The Gene Keys are a contemporary technology for personal transformation. Rooted in perennial wisdom, they provide rich, life changing inner journeys, supported by a global community committed to serving the earth and humanity.
The Pulse – 18 Feb to 24 Feb – This week we meet Gene Key 55, whose highest purpose is to transform deep Victimisation into Freedom. Join our community as we contemplate and learn from Gene Key 55 this week. This is the key of prophecy – that of the Great Change.
Ask yourself why were you born at this momentous time of massive change, and study this Gene Key to find out exactly why you are here on Gaia right now and what you are here to do.
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – Feb 13 to 18 Feb – This week we meet Gene Key 30, the Key of Desire. This is the tantric path of using desire to awaken our heart. We have to lighten up and become looser in our being through this Gene Key.
Trust your feelings this week. You need not follow them, but trust them. How else will you unlock the heightened state known as Rapture?
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – 18 Feb to 24 Feb – This week we meet Gene Key 55, whose highest purpose is to transform deep Victimisation into Freedom. Join our community as we contemplate and learn from Gene Key 55 this week. This is the key of prophecy – that of the Great Change.
Ask yourself why were you born at this momentous time of massive change, and study this Gene Key to find out exactly why you are here on Gaia right now and what you are here to do.
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – Feb 13 to 18 Feb – This week we meet Gene Key 30, the Key of Desire. This is the tantric path of using desire to awaken our heart. We have to lighten up and become looser in our being through this Gene Key.
Trust your feelings this week. You need not follow them, but trust them. How else will you unlock the heightened state known as Rapture?
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – Feb 1 to Feb 7 – This week we travel through Gene Key 13 – the field of Empathy. Empathy is about listening deeply to others, to ourselves and to the world around us. Breathe deeply and spend some time listening and pausing this week…
How can I practice pausing? The Triple Flame’s pausing technique involves pausing for 3 minutes every 3 hours, alongside many people spread across the globe. Regular but short pausing will infuse your busy day with the contemplative state, which can be an incredibly enriching experience. Contemplate with others, and deepen your joy into the silence and beauty that we often miss in our busy lives.
This week we contemplate Gene Key 60 – the Gene Key of Realism. This is the week for building structures or implementing plans. We need such forms in order for magical change to occur in our lives…
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – 10 Jan to 16 Jan – This week we contemplate Gene Key 61 – Inspiration from the Higher Planes. This is the Key of Sanctity, where everything, even the lowest of the low, is seen and known as sacred. Try applying this to something in your life this week…
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – 5 Jan to 10 Jan – This week we dance with Gene Key 54 – Ascension. What do you aspire to in your life? What is the highest goal you could manifest in your destiny? Dream it into being and it will happen.
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – 30 Dec to 5 Jan – This week we meet Gene Key 38 This week we meet Gene Key 38 – the Key of the Spiritual Warrior. Can you be the effortless warrior whose deep, loving wisdom sidesteps even the need for battle? The true warrior does not wish to fight and so conflict becomes a dance, which paradoxically brings an end to the conflict.
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – 27 Nov to 3 Dec – This week we explore Gene Key 9 – the Gift of Determination. This is a great week to begin something new. The first step is the most powerful, so take it with full awareness and be prepared to follow it through to the end.
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.
The Pulse – 13 Oct to 19 Oct – Gene Key 32 – This week we bow our heads in reverence to the ancestors, to the spirit of nature and to the lineage or lineages that we are drawn to or part of. When we venerate that which is pure, we ourselves become pure.
Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.