Is there one God or are there many Gods?
While there are multiple divine beings, the notion that there are multiple supreme beings is philosophically invalid. The Highest by definition can only be One, and that's simply a self-evident statement.
We can call newly cooked food "hot" or a candle flame might be "bright", but the very same attributes are not only possessed by the sun, the sun is the ultimate source of all heat and light on this earth. Moreover, objects that possess such properties are innumerable in number, but the sun is one. The being who has in Him every perfect attribute to the infinite degree is likewise one. Many divinities exist who embody virtues, hence they may be called gods or devas, but there is also an Ultimate Controller who possesses infinite auspicious attributes, is flawless, all-pervasive, and the only master. He is the innerself residing within in all beings, sentient or insentient. This Supreme Deity is variously called the One, the Absolute, God, Brahman, Ishvara. He is Sriman Narayana. Only by resorting to Him, who is the Supreme Truth, can one become free from all illusion and attain liberation.
"He is the innerself of all creatures, free from all imperfections, the Divine, the sole God, Narayana." (Subala Upanishad, 7)