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Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Nativist Concern avatar
Nativist Concern
Nativist Concern avatar
Nativist Concern
> Anon
> Joined December 2024
> National Socialist Catholic
> Never heard of the Haavara agreement
> Calls a full time face out activist a coward
> Pro imperialism as long as it's not Jews doing it

Make it make sense
The USA withdrawing and Europe being forced to federalise at least a military alliance could be the greatest breakthrough in nationalist politics for decades.

A European army and USAID being withdrawn from feminist, homosexual and pro negro agitators marked as NGOs- you love to see it.

Now let's get a series of right wing populist strong men elected, take over the EU and ban women.
The Neo-Nazi will tell you the German economy was brilliant in the 1930s but he won't tell you it was financed by the USA and so over-leveraged, it made imperialism inevitable.

You could run an aggressive manufacturing economy in Australia because you have coal, iron, uranium and White people but again, German chauvinist Hitlerite economics doesn't work for Europe. Even today the German economy runs on a weak Euro and brain drains Eastern Europe.

This is why I favour Mosley. He actually had a critique of liberal economics and settled on "Europe a Nation" and Nationalism for all people.

I'm sorry, Hitler isn't the off the shelf package for solving all our problems as a race.

Antifa 🤝 The Jews
Hitler memes have been useful metapolitical tools, especially when it comes to the Jewish problem. To the extent now that it's not even cool anymore and every schizo nig and conservatard is on board.

Though as a serious ideological framework for saving Europe or "the White race", National Socialism is doomed to failure.

I'm still intending to respond to this proposal in a long essay but briefly, National Socialism is uniquely German and based on junk anti-Slavic race science and intra-European imperialism.

Aside from alienating the based half of Europe, Nordicism falsely attributes Nordic supremacy to magic genes which are, in fact, a result of positive assortative mating (IQ eugenics) downstream of Catholic, post-feudal society and Western naval power.

Nordic positive assortative mating is now cooked because our women have jobs instead of children.

I've never met so many intelligent young people as in Poland because that eugenic selection was still going on in the 90s and 00s and Polish engineers are now running OpenAI and space programmes.

Joel and Sewell hurt many people I consider brothers and allies with the infamous Nordic expansion larp stream and even more absurd is the declaration that the mother of Sewell's children is "Balkan".

There's enough noble British, White Australian and socialist history without needing to larp Hitler to defend the right of conquest from penis slicing Abos. Maybe quote the other autist Aristotle, who's actually the intellectual foundation of the West?

European unity and Nationalism for all people is the way.

🇫🇷☢️❗️— French President Macron announces that France will open discussions on extending its nuclear umbrella to make it a Pan-European Nuclear Umbrella
An excellent essay.

Some WW2 revisionism and Schmittian geopolitics can be good to have in your back pocket and I love a good meme, or uncle speech for inspiration, as much as the next man.

However, politics is a game of emotional ideas and simple slogans. "Remigration now" and "A homeland for all nations" will be more effective winning over our people than rehabilitating the 101 crimes of the Third Reich. We need to be better at presenting simple national and illiberal ideas, on a mass scale to our people.

First and foremost, we represent identity and every nation has their own story and heroes. A failed German imperial project based on junk race science that led to the deaths of probably over 250,000 Serbian civilians and 10 times that number of Poles is not saleable to Europeans.

I woke up to a couple of messages suggesting I debate Joel on the matter which I'm up for and if it happens we'd probably have a good laugh about Hitler being a man to go fishing with.

Frankly I did go a bit far down the Reich rabbithole after discovering the Jews were behind pretty much every reason our society is destroyed and I felt it necessary at the time to go all out memeing antisemitism. Since then, that objective has been fulfilled to a large extent and my own ideas have matured.

I'm not trying to police your subculture or what jokes you tell in private, I'm concerned about what message we present as a coherent movement to the floating voters that are being raped, displaced and impoverished by open society liberalism. Now is the time to be moving with the "woke is cancelled" energy and turning the dial to establish a mass deportations precedent.

Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
I am a dad again.
I am very happy to announce that today we welcomed our son into the world.
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
"But if people like Musk and Carlson use watered down White Nationalist talking points it will fool the goys into supporting them rather than us"

The implication of this is that if these conservative figures all kept pumping out 'socialism sucks!' and 'there's only 2 genders' slop talking points and avoided racial issues the conservative masses would flock to us and become hardcore National Socialists. This is ridiculous.

The closer these people move towards us in their rhetoric, the easier not harder it gets for people like us and ideas like ours to reach them.

The main obstacle to our ideas being embraced by the masses is social marginalisation, the less socially marginalised they are the more popular they will get (as they are inherently reasonable and have robust answers for the core political issues of our time).

The more "normalised" we become, the stronger we become.

This isn't just my opinion, there's empirical basis for it. But it's also a rational way of thinking about social psychology - it should be blatantly obvious that the fundamental reason Whites have a repressed racial consciousness is social stigma not anything inherent to us or the idea of racial identitarianism. If that was the case, our great grandparents wouldn't have all been so racist.
Apart from Zionist Jews, the people that lie the most on Twitter are Christian women.
It's scared
Polish politician Mentzen issues warning at an election rally:

“In Britain, rape cases have increased by 7x because of multiculturalism. In Rotherham, Muslims raped girls on mass and leftist politicians covered it up.”
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
"Just on principle, every other group in the world has a right to its own homeland except White people? What? Explain how that makes sense. Either no group has the right or every group has the right. What the hell? Why are we playing along with this nonsense?" ~ Tucker Carlson

One drunk Bantu is more intelligent than four John Stuart Mills
More likely she's a bimbo 😂
Pretty based post by Danish banker turned politician I just stumbled upon.

The serenity of gliding down the mountain knowing you don't have to live among Browns.
Is it just me or is the quality of street fighting improving?

It must be the televised MMA effect because I see plenty of leg kicks, good distance control and we've even got fat boomers landing head kicks.

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