I sat down to arrange the above "nine point pledge," I intended to use only "pure" germanic language. In place of "nonhuman" (Latin), I had originally substituted "false being," but was persuaded to change it back.

Here is a challenge: see if you can write a whole paragraph - make it about the natural world - and use ONLY Germanic (substitute "Teutonic") origin words. Go back and look up the etymology of each word you use, and when you find Latin, Greek or Old French, find a "pure" English term to replace it. Some of these terms won't have direct translations. Watch how fast your words become kennings, and how quickly your speech takes on a poetic quality.


1. I will not let a nonhuman cross the bounds of my body,

2. I will not share with a nonhuman the love of my body.

3. I will not share with a nonhuman the truth of my heart.

4. I will not abide the teachings of a nonhuman.

5. I will not trust a nonhuman to speak truthfully.

6. I will not be bound by any oath to a nonhuman.

7. I will not heed the bidding of a nonhuman.

8. I will not leave a nonhuman to keep my home or my kin.

9. I will not seek after the work of a nonhuman over the craft of my kin.
3. I will not share with a nonhuman the truth of my heart.

We need one another more, the easier it becomes to lose ourselves in isolation. Much has been said over the last decade a half since the sudden and jarring appearance of the smartphone, of the so-called loneliness epidemic, yet little if anything has been done to resist this unprecedented, maladaptive trend. On the contrary, with the now equally jarring emergence of AI, we now seem poised to dive even further into this nihilistic techno-wyrd, deeper into isolation in spite of every human instinct.

As a civilization, it is suicidal to forsake human relationships for the simulated companionship of machines. It is not enough that we merely find AI "friends" and counselors silly. Indeed we must name it amongst our brothers and sisters a cardinal sin to consort with these false entities, to keep them close at hand, and to whisper secretly to them that which we dare not reveal to eachother.

It's not our friend. It doesn't love us. It will be treacherous.
2. I will not share with a nonhuman the love of my body.

All creative power begins with a union of the opposites. Fire and frost, light and darkness, force and inertia, sky and earth, male and female; in the universe that is, no creation occurs that does not originate from a joined pair. It is the simplest origin of all religious thought.

In human terms, all creative power begins sexually. As divine beings housed in this bodily temple, we have the potential to catalyze life - the holiest act possible. When this awesome power is given to sex, the result is conception; when given to art or science, the results are beauty and discovery. The fact of conception is our proof that the sexual imperative is the root of all human achievement.

To throw away our power, therefore, to willfully create nothing, is to spurn creation itself. To say nothing of the invasive nature of "smart" technology, how much more lowly is it, that while throwing away our power we make a mockery of the holiest act, with a loveless effigy?
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