Peter Williams on what Govt is signing us up for with climate change 2030 & 2035,
A LIVE chat with former NZ LOYAL PARTY candidate Ray Bailey

Speaks for itself.
PARASITES - the cause of virtually ALL dis-ease... Doctors in US (& most probably UK too) since The Rockefellers took over control of the medical system - are NOT ALLOWED to Even Diagnose Parasites!! WHY? : '1 patient cured = 1 patient & thousands of $/£ lost to Big Pharma!! - We started finding out about this when Ivermectin (an anti parasitic) cured not only 'covid' but also Cancer & many other dis-eases... Dr Ed Group has great info on this... Anti Parasitics are the BEST thing to help the body recover from almost ANYTHING! ...check it out...

Justin Deschamps

This might be the most horrifying part of the COVID vaccine. And almost no one talks about it.
Here's his book that the interview was about
Dr. Michael Nehls describes for Tucker Carlson how the COVID injections affect a recipient's hippocampus—that is, the part of the brain that's involved in many cognitive functions, including memory and learning.
Tucker Carlson: "For those of us who've noticed that people who've taken the mRNA vax and boosters seem different psychologically, we're not imagining that."
Michael Nehls: "No. It's what's really happening."
Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, a molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator. Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans.
Dr. Nehls has a new book out called The Indoctrinated Brain.
Dr. Michael Nehls
Dr Nehls on X
Here's his book that the interview was about
Dr. Michael Nehls describes for Tucker Carlson how the COVID injections affect a recipient's hippocampus—that is, the part of the brain that's involved in many cognitive functions, including memory and learning.
Tucker Carlson: "For those of us who've noticed that people who've taken the mRNA vax and boosters seem different psychologically, we're not imagining that."
Michael Nehls: "No. It's what's really happening."
Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, a molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator. Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans.
Dr. Nehls has a new book out called The Indoctrinated Brain.
Dr. Michael Nehls
Dr Nehls on X
Roll up, Roll up.
Avoid the Christmas rush, apply for your bankster controlled digital ID today.
Be the first in your street.
Don't be late to the party, there will be pole Dancers, free beer and let's not forget free Mc Donald's.
It is the reenactment of the CONVID-19 party that sort of stalled.
This party will be building back better.
Avoid the Christmas rush, apply for your bankster controlled digital ID today.
Be the first in your street.
Don't be late to the party, there will be pole Dancers, free beer and let's not forget free Mc Donald's.
It is the reenactment of the CONVID-19 party that sort of stalled.
This party will be building back better.

Supreme Court ruling hardly anyone
noticed that Robert F. Kennedy Jnr
won the case against all the
pharmaceutical lobbyists.
noticed that Robert F. Kennedy Jnr
won the case against all the
pharmaceutical lobbyists.

By Andrew Bydder
Full article published here:
The October 2025 council elections are our best chance to fix councils. It is also our last chance. Another three years of woke indoctrination, rates rises, debt blowouts, speed bumps and red tape will cripple our country. We need to work together to stop the rot and turn councils around.
I have written this to share my experience so that you don’t have to waste time working out the system. There will be follow-up information shared from experts working with me.
Those of you who can spare the time to stand for council will need to read and understand all of this and form a network with like-minded people. Some of you will prefer to help in the background within your own areas of expertise. Take from this guide as much as you need and link up with the good candidates. Most of you just need to support the network. You will know who to support because they will acknowledge this manual. Support can be financial, spare time, connections, marketing and simply inspiring people to vote this time. It will be hard, because most people have given up on councils listening to them, but we need you to try.
Even the National-led coalition Government has realised the need for councils to get back to basics. That’s great, but we can’t rely on politicians to fix politics. We have to do it ourselves.
By Andrew Bydder
Full article published here:
The October 2025 council elections are our best chance to fix councils. It is also our last chance. Another three years of woke indoctrination, rates rises, debt blowouts, speed bumps and red tape will cripple our country. We need to work together to stop the rot and turn councils around.
I have written this to share my experience so that you don’t have to waste time working out the system. There will be follow-up information shared from experts working with me.
Those of you who can spare the time to stand for council will need to read and understand all of this and form a network with like-minded people. Some of you will prefer to help in the background within your own areas of expertise. Take from this guide as much as you need and link up with the good candidates. Most of you just need to support the network. You will know who to support because they will acknowledge this manual. Support can be financial, spare time, connections, marketing and simply inspiring people to vote this time. It will be hard, because most people have given up on councils listening to them, but we need you to try.
Even the National-led coalition Government has realised the need for councils to get back to basics. That’s great, but we can’t rely on politicians to fix politics. We have to do it ourselves.
A Foundation for Belief in Conspiracies
In times past, people were suspicious of their rulers. This was because, lacking a mass media, it was rumor which conveyed information, and rumor has no respect for authority.
In our world today, it is the media which we rely upon for our information, and even rumors have become subservient to the mass media. In those places of the world which lack the electronic infrastructure with which to convey the mass media, rumors continue, and governments seek to control the population through violent force. In nations such as ours today, the power of the media has become such that the government is able to control us so effectively that violent force is no longer required. As a result of this lack of violent oppression by government, we have been deluded into believing that we live in a democracy.
One element of the media’s focus over the last hundred years has been to discredit any theory which can be classified as a "conspiracy." As a result many people have come to view conspiracy theories with suspicion, rather than viewing government with suspicion. This is a very strange reversal of human opinion, and it is important to note that this is a very recent development in the history of mankind. Conspiracies have driven political direction since the beginning of civilization, and are the rule rather than the exception. It is a testament to the power of modern media that over the course of the last hundred years, a carefully controlled media has been able to condition the population into the belief that conspiracies are the last resort of those citizens who are either paranoid or unable to explain their own failures by any other means.
We need, therefore, to establish the true historical background of conspiracies, so that the reader can view the matter from the perspective of historical fact rather than the highly politicized modern mood. One of the most highly respected historians of our century, Carroll Quigley, wrote of the historical developments leading to the modern control of the media by political powers. In his book, "Tragedy and Hope", he explains that newspapers have been under the control of those with political agendas since 1890, and have been used for manipulating public opinion to support foreign wars. His book also gives the history of the formation of a secret society in 1891 which has influenced governments and world affairs ever since. The groundwork for conspiracies is well documented, and the reader should not be so simple minded as to think that conspiracies are the fabrication of unstable minds, when solid historical documentation supports their existence throughout human civilization.
Another point to consider is this: Why does the media in general discount conspiracy theories so consistently? If the media is not controlled, as I say it is, then would not each editor of each newspaper respond to each theory independently, and would this not result in a wide variation of the treatment of such theories? But this is not the case, and the media is very well coordinated in discounting conspiracy theory. This can only be considered as further proof that the media is centrally controlled.
The greatest hindrance the average person has in learning the truth about the world is his inability to put present developments into historical perspective. This is to say that lack of historical knowledge makes it hard for the average reader to step outside of the paradigms of his era, and this in turn makes it difficult to take a truly objective approach to studying historical fact. This is an important point simply because the present day manifestation of those events which many now regard as conspiracies are the outcome of secret societies which began one hundred years ago, at precisely the time when mass media was becoming a powerful social force. In fact, it is the author’s opinion that without mass media, the plans of these secret societies would have never become successful.
Michael Joachim Lucas
In times past, people were suspicious of their rulers. This was because, lacking a mass media, it was rumor which conveyed information, and rumor has no respect for authority.
In our world today, it is the media which we rely upon for our information, and even rumors have become subservient to the mass media. In those places of the world which lack the electronic infrastructure with which to convey the mass media, rumors continue, and governments seek to control the population through violent force. In nations such as ours today, the power of the media has become such that the government is able to control us so effectively that violent force is no longer required. As a result of this lack of violent oppression by government, we have been deluded into believing that we live in a democracy.
One element of the media’s focus over the last hundred years has been to discredit any theory which can be classified as a "conspiracy." As a result many people have come to view conspiracy theories with suspicion, rather than viewing government with suspicion. This is a very strange reversal of human opinion, and it is important to note that this is a very recent development in the history of mankind. Conspiracies have driven political direction since the beginning of civilization, and are the rule rather than the exception. It is a testament to the power of modern media that over the course of the last hundred years, a carefully controlled media has been able to condition the population into the belief that conspiracies are the last resort of those citizens who are either paranoid or unable to explain their own failures by any other means.
We need, therefore, to establish the true historical background of conspiracies, so that the reader can view the matter from the perspective of historical fact rather than the highly politicized modern mood. One of the most highly respected historians of our century, Carroll Quigley, wrote of the historical developments leading to the modern control of the media by political powers. In his book, "Tragedy and Hope", he explains that newspapers have been under the control of those with political agendas since 1890, and have been used for manipulating public opinion to support foreign wars. His book also gives the history of the formation of a secret society in 1891 which has influenced governments and world affairs ever since. The groundwork for conspiracies is well documented, and the reader should not be so simple minded as to think that conspiracies are the fabrication of unstable minds, when solid historical documentation supports their existence throughout human civilization.
Another point to consider is this: Why does the media in general discount conspiracy theories so consistently? If the media is not controlled, as I say it is, then would not each editor of each newspaper respond to each theory independently, and would this not result in a wide variation of the treatment of such theories? But this is not the case, and the media is very well coordinated in discounting conspiracy theory. This can only be considered as further proof that the media is centrally controlled.
The greatest hindrance the average person has in learning the truth about the world is his inability to put present developments into historical perspective. This is to say that lack of historical knowledge makes it hard for the average reader to step outside of the paradigms of his era, and this in turn makes it difficult to take a truly objective approach to studying historical fact. This is an important point simply because the present day manifestation of those events which many now regard as conspiracies are the outcome of secret societies which began one hundred years ago, at precisely the time when mass media was becoming a powerful social force. In fact, it is the author’s opinion that without mass media, the plans of these secret societies would have never become successful.
Michael Joachim Lucas

What are your thoughts?
Is this the document that will be used to take Dr Fauci down next year?
It's still not the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but could it be a start?
Is it starting to officially show malpractice, scientific corruption, lies and blatant disregard for human rights and bodily autonomy?
Many of us have known this stuff for years and also know that the DARPA created jab is the real pandemic.
Read the full report here:
What are your thoughts?
Is this the document that will be used to take Dr Fauci down next year?
It's still not the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but could it be a start?
Is it starting to officially show malpractice, scientific corruption, lies and blatant disregard for human rights and bodily autonomy?
Many of us have known this stuff for years and also know that the DARPA created jab is the real pandemic.
Read the full report here:

Trump called into a live broadcast on 9/11 and questioned how a plane could possibly go through steel beams(1 minute, 26 seconds): “I happen to think they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously."

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