Beneath the veneer of humanitarian aid and global do-goodery, USAID is nothing more than a slush fund for the Washington's pet projects, a murky cesspool where taxpayer dollars get funneled into the pockets of NGO cronies, foreign oligarchs, and regime-change architects. It’s the soft power arm of the empire, greasing the wheels for color revolutions and "democracy promotion" schemes.
You think it’s about clean water and vaccines? Think again, bucko. It’s about buying influence, installing puppets, and keeping the global south on a short leash. Follow the money—through the labyrinth of shell companies, offshore accounts, and "consulting fees"—and you’ll find the same old cast of ghouls, the ones who never met a war they didn’t like or a country they didn’t want to destabilize. USAID isn’t aid; it’s a hustle, a racket, a three-card monte game played with your hard-earned cash. And the house always wins.
[IMGs courtesy of Mike Benz]