Message from the Dragons:
The 13 Dragon Collectives have entered the Earth’s field during the opening of the Aquarian Stargate on January 20th and will be present with us through 2025. The Dragons have been called in by Prime Source Creator as this year all Darkness will be coming to Light and Humanity + Mother Earth requires assistance in transmuting all of the density, toxins, unconsciousness and fear that is being purged from the Earth and our collective consciousness. Each of the Dragon collectives is fulfilling a purpose and unique role within this transmuting process, and are overseeing the ascension events of 2024.
The Dragons are the antidote to fear, as they exist in the pure energies of unconditional love, truth, abundance, sovereignty and freedom. Dragons cannot be tamed, nor can they be controlled. The Dragons are reporting that the main energies that are holding back the Ascension are victim consciousness, apathy, and denial. These frequencies are keeping us collectively chained to the enslavement paradigm of the illusion, however, they are sharing that this enslavement is illusionary and it is only our perception of disempowerment that is keeping us there. The Dragons are also reporting that FEAR has infected all of Humanity to such an extent, that we are subconsciously blocking our co-creative powers + Higher Selves from anchoring in. They are also noting that the lack of unity consciousness is slowing down the Ascension Events. If we as a Humanity can come together with unified intent + unified action, the ascension events will speed up dramatically.
Sovereignty is Humanity’s birthright, which requires that we each step into our God Selves. As a God Self, we are all God with God, embodying the empowerment of Source through the expression of pure love, courage, trust, compassion and passion. The Victim Consciousness has been implanted so deeply that Humanity has fallen into waiting for a savior to save them. They are refusing to take ACTION and to rise into self-accountability.
The Dragons are rehearting that We are the Change We wish to see. The intensity of the energies being purged from the planet will continue to rise. Take care of your bodies and take rest when needed, but do not fall complacent. The Galactics are also aware of the ascension symptoms being experienced and many of the angelic collectives are all hands on deck right now to assist us with moving through these uncomfortable experiences.
The Dragons are also sharing that they will be “turning up the heat and pumping up the volume”. We may experience this as increased restless energy, physical body heat, or an increase in emotional release. All is well, this is to help us clear more and more fear from the collective consciousness and to help all of Humanity adjust to the rising energies. There is an energy of urgency in the air that can be interpreted as anxiety, stress or panic. Please utilize all tools + techniques to stay grounded and centered and know that there is nothing to fear. Move the energy through physical movement, right action, inspired creativity, and expression!
I will leave off with this: We are not here to make others comfortable. It is through keeping others comfortable that we dim our own light, we give our own power away. In fact, we are here to make others UNCOMFORTABLE, as that is the only way to true transformation. Trying to fit into a sick society will only keep us sick. We are not here to adapt to an insane world, as we only lose our own sanity in the process. We are here to BE the Event, the Solar Flash, the Great Awakening. We are all walking catalysts and we make no apologies.
Love you all, Happy Full Moon
a post I wrote a year ago today, feels relevant