St. John Chrysostom in regards to St. Perpetua (Feast Day March 6, along w/ St. Felicitas)
I feel an indescribable pleasure in reading the Acts of the Martyrs; but when the martyr is woman, my enthusiasm is doubled. For the frailer the instrument, the greater is the grace, the brighter the trophy, the grander the victory; & this, not because of her weakness, but because the devil is conquered by her, by whom he once conquered us.
He conquered by woman, & now woman conquers him. She that was once his weapon, is now his destroyer, brave & invincible. That first one sinned, & died this one died that she might not sin. Eve was flushed by lying promise, & broke the law of God our heroine disdained to live, when her living was to depend on her breaking her faith to Him who was her dearest Lord.
What excuse, after this, for men, if they be soft & cowards? Can they hope for pardon, when women fought the holy battle with such brave, & manly, and generous hearts?
-Homil de diversis novi Testamenti locis