Frogs and Frogettes
Going to go a different route today. ArchAngel Haniel is one of God’s closest 12 ArchAngels. I find Haniel’s message to us all very timely. As always, Please let me know your thoughts.
“You could say, encouragement is my specialty, because I have a powerfully motivating energy, which can help you find your way in this life. So many of you live such superficial, almost routine, lives. I can help you find your true passion to live your best life. Embrace this with an open heart and know that the Universe provides you with all the support, courage and strength, that you need. Dare to start walking, dare to take steps in the direction of your true life’s mission. You will find, that even the smallest step you take, will be instantaneously rewarded. My energy works uplifting and protective for those of you who are sensitive in this world. Those of you who find this world so incredibly busy and overwhelming. Let me surround you with my soft blue gleam, like rays of moonlight shining over you. It will calm your senses and make you stronger, external things and situations will no longer affect you as deeply as before. I will walk beside you and protect you from these external influences, that are too strong for you to handle. My dear children, I have so much love in my heart for you and I would love to help you and guide you on your way. I am Archangel Haniel and I am filled with passion for all your work. I watch you intensely and rejoice in the smallest intention and steps in the right direction. I encourage you to open your heart and let your energy flow. Feel your aliveness, do what you do with passion and joy. Fully enjoy, my beloved children, everything, that this Earthly life has to offer you. Know that the Angels are here to support and help you in every area of your life. It is not difficult to reach us, start with an honest and sincere intention, open your heart, fully expecting the beautiful gifts of the Universe. You are all so worth it to live a fulfilled life. I love you all very much! If you could see yourselves through my eyes, you would know how beautiful and wondrous you truly are. Ever changing and evolving patterns of Light, constantly moving and rearranging in the language which spells out exactly who and what you are. In your pure energetic forms, the forms you have for most of your existence, your story may be read. No masks or artifice - simply YOU as you ARE. And there is no shame in this exposure, no need to hide, no need for excuses or apologies. For all is revealed, and all IS as it IS. And as such you see all others too as they are. And in this way all exist openly and proudly, knowing "This is ME" "This is who I AM". There is no judgement, no competition. Each one of you is as important as the next, and each one is loved for what they ARE, and not what they think others want them to be.
In truth there is no such thing as imperfection, for all of you at heart are pure sparks of energy. So be not afraid to stand up for yourself as who you are, as how you look, and as what you do and what you stand for. Those who matter will see past the surface to the truth that is you, and some may be impelled to take a closer look, to find within you that which they have been seeking for themselves.
It takes but one voice to make a difference and one torch bearer to light a path for the many to follow. Take my hand, and take that step. I salute you all for your courage and companionship as fellow travellers on the path back to God.
May many Blessings light your ways.
-Archangel Haniel-
I found that very encouraging. I hope you all did as well. Love and Light to all.
Mar ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 3/7/25