Young women (the primary victims of mass immigration) overwhelmingly vote Left.
• Why?
Essentially, they are only doing what they are told.
Their entire lives they have been tasked with upholding a certain Moral Framework.
That Moral Framework presents taking care of the Other as the ultimate good.
The ultimate evil is to support anything approaching “Fascism” (i.e. law, order, restriction on immigration, etc.).
This brainwashing comes from both their “education” (i.e. the Left-wing extremist curriculum) as well as from “culture” (i.e. Hollywood).
• What can be done?
We must continue to be steadfast in our positions. Once a critical mass has been reached, young women will follow the trend.
Anti-social and anti-female sentiments have to go.
The media is hard at work portraying men on the Right as immoral and uncultured (plenty of examples to be found). We must continue to prove them wrong. We are the good guys. We are the gentlemen. We are the loving fathers and brothers.
I believe in our women, they will come around.