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Tollahgram avatar
Tollahgram avatar
Just waiting for Shane.
Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE for a FOUR hour special to mark the show’s 300th episode.
With special guests: Tollah, the Golden One, Devon Stack, Kevin MacDonald, Joe Marsh, Eric Striker, Sascha Roßmüller, Tim Murdoch, Keith Woods, Pox Populi, Henrik Palmgren, Woodlander, Mike Enoch, Natty, Patriart, Morgoth, David Clews, Raging Dissident, Warren Balogh, Blair Cottrell, Joel Davis, Greg Johnson, Nativist, St Harrison, David Duke & Patrick Slattery.
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR300
DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/markcollett
Entropy: https://entropystream.live/app/markcollett
Hope Not Hate's Britain
See, the thing about Rwandans is, if they're kept in fucking Rwanda, they can't stab your children to death in Southport.

What they buy on Amazon, if anything, isn't a problem then.
"Feels like he's looking right at me."

Hahahahaha this is brilliant.

"Oh shit. What exactly does he mean by 'collaborators'?"

What do you think I meant you fucking vegetable? Did you learn nothing about nationalists and how we view any White person complicit in or supportive of the transformation of our homelands into multiracial, anti-White anarcho-tyrannical dystopias?
No one with sound instincts and good intentions looks at a face like this and thinks "yeah, need loads like him in White countries, they'll fit right in."

The only people who want that for us are genocidal foreign aggressors and genocidal traitors.
Home Office?

Fucking Go Home Office more like...
I don't support the death penalty, I support lifetime torture and brutality for violent criminals, traitors, paedophiles, and foreign aggressors.
UNN avatar
Jeff Bezos made him do it.

This is how ridiculous the media cover up is.
Name one thing non-Whites can do that we cannot do ourselves and that we cannot survive or thrive without that justifies the presence of hundreds of millions of them and rapidly rising in our homelands.
Saint Harrison avatar
Saint Harrison
Tricky Ricky has been put back to August.

Weird considering how quickly they got everyone else through the door.

In 2022, 25-40% of Home Office staff identified as Brown.
London Is Open.
Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
Congratulations to everyone in PA, and particularly Mark Collett and Joe Marsh who handled themselves so well, on passing through the ordeal of this "documentary" with flying colors. 💪🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

In truth this was not a documentary, it was a sophisticated Deep State domestic espionage operation against a peaceful, legal activist group of concerned citizens trying to organize openly and democratically to protest against the UK government's tyrannical policy of forcing migrant grooming gangs, rapists and child murderers on a defenseless British public.

The stated purpose of this Deep State operation, where the spy viciously took advantage of the hospitality and generosity of PA members by pretending to be out of work (PA members helped get him a job), was explicitly to pass new laws to make even peaceful protest against grooming gangs illegal and to jail anyone who speaks out against it. This is said openly and repeatedly by the narrator and the "experts" they consult in the film. It's also remarkable that after a year of domestic espionage, including during the popular outrage over the Southport stabbings, all the spy could get is a couple of edgy remarks made in private by a few random members out of earshot of PA leaders. I can't imagine the pressure pro-White activists are operating under in the UK, that they are expected to police even the offhand remarks of random people made in private! The totalitarianism in the UK is something Americans can't even imagine. 🤯

PA is by far the best, greatest and only true organization fighting for the rights of the native British people on British soil. Once again, they have proven themselves equal to the task of going up against the worst, dirtist, most well-funded Deep State tactics to shut them down, and emerging stronger for it. 🫡

The man who said White people need to have our throats slit for not being genocide compliant.
I don't go on Twitter/X much now, but whenever I do it's worth it for a couple of minutes because the algorithm gives me loads of irate libtards (mostly British) in the throes of anaphylaxis because of the Russia-US peace talks which seem likely to end in what will to all intents and purposes be victory for Russia, and the unceremonious exclusion of their beloved Jew Zelenskyy from the negotiations.

That and their very genuine belief that after all of their years of hysterical, performative LARPing about it, this time Trump really is leading what is basically a fascist, White supremacist coup in America. They really do believe that now much more so than in the past.

They're on there growling impotently about all of it like caged, chained dogs being prodded with sticks by sadistic kids, and it's fucking hilarious.
The only people in Britain who should even know how to spell 'Rudakubana' are a handful of staff in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the odd academic with an interest in southern Africa.

No one else in any White country should ever have to so much as encounter names like that in their life.
Pole Connection avatar
Pole Connection
London news today
I'd love to believe he actually was halfway shit scared listening to me, but alas, I strongly doubt it.

But if he was... Well mate, that's not me spooking you, it's the blood of your ancestors in your veins telling you that you're the most reprehensible sort of traitor.
Axel Muganwa Rudakubana is the strangest looking Welsh choirboy I’ve ever seen.
Saint Harrison avatar
Saint Harrison
“We revealed the sticker man”

“No, you’re lying, WE revealed the sticker man!”

Imagine being in a position, by choice, to get upset about something so retarded. You stopped some stickering.
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