The old regime adored trans freaks for demoralization purposes but also because they make for perfect shock troops: ideologically zealous, unstable, and wholly dependent on the system.
War with the trans freaks was always inevitable. Machiavelli said “There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.” As of now, the trans freaks and the broader Left are disorganized and demoralized. Now is the time to crush them before they can be organized for a 2020 style color revolution.
This means not just banning trans surgery for children but also for adults. Banning their hormones. Banning that insurance pay for any of it. Prosecuting doctors who performed the surgeries. Throwing the judges and BPD moms who transitioned kids against their fathers wishes into cages. Placing every trans creature on SSSS status. Not allowing trans creatures on military bases except for their out processing appointments and only then under armed guard as if they are jihadis.
If they decide to “hashtag resist” bring the whole force of the state down on them J6 style.