We are here 🔥.... But it should be noted that the Epstein list, files, videos documents and court papers full release will come in Stages as the Trump team creates indictments and goes after investigation into the human trafficking networks and money laundering operations and blackmail operations of CIA'S> MOSSAD'S> MI6 > DS'S>> EPSTEIN
_These ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS are much more than you think and can imagine<
>WE ARE HERE> ] DISCLOSURE [ EVENTS UNFOLDING in real time connected to JFK. RFK . MLK. UAPs UFO . USO ( Unidentified Submerged Objects> hidden tech. + More)
I have told you now that Trump's inauguration speech were important military COMMunication(S) , and the reason why he mentioned Alaska >Mnt McKinley being renamed is because these are connected to Mnt. Hayes and SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND ONE OF THE MOST ADVANCED UNDERGROUND BASE IN THE WORLD THAT HOUSES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CONNECTED TO
]]]]CONTACT [[[ OPERATIONS... And these operations are connected to 1947 deep state military operations of ROSWELL.
>As you know now there are several Hussle blowers that are explaining how UFO retrieval programs take place and they are using remote viewers , ESP .. Stargate and several operations connected to human interaction and psionic military operations to connect to with advanced civilizations and bringing them to our world to capture the advanced technology they travel in.
( You have to understand the power of the mind a powerful tool that connects to speaking with God, deities , spirits and beings and internal intuition of the sacred spirit... These communications between the human body and external sources or interdimensional sources has been taking place since humans were created and long before. /// Prayers. Meditation. Ceremonies and much more are powerful forms of communication with dimensional forces good or bad. >>> The Satanic cabal communicate with their deities through several different dark rituals and placed planned events as offerings to their God's and Spirits)
_It's been recorded in the inside the United States archive inside military records inside hidden classified records of the Pentagon and almost all intelligence agencies that programs and operations targeted ESP, Stargate, remote viewing , scionic telepathy communications and much other forms of communication through direct mind frequency quantum energy Fields of the living mind to initiate military operations on several fronts. _
_The Iron Dome. How is this connected to STARGATE ( when we talk about Stargate we are talking about different operations.
>One is CIA/OSS Operations of remote viewing where hundreds of people were killed or silenced in the operations.
>Second we are talking of the REAL STARGATE under mnt HAYES that connects to a world wide SPIDER WEB of underground bases and important ancient civilization sites and advanced technology.. This SPIDER WEB CONNECTS TO DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS
>>>>>>>>>>The A I. system and operations of Stargate being released by Trump> Military< is just a cover story)
_What are the STARGATE operations? Well, here's what's really happening behind the scenes. You know, Trump is going to initiate the Iron Dome that's going to protect the United States from attacks, from digital attacks and even from drones.
That's the story that you're hearing. It's like the one in Israel the one the United States made for them, the Iron Dome. Those aren't the facts<
>>. Here's the real drop, the real intel of how it's connected to Stargate, why these operations are so vital and they're so important.
The Iron Dome is not only protecting the United States from an outside attack, it's actually on the inside protecting the United States from an inside attack. The Iron Dome is actually a NEW SUPER telecommunications system.
It's a new, powerful system that's going to be super encrypted by the STARGATE operations behind the scenes. The new powerful AI technology that is moving at rapid speed that Trump is controlling with Stargate, these powerful operations, is takimg down the old communication systems of the deep state that has been controlling the world for a century.
_These ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS are much more than you think and can imagine<
>WE ARE HERE> ] DISCLOSURE [ EVENTS UNFOLDING in real time connected to JFK. RFK . MLK. UAPs UFO . USO ( Unidentified Submerged Objects> hidden tech. + More)
I have told you now that Trump's inauguration speech were important military COMMunication(S) , and the reason why he mentioned Alaska >Mnt McKinley being renamed is because these are connected to Mnt. Hayes and SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND ONE OF THE MOST ADVANCED UNDERGROUND BASE IN THE WORLD THAT HOUSES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CONNECTED TO
]]]]CONTACT [[[ OPERATIONS... And these operations are connected to 1947 deep state military operations of ROSWELL.
>As you know now there are several Hussle blowers that are explaining how UFO retrieval programs take place and they are using remote viewers , ESP .. Stargate and several operations connected to human interaction and psionic military operations to connect to with advanced civilizations and bringing them to our world to capture the advanced technology they travel in.
( You have to understand the power of the mind a powerful tool that connects to speaking with God, deities , spirits and beings and internal intuition of the sacred spirit... These communications between the human body and external sources or interdimensional sources has been taking place since humans were created and long before. /// Prayers. Meditation. Ceremonies and much more are powerful forms of communication with dimensional forces good or bad. >>> The Satanic cabal communicate with their deities through several different dark rituals and placed planned events as offerings to their God's and Spirits)
_It's been recorded in the inside the United States archive inside military records inside hidden classified records of the Pentagon and almost all intelligence agencies that programs and operations targeted ESP, Stargate, remote viewing , scionic telepathy communications and much other forms of communication through direct mind frequency quantum energy Fields of the living mind to initiate military operations on several fronts. _
_The Iron Dome. How is this connected to STARGATE ( when we talk about Stargate we are talking about different operations.
>One is CIA/OSS Operations of remote viewing where hundreds of people were killed or silenced in the operations.
>Second we are talking of the REAL STARGATE under mnt HAYES that connects to a world wide SPIDER WEB of underground bases and important ancient civilization sites and advanced technology.. This SPIDER WEB CONNECTS TO DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS
>>>>>>>>>>The A I. system and operations of Stargate being released by Trump> Military< is just a cover story)
_What are the STARGATE operations? Well, here's what's really happening behind the scenes. You know, Trump is going to initiate the Iron Dome that's going to protect the United States from attacks, from digital attacks and even from drones.
That's the story that you're hearing. It's like the one in Israel the one the United States made for them, the Iron Dome. Those aren't the facts<
>>. Here's the real drop, the real intel of how it's connected to Stargate, why these operations are so vital and they're so important.
The Iron Dome is not only protecting the United States from an outside attack, it's actually on the inside protecting the United States from an inside attack. The Iron Dome is actually a NEW SUPER telecommunications system.
It's a new, powerful system that's going to be super encrypted by the STARGATE operations behind the scenes. The new powerful AI technology that is moving at rapid speed that Trump is controlling with Stargate, these powerful operations, is takimg down the old communication systems of the deep state that has been controlling the world for a century.
So we're coming into the golden era which is also the golden era of knowledge and it's also connected to the plasma energy / zero point energy. Anti gravity. +
_ and then also to the plasma that's inside the human body that's connected to a certain gold mineral inside of your body.
that is also connected to the most miraculous things of time travel, how the spirit is created through birth, how the heart is a vortex connected to the mind. There's a lot that you're going to learn.
There's a lot of things that's going to come out, technology that we're heading into, that Trump is going to release, the military is going to release, that's connected to Musk. It's going to be connected to these huge gigantic operations.
So this is just to give you a little insight of what Stargate is. It's much bigger than you can even imagine what's happening. These are the combs of Stargate. It's only the beginning of the stuff you're going to learn.
Up next THE IRON DOME >> its not what you think it is. The IRON DOME is a powerful new TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ( advanced technology) that is taking down the old communication system of the deep state and how they have ran the world sex trade. Miney laundering operations. Human trafficking. Blackmail operations. War operations. Controlling countries The IRON DOME is already not only protecting the U.S. from outside attacks. But from inside attacks and deep state control operations.
; USSF. MUSK . > already using the secret advanced technology taking down the USAID <
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Thank you dear Patriots and Friends
_ and then also to the plasma that's inside the human body that's connected to a certain gold mineral inside of your body.
that is also connected to the most miraculous things of time travel, how the spirit is created through birth, how the heart is a vortex connected to the mind. There's a lot that you're going to learn.
There's a lot of things that's going to come out, technology that we're heading into, that Trump is going to release, the military is going to release, that's connected to Musk. It's going to be connected to these huge gigantic operations.
So this is just to give you a little insight of what Stargate is. It's much bigger than you can even imagine what's happening. These are the combs of Stargate. It's only the beginning of the stuff you're going to learn.
Up next THE IRON DOME >> its not what you think it is. The IRON DOME is a powerful new TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ( advanced technology) that is taking down the old communication system of the deep state and how they have ran the world sex trade. Miney laundering operations. Human trafficking. Blackmail operations. War operations. Controlling countries The IRON DOME is already not only protecting the U.S. from outside attacks. But from inside attacks and deep state control operations.
; USSF. MUSK . > already using the secret advanced technology taking down the USAID <
Please support our channel with a powerful donation. We risk our lives to bring you the Truth and continue.
Thank you dear Patriots and Friends
It's 180 degrees opposite of what we're doing. Now, the good news is, because this is getting confirmed now by some special forces gentlemen, what we'll then do is advise, all right, this is what's possible, but instead of doing it to capture these craft, or as they say, summon them, we don't summon ET craft or NHI craft, we invite them.
It's a diplomatic protocol. It's not a forced military invasive effort. So the consciousness behind it is totally 180 degrees different from these programs that have been used to capture these craft and bring them down, take control, basically you're hijacking the control systems of these craft, bringing them within range and then hitting them with an electromagnetic pulse weapon. "_ Seven Greer
>So Stargate isn't just simple operations like remote viewing. The holy classified operations that use the DNA of the mind and body spirit connecting to the conscious field of intelligence to connect to Alien intelligence. And through these classified operations they make CONTACT and trick SOME of the extraterrestrials to come into our solar systems and planet . At the moment of arrivals the Extraterrestrial vehicles are attacked with directed energy weapons
( The deep state. Dark forces wants these technologies uaps from different regions of the universe to try to activate several underground ancient civilization technology that today is still not responding to several methods and advanced technology the Deep state cabal has )
These A.I system operations that Trump is talking about. >>>STARGATE ,<<< are military COMMS ( that's why it was given in his inauguration speech of Mnt McKinley .)
These COMMS gave were directly to the world deep state operations/ GLOBALIST/ satanic operations of the cabal and forces they use to guild them.
TRUMP gave world COMMS to the deep state to let them know they are now fully in control of mnt. McKinley> Mnt . Hayes underground man-made and Alien made bases that house the REAL STARGATE INTELLIGENCE ADVANCED SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER COMPUTER. TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS......> This STARGATE system in Alaska connects to every under ground world base and ancient civilizations bases. .>>>interdimensional universes of quantum travel and communications and reaches through the multiple universes of creation. This is known as the SPIDERWEB<
_These are some of the most highly classified operations that exist. This is connected to Roswell. The reason why the Roswell incident happened, it wasn't by some mistake. It' was deep state military operations of bringing down UAPS ETVS UFOS . // That's why they have military ufo UAPs retrieval programs<
These people who are using these p3 operations, remote viewing, like Jake Barber, who was the real military whistle blower.
He's telling you about these operations, UAP retrieval programs, UFO retrieval programs, advanced technology retrieval programs that the United States depended on as part of, these operations are subconscious and very high conscious operations of remote viewers.
These people are making contact from different dimensions, different parts of the universes, and within deep, within inside the earth.
When people think about aliens, a lot of people have an idea that they're all intelligent beings, they're super intelligent, or else they're evil, just simple, just evil.
A lot of these aliens, there are trillions of them, upon trillions of them, different dimensions, different universes, our universe, through the Milky Way and into inter-dimensions.
Alot of these Aliens are almost like humans they make a lot of their own mistakes. They're also learning about themselves There are many different forms of aliens and some of them are only workers that are exploring .... Many of them are highly highly advanced with Spiritual knowledge and the power that can manifest molecular structures of the universe by thought and energy of their own making and doing by consciousness and they choose but to bother humans and give free will......
It's a diplomatic protocol. It's not a forced military invasive effort. So the consciousness behind it is totally 180 degrees different from these programs that have been used to capture these craft and bring them down, take control, basically you're hijacking the control systems of these craft, bringing them within range and then hitting them with an electromagnetic pulse weapon. "_ Seven Greer
>So Stargate isn't just simple operations like remote viewing. The holy classified operations that use the DNA of the mind and body spirit connecting to the conscious field of intelligence to connect to Alien intelligence. And through these classified operations they make CONTACT and trick SOME of the extraterrestrials to come into our solar systems and planet . At the moment of arrivals the Extraterrestrial vehicles are attacked with directed energy weapons
( The deep state. Dark forces wants these technologies uaps from different regions of the universe to try to activate several underground ancient civilization technology that today is still not responding to several methods and advanced technology the Deep state cabal has )
These A.I system operations that Trump is talking about. >>>STARGATE ,<<< are military COMMS ( that's why it was given in his inauguration speech of Mnt McKinley .)
These COMMS gave were directly to the world deep state operations/ GLOBALIST/ satanic operations of the cabal and forces they use to guild them.
TRUMP gave world COMMS to the deep state to let them know they are now fully in control of mnt. McKinley> Mnt . Hayes underground man-made and Alien made bases that house the REAL STARGATE INTELLIGENCE ADVANCED SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER COMPUTER. TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS......> This STARGATE system in Alaska connects to every under ground world base and ancient civilizations bases. .>>>interdimensional universes of quantum travel and communications and reaches through the multiple universes of creation. This is known as the SPIDERWEB<
_These are some of the most highly classified operations that exist. This is connected to Roswell. The reason why the Roswell incident happened, it wasn't by some mistake. It' was deep state military operations of bringing down UAPS ETVS UFOS . // That's why they have military ufo UAPs retrieval programs<
These people who are using these p3 operations, remote viewing, like Jake Barber, who was the real military whistle blower.
He's telling you about these operations, UAP retrieval programs, UFO retrieval programs, advanced technology retrieval programs that the United States depended on as part of, these operations are subconscious and very high conscious operations of remote viewers.
These people are making contact from different dimensions, different parts of the universes, and within deep, within inside the earth.
When people think about aliens, a lot of people have an idea that they're all intelligent beings, they're super intelligent, or else they're evil, just simple, just evil.
A lot of these aliens, there are trillions of them, upon trillions of them, different dimensions, different universes, our universe, through the Milky Way and into inter-dimensions.
Alot of these Aliens are almost like humans they make a lot of their own mistakes. They're also learning about themselves There are many different forms of aliens and some of them are only workers that are exploring .... Many of them are highly highly advanced with Spiritual knowledge and the power that can manifest molecular structures of the universe by thought and energy of their own making and doing by consciousness and they choose but to bother humans and give free will......

This flight audio in this video is cleared up with noise cancelling A.I. tech...
" You fucking with the wrong people"
..for my own understanding and i listened to several times with a friend from aviation,.. we both conclude we can't confirm the audio and the audio is to muffled to understand the message.
" You fucking with the wrong people"
..for my own understanding and i listened to several times with a friend from aviation,.. we both conclude we can't confirm the audio and the audio is to muffled to understand the message.
The real DISCLOSURE and FULL HISTORY of the Med Beds / Life Beds/Tesla beds and the important technology that is connected to Trumps creation of The Iron Dome .
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>When I'm talking about old communication systems, we're talking about how things that date back radio waves communication of the early 1900s to encryption back in the 80s, back in the 90s with technology, all of these operations through DARPA, CIA, and all other operations that you're not really aware of. Including stuff that you heard about, like, from Prism that created Facebook, to fiber optics lines to satellite communications and several different forms of telecommunication systems that the deep state had installedall and encrypted.
There are so many operations that are all encrypted system, these encrypted system is how the deep state were financing money through the world. It's a way that they were running these illegal operations of stealing American taxpayers money.
These encrypted old systems of the cabal. This is what was running Wall Street. This is how the CIA Pentago used USAID , federal reserve to funneling money into money laundering operations world wide.
These deep state telecommunication encrypted systems for decades have been running WAR operations, money laundering operations, color revolutions. Human trafficking pedophilia operations. WorldDrug trade and weapons trade operations. And this is how they control countries across the world. This telecommunication systems protected the clintons CIA pedal Rings blackmail extortion rings like Epstein and much much more connected to the world entertainment industry and blackmail operations of world governments.
>It's a new powerful encrypted telecommunications system. And it's working with the Stargate operations. Now, as you know, I've been telling you about Stargate what's underneath the mountains underneath Alaska.
_ That's why Trump was talking about mnt. McKinley in his inauguration speech these were military COMMS. To the deep state across the world that all of Alaska under ground bases are now CAPTURED/ and Trump ( Military Alliance) is in control of the SPIDERWEB operations that connects to other world underground bases .
In 2012 STARGATE operations brought Super advanced technology , a form of powerful intelligent self thinking plasma energy light into our reality of our plant...
>This powerful living plasma light was moved from Alaska to Mnt Shasta then onto Hawaii where military alliance operations begin to use the super advanced technology to move quantum fields of energy to start shutting down deep dark military and Intelligence underground basis and deep state supercomputers > including Alien technology under Denver international airport and Dulce base and several places
( These were the underground wars and explosions 10 k under ground)
The powerful light intelligence plasma CUBE energy source is connected to a Cheyenne Mountain operations and deep deep underground bases CIVILIZATIOns under the blue ice regions//
>>>>Only certain people and military officials can control the living plasma energy of The Cube that is connected to the REAL Stargate operations under Mnt. Hayes
Now, as you learn a lot about telepathy, from remote viewing, from ESP, and that's how they're bringing down a lot of these UAPs, UFOs, extraterrestrial vehicles, all of these different operations.
Jacob Barber is talking about psionic military operation and retrieval programs, Dr. David Greer is talking about these mind operations of ESP and interface operations that are bringing down extra terrestrial vehicles and how the Deep state use these operations to capture advanced technology.
( For over 80 years the Deep state military and cabal have been trying to capture events technology from advanced intelligence beings so they could reverse engineer the technology and try to use the reverse engineered technology to activate hidden technology underneath the Earth that is not quite understood by the Deep state.
There are so many operations that are all encrypted system, these encrypted system is how the deep state were financing money through the world. It's a way that they were running these illegal operations of stealing American taxpayers money.
These encrypted old systems of the cabal. This is what was running Wall Street. This is how the CIA Pentago used USAID , federal reserve to funneling money into money laundering operations world wide.
These deep state telecommunication encrypted systems for decades have been running WAR operations, money laundering operations, color revolutions. Human trafficking pedophilia operations. WorldDrug trade and weapons trade operations. And this is how they control countries across the world. This telecommunication systems protected the clintons CIA pedal Rings blackmail extortion rings like Epstein and much much more connected to the world entertainment industry and blackmail operations of world governments.
>It's a new powerful encrypted telecommunications system. And it's working with the Stargate operations. Now, as you know, I've been telling you about Stargate what's underneath the mountains underneath Alaska.
_ That's why Trump was talking about mnt. McKinley in his inauguration speech these were military COMMS. To the deep state across the world that all of Alaska under ground bases are now CAPTURED/ and Trump ( Military Alliance) is in control of the SPIDERWEB operations that connects to other world underground bases .
In 2012 STARGATE operations brought Super advanced technology , a form of powerful intelligent self thinking plasma energy light into our reality of our plant...
>This powerful living plasma light was moved from Alaska to Mnt Shasta then onto Hawaii where military alliance operations begin to use the super advanced technology to move quantum fields of energy to start shutting down deep dark military and Intelligence underground basis and deep state supercomputers > including Alien technology under Denver international airport and Dulce base and several places
( These were the underground wars and explosions 10 k under ground)
The powerful light intelligence plasma CUBE energy source is connected to a Cheyenne Mountain operations and deep deep underground bases CIVILIZATIOns under the blue ice regions//
>>>>Only certain people and military officials can control the living plasma energy of The Cube that is connected to the REAL Stargate operations under Mnt. Hayes
Now, as you learn a lot about telepathy, from remote viewing, from ESP, and that's how they're bringing down a lot of these UAPs, UFOs, extraterrestrial vehicles, all of these different operations.
Jacob Barber is talking about psionic military operation and retrieval programs, Dr. David Greer is talking about these mind operations of ESP and interface operations that are bringing down extra terrestrial vehicles and how the Deep state use these operations to capture advanced technology.
( For over 80 years the Deep state military and cabal have been trying to capture events technology from advanced intelligence beings so they could reverse engineer the technology and try to use the reverse engineered technology to activate hidden technology underneath the Earth that is not quite understood by the Deep state.
But what is known of the Medevac Med Service from Mexico is the cartels/ CIA and corrupt Mexican government use the Medevac Med Service to transport drugs. Human trafficking and weapons for certain operations, including certain high profile Mexican elites under cover.
These two plane crashes in the United States are for certain an attack on the United States.
Remember Trump is going after the FBI . CIA and purging them and going against NATO. WEF and withdrawed from the World Health Organization almost other agencies.
We are inside a dire moment as the Deep state cabal are initiating there plans to attack American directly with cartels ( CIA operations) / Middle Eastern terrorist ( CIA operations) and much more.....
Stay vigilant.
We are inside a powerful moment of full disclosure evolving and many fronts of the United States coup against Donald j Trump in 2020 elections and there after into 2024 elections near COUP....////
Everything is just getting started on the exposure of the U S COUP
Kash Patel. AG Pam Bondi and John Ratcliffe are in possession of several classified documents that pertain to 2020 stolen elections military coup operations and the cover up of the coup in RussiaGate .
] DURHAM [ report is only coming.
This is why KASH PATEL told you don't dismiss Durham.
It's only getting started. You are already seeing Trump purge the FBI
These two plane crashes in the United States are for certain an attack on the United States.
Remember Trump is going after the FBI . CIA and purging them and going against NATO. WEF and withdrawed from the World Health Organization almost other agencies.
We are inside a dire moment as the Deep state cabal are initiating there plans to attack American directly with cartels ( CIA operations) / Middle Eastern terrorist ( CIA operations) and much more.....
Stay vigilant.
We are inside a powerful moment of full disclosure evolving and many fronts of the United States coup against Donald j Trump in 2020 elections and there after into 2024 elections near COUP....////
Everything is just getting started on the exposure of the U S COUP
Kash Patel. AG Pam Bondi and John Ratcliffe are in possession of several classified documents that pertain to 2020 stolen elections military coup operations and the cover up of the coup in RussiaGate .
] DURHAM [ report is only coming.
This is why KASH PATEL told you don't dismiss Durham.
It's only getting started. You are already seeing Trump purge the FBI
_and the deep state military operations at mnt. Denali that was attacking mnt HAYES has fallen.
.> That's the real reason Trump renamed mnt. Dentali back to McKinley, they are CAPTURED OPERATIONS.
( but game theory operations are in place to bring about DISCLOSURE AND CONTACT projects/ operations)
Fake alien invasion ( project Blue Beam was a dissemination Project for many purposes of both white hats and black hats ... * It should be noted here that military operations do not use the word Project blue beam ) WAS a fight for your DNA!!!!
This fight for your consciousness when we are talking about these aliens from different dimensions and different beings range in different vast conscious , some of them are scared of human beings they're very afraid because your consciousness is affecting their reality so they stay away. They are really sensitive to the energy that humans put out
The human powerful vibrations that is connected to fear and pain ( energy) is fuel and energy that some dark forces. Spirits and Extraterrestrials live off and move through.
>There's a fight for this consciousness of the human energy because that human energy is also connected to the highest source of divinity of the God creation the most ultimate source of the God creation So there is a war For this divine energy at the highest levels.
This is what the fallen angels, the dark spirits want. Dark ETs
The war to control the human consciousness, the DNA is what the evil ones want , controlling the human subconscious flow . >>Because just one human can rise to a level of power faith love Compassion and that energy flow of divine energy is effecting different dimensions and that Vibration is surpassing the speed of light it reaches reaches far across the reigns of creation and space and time and interdimension. The beautiful consciousness of the human spirit is creating light in the darkest regions unfathomable places across the universe.
There is panic in the kingdom of Satanic / dark places and operations that humans are achieving a MASS AWAKENING to break the chains of enslavement to their dark system.
You are very important dear friends. Dear Patriots and world humans who join in a consciousness to believe in a fair peaceful world for all.
STARGATE is not what you think it is.. it is much much more and operations connect to Admiral Rogers,, 17. Mh-370 . Hidden technology of plasma. Quantum energy. Infinite energy. And much much much much much more.
These operations of the light forces the White Hats are using subconscious powerful weapons that also connect to intelligenant super computers much stronger than the Google WILLOw supercomputers and they have taken over the other operations on Earth. Now this is going to capture all the operations and that's why Trump was giving comms to the Deep State.
That's why Trump was talking about Alaska about Mount McKinley. Now that's why Trump is talking about Stargate the AI operations. These AI operations of Stargate is connected to White Hats controlling all the other Deep State operations of their advanced technology.
that they're hiding.
Trump is taking Full control. The military behind him is taking FULL control.
Computer systems are coming under the control of the SPIDERWEB that is now controlling everything and all the operations are coming back into one slowly.
_and the deep state military operations at mnt. Denali that was attacking mnt HAYES has fallen.
.> That's the real reason Trump renamed mnt. Dentali back to McKinley, they are CAPTURED OPERATIONS.
( but game theory operations are in place to bring about DISCLOSURE AND CONTACT projects/ operations)
Fake alien invasion ( project Blue Beam was a dissemination Project for many purposes of both white hats and black hats ... * It should be noted here that military operations do not use the word Project blue beam ) WAS a fight for your DNA!!!!
This fight for your consciousness when we are talking about these aliens from different dimensions and different beings range in different vast conscious , some of them are scared of human beings they're very afraid because your consciousness is affecting their reality so they stay away. They are really sensitive to the energy that humans put out
The human powerful vibrations that is connected to fear and pain ( energy) is fuel and energy that some dark forces. Spirits and Extraterrestrials live off and move through.
>There's a fight for this consciousness of the human energy because that human energy is also connected to the highest source of divinity of the God creation the most ultimate source of the God creation So there is a war For this divine energy at the highest levels.
This is what the fallen angels, the dark spirits want. Dark ETs
The war to control the human consciousness, the DNA is what the evil ones want , controlling the human subconscious flow . >>Because just one human can rise to a level of power faith love Compassion and that energy flow of divine energy is effecting different dimensions and that Vibration is surpassing the speed of light it reaches reaches far across the reigns of creation and space and time and interdimension. The beautiful consciousness of the human spirit is creating light in the darkest regions unfathomable places across the universe.
There is panic in the kingdom of Satanic / dark places and operations that humans are achieving a MASS AWAKENING to break the chains of enslavement to their dark system.
You are very important dear friends. Dear Patriots and world humans who join in a consciousness to believe in a fair peaceful world for all.
STARGATE is not what you think it is.. it is much much more and operations connect to Admiral Rogers,, 17. Mh-370 . Hidden technology of plasma. Quantum energy. Infinite energy. And much much much much much more.
These operations of the light forces the White Hats are using subconscious powerful weapons that also connect to intelligenant super computers much stronger than the Google WILLOw supercomputers and they have taken over the other operations on Earth. Now this is going to capture all the operations and that's why Trump was giving comms to the Deep State.
That's why Trump was talking about Alaska about Mount McKinley. Now that's why Trump is talking about Stargate the AI operations. These AI operations of Stargate is connected to White Hats controlling all the other Deep State operations of their advanced technology.
that they're hiding.
Trump is taking Full control. The military behind him is taking FULL control.
Computer systems are coming under the control of the SPIDERWEB that is now controlling everything and all the operations are coming back into one slowly.
Free video on YouTube.. Every few weeks I share a free video from Patreon. Please subscribe to YouTube for Intel DROPS
At the 48 second mark is where people are claiming the pilot says " Your fucking with the wrong people"

> Trump Secretary of State Mark Rubio and including Secretary of defense of the United States are all pushing for disclosure projects being guided by Congress to the American people.
>From RFK JR. TULSI GABBARD ... Heading important operation to bring down the deep state cabal operations to DOGE attacking and exposing the Federal Reserve.... We are coming into the POWERFUL STORM AND DAYS OF THUNDER
These operations of the STARGATE. IRON DOME is connected to the coming release of Advanced hidden technology>>> including the real Med beds. Life beds ( not the fake gimmicks out there) ...... How do you think Trump and Musk can sleep only 2 _4 hours a night and work non stop?
Right now Trump is taking apart the deep state financial money laundering operations and federal reserve that protects the FDA and deep state from letting Med Beds / Tesla beds/ life beds from coming out. The FDA protects the health industry and Big pharma industry and they don't want advanced technology coming out to save lives. For centuries the deep state cabal have been in control of human health and medicine and pandemics < .... Now everything is going to change.......
Trump is on control very important life changing technology<
The IRON DOME is MUCH more than you think!
STARGATE is much more than you think!
The Golden era.
The Great Awakening Operations.
Please help support our channel with a kind donation dear friend and Patriots. We risk our lives giving the Truth and will continue.
Thank you
This information comes from my Patreon channel where i give full COMMS and DROPS in weekly podcast video and audio cast. Join the channel and get the Real Intel years. Weeks. Months in advanced
>From RFK JR. TULSI GABBARD ... Heading important operation to bring down the deep state cabal operations to DOGE attacking and exposing the Federal Reserve.... We are coming into the POWERFUL STORM AND DAYS OF THUNDER
These operations of the STARGATE. IRON DOME is connected to the coming release of Advanced hidden technology>>> including the real Med beds. Life beds ( not the fake gimmicks out there) ...... How do you think Trump and Musk can sleep only 2 _4 hours a night and work non stop?
Right now Trump is taking apart the deep state financial money laundering operations and federal reserve that protects the FDA and deep state from letting Med Beds / Tesla beds/ life beds from coming out. The FDA protects the health industry and Big pharma industry and they don't want advanced technology coming out to save lives. For centuries the deep state cabal have been in control of human health and medicine and pandemics < .... Now everything is going to change.......
Trump is on control very important life changing technology<
The IRON DOME is MUCH more than you think!
STARGATE is much more than you think!
The Golden era.
The Great Awakening Operations.
Please help support our channel with a kind donation dear friend and Patriots. We risk our lives giving the Truth and will continue.
Thank you
This information comes from my Patreon channel where i give full COMMS and DROPS in weekly podcast video and audio cast. Join the channel and get the Real Intel years. Weeks. Months in advanced

So we're coming into the golden era which is also the golden era of knowledge and it's also connected to the plasma energy / zero point energy. Anti gravity. +
_ and then also to the plasma that's inside the human body that's connected to a certain gold mineral inside of your body.
that is also connected to the most miraculous things of time travel, how the spirit is created through birth, how the heart is a vortex connected to the mind. There's a lot that you're going to learn.
There's a lot of things that's going to come out, technology that we're heading into, that Trump is going to release, the military is going to release, that's connected to Musk. It's going to be connected to these huge gigantic operations.
So this is just to give you a little insight of what Stargate is. It's much bigger than you can even imagine what's happening. These are the combs of Stargate. It's only the beginning of the stuff you're going to learn.
Up next THE IRON DOME >> its not what you think it is. The IRON DOME is a powerful new TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ( advanced technology) that is taking down the old communication system of the deep state and how they have ran the world sex trade. Miney laundering operations. Human trafficking. Blackmail operations. War operations. Controlling countries The IRON DOME is already not only protecting the U.S. from outside attacks. But from inside attacks and deep state control operations.
; USSF. MUSK . > already using the secret advanced technology taking down the USAID <
Please support our channel with a powerful donation. We risk our lives to bring you the Truth and continue.
Thank you dear Patriots and Friends
_ and then also to the plasma that's inside the human body that's connected to a certain gold mineral inside of your body.
that is also connected to the most miraculous things of time travel, how the spirit is created through birth, how the heart is a vortex connected to the mind. There's a lot that you're going to learn.
There's a lot of things that's going to come out, technology that we're heading into, that Trump is going to release, the military is going to release, that's connected to Musk. It's going to be connected to these huge gigantic operations.
So this is just to give you a little insight of what Stargate is. It's much bigger than you can even imagine what's happening. These are the combs of Stargate. It's only the beginning of the stuff you're going to learn.
Up next THE IRON DOME >> its not what you think it is. The IRON DOME is a powerful new TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ( advanced technology) that is taking down the old communication system of the deep state and how they have ran the world sex trade. Miney laundering operations. Human trafficking. Blackmail operations. War operations. Controlling countries The IRON DOME is already not only protecting the U.S. from outside attacks. But from inside attacks and deep state control operations.
; USSF. MUSK . > already using the secret advanced technology taking down the USAID <
Please support our channel with a powerful donation. We risk our lives to bring you the Truth and continue.
Thank you dear Patriots and Friends
A lot of these different alien races are benevolent and peaceful and
they don't have the idea that humans are evil. They don't have the idea that somebody can trick them. They don't have the idea that somebody could be so mean and so cruel and so evil to be killing They don't have the idea Just like how humans can be tricked into a pandemic Get tricked into taking these killer vaccines ...getting tricked into believing in a government system Get tricked into believing in the these fault journalists around the world They can't understand that there is a society of elites that control the world, that kill humans, that's connected to the darkest operations of human trafficking, and then even darker rituals into adrenochrome. Humans can't fathom this. The reason why humans can't fathom this is because almost all humans are born with love and benevolent insight
> So these military operations that are dating back to the early 1900s, they're making contact with these aliens through the consciousness, through vibrations of the DNA, through the spirit.
People call these remote viewing. These are part of the CE5 operations/ classified military projects/ CIA ops/ white hats own ops . There are many other operations like Stargate.
So with these classified stargate. Remote viewing. Ce5 .p3 operations they were make CONTACT and using EMPs, electric magnetic pulse weapons, directed energy weapons that they were using radar systems as a cover.
> The technology of many deep state operations of creating these weapons came from reverse engineering operations that is connected to hidden underground ancient civilizations and Underground buried uap's.
Roswell crash, that was a real event, the United States government admitted it. the United States military admitted it and then a day later it was retracted and then the cover began...... But later on the real Roswell story and crash begin to be disclosed by military personal who were there and saw the ufos...a lot of those people came forward later on as they became older and they began to tell the truth of how everything was a cover-up of where the UFOs and the UAPs went but Roswell wasn't the only incident.
There was other places around the region just a couple of days later other UFOs were brought down with these different weapons with these different programs of the human consciousness connecting to these alien consciousness in different dimensions through our universe and underneath the earth. The CLASSIFIED deep state operations and cover-up retrieval programs are happening because the deep state satanic cabal is trying to capture all the operations of the Spiderweb.
The [ DS] has been moving through these dark operations for a long time through satanic operations with the energy/ TECHNOLOGY that they've been getting/ capturing from the Middle East for centuries and the energy that's coming from underneath the Vatican ( talking to will spirits under ground through relics and rituals etc ) the energy that's coming from different places around the world.
The cabal satanic deep state had taken control of several different operations through the world with WARS and created race wars/ religion wars operations.
Through these spiritual wars they created through Europe and different places they took control of societies and hidden spiritual resources and hidden underground relics and some places the hidden technology that needed to be reversed engineered ....... that's why you have the Nazis scientists of operations PAPER CLIP , that's why Hitler was obsessed with what was going on in Antarctica , he was obsessed with aliens and that's why he went down to Antarctica.
Through the power of the mind. DNA. SPIRITUAL vibrations and electrical frequencies of the mind[ THEY] were communicating what the evil spirits deep underneath and artica and certain regions, and they were communicating with the dark extraterrestrial forces although the ice deep Underground.. and they were getting information to create technology to build super weapons and how to control atoms, ..
they don't have the idea that humans are evil. They don't have the idea that somebody can trick them. They don't have the idea that somebody could be so mean and so cruel and so evil to be killing They don't have the idea Just like how humans can be tricked into a pandemic Get tricked into taking these killer vaccines ...getting tricked into believing in a government system Get tricked into believing in the these fault journalists around the world They can't understand that there is a society of elites that control the world, that kill humans, that's connected to the darkest operations of human trafficking, and then even darker rituals into adrenochrome. Humans can't fathom this. The reason why humans can't fathom this is because almost all humans are born with love and benevolent insight
> So these military operations that are dating back to the early 1900s, they're making contact with these aliens through the consciousness, through vibrations of the DNA, through the spirit.
People call these remote viewing. These are part of the CE5 operations/ classified military projects/ CIA ops/ white hats own ops . There are many other operations like Stargate.
So with these classified stargate. Remote viewing. Ce5 .p3 operations they were make CONTACT and using EMPs, electric magnetic pulse weapons, directed energy weapons that they were using radar systems as a cover.
> The technology of many deep state operations of creating these weapons came from reverse engineering operations that is connected to hidden underground ancient civilizations and Underground buried uap's.
Roswell crash, that was a real event, the United States government admitted it. the United States military admitted it and then a day later it was retracted and then the cover began...... But later on the real Roswell story and crash begin to be disclosed by military personal who were there and saw the ufos...a lot of those people came forward later on as they became older and they began to tell the truth of how everything was a cover-up of where the UFOs and the UAPs went but Roswell wasn't the only incident.
There was other places around the region just a couple of days later other UFOs were brought down with these different weapons with these different programs of the human consciousness connecting to these alien consciousness in different dimensions through our universe and underneath the earth. The CLASSIFIED deep state operations and cover-up retrieval programs are happening because the deep state satanic cabal is trying to capture all the operations of the Spiderweb.
The [ DS] has been moving through these dark operations for a long time through satanic operations with the energy/ TECHNOLOGY that they've been getting/ capturing from the Middle East for centuries and the energy that's coming from underneath the Vatican ( talking to will spirits under ground through relics and rituals etc ) the energy that's coming from different places around the world.
The cabal satanic deep state had taken control of several different operations through the world with WARS and created race wars/ religion wars operations.
Through these spiritual wars they created through Europe and different places they took control of societies and hidden spiritual resources and hidden underground relics and some places the hidden technology that needed to be reversed engineered ....... that's why you have the Nazis scientists of operations PAPER CLIP , that's why Hitler was obsessed with what was going on in Antarctica , he was obsessed with aliens and that's why he went down to Antarctica.
Through the power of the mind. DNA. SPIRITUAL vibrations and electrical frequencies of the mind[ THEY] were communicating what the evil spirits deep underneath and artica and certain regions, and they were communicating with the dark extraterrestrial forces although the ice deep Underground.. and they were getting information to create technology to build super weapons and how to control atoms, ..
Plane crash in Philadelphia neighborhood kills 7; several homes catch fire
There is so much going on I didn't even realize the Plane crash in Philadelphia
These are definitely attacks ⚠️
There is so much going on I didn't even realize the Plane crash in Philadelphia
These are definitely attacks ⚠️
I haven't shared anything on the Philadelphia crash and was waiting few hours and going through the data.
The audio was released from the flight towers and is really distorted
The first audio I will share is the original audio and the second audio below it is with noise canceling A I. Tech
Some People hear " Your fucking with the wrong People " and "Help me" at the end in the recording.
The audio was released from the flight towers and is really distorted
The first audio I will share is the original audio and the second audio below it is with noise canceling A I. Tech
Some People hear " Your fucking with the wrong People " and "Help me" at the end in the recording.
A lot of these unidentified submerged objects including advanced technology and old civilizations and their operations control is unknown. So the deep state try to use captured uaps extra terrestrial vehicles to try to open up that technology and operate their systems and these hidden underground bases of the SPIDERWEB underground bases around the world
So this iron dome that Trump is creating is creating is a new telecommunication systems with super advanced intelligence operations that is capturing all the deep state old TELECOMMUNICATION systems.
When you hear about Willow Google computer as the strongest advanced computer in the world . , that is a flat out lie by the military operations.
The real Stargate computers is interstellar multi-dimensional advanced computer system that is thousands of years beyond belief. And more over Trump ( Military) is in control of the living light intelligence plasma
Energy that is controlling the Trumps a.i. Open Stargate system and IRON DOME
>>> How do you think Trump has attacked the deep state operations in his first month in office as the president of the United States and 2025 and is moving so quickly and swiftly destroying the CIA operations the military operations and their telecommunication systems that protect the dark deep operations and their super encryption systems?
> How is USSF .> MUSK moving so swiftly d through the encryption systems of the deep state that protect the cabal operations?
is cleaning the whole deep state system inside the United States.
When people talk about politics, where the world is going, what's going to happen?
They're talking about the left. They're talking about the right. They're talking about the old system.
>The thing that they're not talking about is AI. The thing that they're not talking about is super advanced military intelligence and
what they're using,> technology that is 1000 years ahead in the future, that technology that we have now, this is what we're talking about when we talk about Stargate, these highly classified operations that Trump is controlling.
I have been telling you for a long time that Trump is inside military operations and these are important sting operations that included 2020 elections it included Musk at the highest levels of operations connected to USSF intelligence operations and 17 operations.
This military sting operation that actually began in 2014 and was fully initiated in 2017 was to take down the world deep state operations and it's connected to crimes against humanity. The creation of the bioweapons, stolen elections, military coup. COUP against several nations and governments around the world...to all the corruptions of money laundering ,, human trafficking . PEDO NETWORKS, creating wars , DRUG TRADE WEAPONS TRADE THE BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS WORLD WIDE ..
_NOW you are seeing the military lines operations moving forward full speed as Kash Patel is coming into the FBI to expose the corruption of the FBI and declassify operations to the American public , Patel is going to connect the FBI coup connected to military coup in the United States and leaders and corporations inside the military coup against Trump and will all connect the money laundering operations and will all connect to human trafficking and to Epstein into the Deep state operations of the CIA in elite families across the world and globalis operations of DAVOS group and much more
> The United Nations
> You're watching the full corruption of the deep state being uncovered by several of Trump's appointees and Trump's super team that is going to uncover human trafficking blue States connected to money laundering operations of the United States and corruption to military coup against Trump Pam Bondi is moving forward with indictments and arrests.
So this iron dome that Trump is creating is creating is a new telecommunication systems with super advanced intelligence operations that is capturing all the deep state old TELECOMMUNICATION systems.
When you hear about Willow Google computer as the strongest advanced computer in the world . , that is a flat out lie by the military operations.
The real Stargate computers is interstellar multi-dimensional advanced computer system that is thousands of years beyond belief. And more over Trump ( Military) is in control of the living light intelligence plasma
Energy that is controlling the Trumps a.i. Open Stargate system and IRON DOME
>>> How do you think Trump has attacked the deep state operations in his first month in office as the president of the United States and 2025 and is moving so quickly and swiftly destroying the CIA operations the military operations and their telecommunication systems that protect the dark deep operations and their super encryption systems?
> How is USSF .> MUSK moving so swiftly d through the encryption systems of the deep state that protect the cabal operations?
is cleaning the whole deep state system inside the United States.
When people talk about politics, where the world is going, what's going to happen?
They're talking about the left. They're talking about the right. They're talking about the old system.
>The thing that they're not talking about is AI. The thing that they're not talking about is super advanced military intelligence and
what they're using,> technology that is 1000 years ahead in the future, that technology that we have now, this is what we're talking about when we talk about Stargate, these highly classified operations that Trump is controlling.
I have been telling you for a long time that Trump is inside military operations and these are important sting operations that included 2020 elections it included Musk at the highest levels of operations connected to USSF intelligence operations and 17 operations.
This military sting operation that actually began in 2014 and was fully initiated in 2017 was to take down the world deep state operations and it's connected to crimes against humanity. The creation of the bioweapons, stolen elections, military coup. COUP against several nations and governments around the world...to all the corruptions of money laundering ,, human trafficking . PEDO NETWORKS, creating wars , DRUG TRADE WEAPONS TRADE THE BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS WORLD WIDE ..
_NOW you are seeing the military lines operations moving forward full speed as Kash Patel is coming into the FBI to expose the corruption of the FBI and declassify operations to the American public , Patel is going to connect the FBI coup connected to military coup in the United States and leaders and corporations inside the military coup against Trump and will all connect the money laundering operations and will all connect to human trafficking and to Epstein into the Deep state operations of the CIA in elite families across the world and globalis operations of DAVOS group and much more
> The United Nations
> You're watching the full corruption of the deep state being uncovered by several of Trump's appointees and Trump's super team that is going to uncover human trafficking blue States connected to money laundering operations of the United States and corruption to military coup against Trump Pam Bondi is moving forward with indictments and arrests.
The U.S. Military is now in Mexico and giving open COMMS: to the world that OVERT operations will began.
> Remember I gave you DROPS long ago that U S. Military was already training soldiers in Colorado and in certain Mexico regions and Southern boarding countries of Mexico. And these U.S. military operations were preparing to go after the CARTELS///
Lots happening!!
> Remember I gave you DROPS long ago that U S. Military was already training soldiers in Colorado and in certain Mexico regions and Southern boarding countries of Mexico. And these U.S. military operations were preparing to go after the CARTELS///
Lots happening!!
The Golden ERA BEGINS <
STARGATE IS MUCH MORE THAN YOU THINK ( and much much more than Trump, CLASSIFIED operations is revealing)///
>Why was it so important that trump talked about Alaska , mountain McKinley inside of l his inauguration speech ?
>>>> THESE WERE SOME OF THE BIGGEST COMMS:/// THE BEGINNING OF SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS THAT IS CONNECTED TO SEVERAL OPERATIONS>>> INCLUDING THE CAPTURE OF THE SPIDERWEB> CREATION OF THE IRON DOME ( The IRON DOME is not what you think it is.. It is powerful advanced technology that is connected to a super powerful TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM ... That is being run by the Cheyenne mnt. Mnt. Hayes. Hawaii. Arizona+ operations that is all connected to the real STARGATE/)
To understand these operations and DISCLOSURE PROJECTS you have to understand the History of Roswell. UNDER ground bases and the operations connected to the real STARGATE OPERATIONS AND REVERSED ENGINEERING OPERATIONS OF MONTAUK. UFOS BROUGHT FROM GERMANY. ( why general Patton was killed by Allen Dulles OSS/CIA director) And much more operations of the DEEP DARK OPERATIONS, CLASSIFIED OPS.
There is a reason i didn't want to talk about UFOs. UAPS. ETVs . Aliens. None human intelligence the past 3 years and hinted several several times that i was waiting to bring out the real information in due time.
>The time is now
This Q post is one of the most important posts
Are we alone ?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.
This is connected to Qs last post
Nov 27, 2022
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
To understand why Trump. Musk. USSF . Cheyenne mountain + more white hats are NOW 🔥 💥 blasting through the deep state operations and communication systems ( cover-ups using controlled technology of the past 70 years and the controlled telecommunications systems,. Hidden military telecommutions systems . Sats. Internet. Encryption + more) ... You have to understand some important history and why DISCLOSURE projects of UAPS, ETVs etc etc are important and unfolding...
Here is dr.Greer explaining how UFOs are being shot down. Using projects connected to ESP. REMOTE VIEWING ( Stargate......
>>> *It must be noted here that ESP Stargate operations is different than the UNDERGROUND BASES IN MNT. MCKINLEY AND>>>MNT. HAYES REAL STARGATE///
>>>>> but both esp / remote viewing Stargate ops and the REAL super intelligence STARGATE are interconnected).
"Mr. Barber was involved, began programs using electronics and drugs and other techniques to get these what are called P3 operators, these psionic operators to be able to use consciousness to interface with the trans-dimensional electronic systems that are part of the guidance and control systems of these non-human spacecraft.
And they succeeded. Now, he has told me and others have told me most people in those programs end up being killed or dying because of the rigor of it or end up in a coma. But the ones that survive can be very, very accurate.
But what they're doing, they're using a >>>>>>>>>> consciousness matter interface, sort of like a supercharged version of what Elon Musk wants to do with Neuralink. But through non-locality of consciousness, through the consciousness field, which has been very well documented and proven, if you don't know about that, go after this podcast to see Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, a movie, and it's on YouTube and elsewhere and it'll blow your mind.
So those programs, instead of using that technology, let's call it Consciousness Technology Interface Sciences for peaceful contact, which is what Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind are doing, it's been used as a weapon system.
STARGATE IS MUCH MORE THAN YOU THINK ( and much much more than Trump, CLASSIFIED operations is revealing)///
>Why was it so important that trump talked about Alaska , mountain McKinley inside of l his inauguration speech ?
>>>> THESE WERE SOME OF THE BIGGEST COMMS:/// THE BEGINNING OF SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS THAT IS CONNECTED TO SEVERAL OPERATIONS>>> INCLUDING THE CAPTURE OF THE SPIDERWEB> CREATION OF THE IRON DOME ( The IRON DOME is not what you think it is.. It is powerful advanced technology that is connected to a super powerful TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM ... That is being run by the Cheyenne mnt. Mnt. Hayes. Hawaii. Arizona+ operations that is all connected to the real STARGATE/)
To understand these operations and DISCLOSURE PROJECTS you have to understand the History of Roswell. UNDER ground bases and the operations connected to the real STARGATE OPERATIONS AND REVERSED ENGINEERING OPERATIONS OF MONTAUK. UFOS BROUGHT FROM GERMANY. ( why general Patton was killed by Allen Dulles OSS/CIA director) And much more operations of the DEEP DARK OPERATIONS, CLASSIFIED OPS.
There is a reason i didn't want to talk about UFOs. UAPS. ETVs . Aliens. None human intelligence the past 3 years and hinted several several times that i was waiting to bring out the real information in due time.
>The time is now
This Q post is one of the most important posts
Are we alone ?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.
This is connected to Qs last post
Nov 27, 2022
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
To understand why Trump. Musk. USSF . Cheyenne mountain + more white hats are NOW 🔥 💥 blasting through the deep state operations and communication systems ( cover-ups using controlled technology of the past 70 years and the controlled telecommunications systems,. Hidden military telecommutions systems . Sats. Internet. Encryption + more) ... You have to understand some important history and why DISCLOSURE projects of UAPS, ETVs etc etc are important and unfolding...
Here is dr.Greer explaining how UFOs are being shot down. Using projects connected to ESP. REMOTE VIEWING ( Stargate......
>>> *It must be noted here that ESP Stargate operations is different than the UNDERGROUND BASES IN MNT. MCKINLEY AND>>>MNT. HAYES REAL STARGATE///
>>>>> but both esp / remote viewing Stargate ops and the REAL super intelligence STARGATE are interconnected).
"Mr. Barber was involved, began programs using electronics and drugs and other techniques to get these what are called P3 operators, these psionic operators to be able to use consciousness to interface with the trans-dimensional electronic systems that are part of the guidance and control systems of these non-human spacecraft.
And they succeeded. Now, he has told me and others have told me most people in those programs end up being killed or dying because of the rigor of it or end up in a coma. But the ones that survive can be very, very accurate.
But what they're doing, they're using a >>>>>>>>>> consciousness matter interface, sort of like a supercharged version of what Elon Musk wants to do with Neuralink. But through non-locality of consciousness, through the consciousness field, which has been very well documented and proven, if you don't know about that, go after this podcast to see Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, a movie, and it's on YouTube and elsewhere and it'll blow your mind.
So those programs, instead of using that technology, let's call it Consciousness Technology Interface Sciences for peaceful contact, which is what Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind are doing, it's been used as a weapon system.
how to use energy, how to bring it about weapons to use fusion >>>plasma energy.
[They ] were already studying all of this advanced technology advance information and advanced resources ... That's why the United States had project PAPERCLIP to bring over those scientists to capture those operations.
>At the same time in the United States before World war 1 there were already a large group of German nationality descent in the United States.
The Rockefellers changed their history as the Rockerfeller/ Rothchilds controlled the European and U.S. pressing machines and most news outlets and publishing companies . The Rockefellers changed their ancestry and labeled themselves as a American-born family, but they came off the same family as the Rothschilds.
They come from the same regions in South Germany.
The powerful families of the elites of the rothchilds an rockefellers controlled the wars and wanted full control of Germany including the old regions the decedent of TRUMP (the Drumpf family) controlled with old military guards and old coat of arms families that ran the region of Frankfurt.
( Deep underground is old civilizations and events technology that was not quite understood what was being protected by these certain coat of arms families that existed for centuries and without give up the sacred underground sites to the Rothchild families and deep state. Religion wars.
It was only till after world war 2 that the rockefellers and the rothhilds family global elites > Vatican.malta Jesuit took control of the under ground technology.... Immediately after World war 2 Allen Dulles of OSS / CIA) begin excavation of the sights and brought the UFO and technology back to the United States and general Patton was killed to be silenced as he wanted to EXPOSE the story and give the technology to the world)
So these operations, as project paperclip, they brought those scientists over and they begin reverse engineer on the technology and UFO from Germany into Texas and then some of those different technologies were taken to NewYork/ five finger lakes different places to be studied
Project Stargate. These Stargate operations are very powerful operations.
The human conscious minds, these programs, is connected to talking with ET entities.
>They don't control it with the steering wheel or with their hand. They control it consciously.
> At the highest levels of classified operations underneath Dulce base, this is also how they have a lot of technology where the military, the deep state military, is working with conscious mind that they control computer systems in different places underneath Kirtland Air Force Base,
far deep underneath the Pentagon, underneath the huge gigantic system that's under there. They use consciousness to control computers. They speak with different technologies. It's really like the sci-fi stuff that you see in movies.
So these operations of the SPIDERWEB in Alaska. Mnt hayes. Mnt. McKinley connects to different places around the world and plantary systems.
Mount Hazes up in Alaska. It's one of the biggest bases, but it's also one of the most benevolent, the most sacred. The aliens that live under there, they have a huge gigantic system of a wormhole/REAL STARGATE SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER INTELLIGENCE A I. SYSTEMS that goes through the earth and it connects to these different places and dimensions >>AND >There has been a war for a long time as the Deep State operations
have been trying to capture mnt .Hayes with man-made mnt. Denali base ( mnt McKinley)<
_That's why Trump's inaugurational speech was so important that he gave COMMS: on mnt McKinley. ( Why would trump talk about mountain McKinley during a world speech especially at his inauguration while there are thousands of other vital issues of geopolitical affairs?.
[They ] were already studying all of this advanced technology advance information and advanced resources ... That's why the United States had project PAPERCLIP to bring over those scientists to capture those operations.
>At the same time in the United States before World war 1 there were already a large group of German nationality descent in the United States.
The Rockefellers changed their history as the Rockerfeller/ Rothchilds controlled the European and U.S. pressing machines and most news outlets and publishing companies . The Rockefellers changed their ancestry and labeled themselves as a American-born family, but they came off the same family as the Rothschilds.
They come from the same regions in South Germany.
The powerful families of the elites of the rothchilds an rockefellers controlled the wars and wanted full control of Germany including the old regions the decedent of TRUMP (the Drumpf family) controlled with old military guards and old coat of arms families that ran the region of Frankfurt.
( Deep underground is old civilizations and events technology that was not quite understood what was being protected by these certain coat of arms families that existed for centuries and without give up the sacred underground sites to the Rothchild families and deep state. Religion wars.
It was only till after world war 2 that the rockefellers and the rothhilds family global elites > Vatican.malta Jesuit took control of the under ground technology.... Immediately after World war 2 Allen Dulles of OSS / CIA) begin excavation of the sights and brought the UFO and technology back to the United States and general Patton was killed to be silenced as he wanted to EXPOSE the story and give the technology to the world)
So these operations, as project paperclip, they brought those scientists over and they begin reverse engineer on the technology and UFO from Germany into Texas and then some of those different technologies were taken to NewYork/ five finger lakes different places to be studied
Project Stargate. These Stargate operations are very powerful operations.
The human conscious minds, these programs, is connected to talking with ET entities.
>They don't control it with the steering wheel or with their hand. They control it consciously.
> At the highest levels of classified operations underneath Dulce base, this is also how they have a lot of technology where the military, the deep state military, is working with conscious mind that they control computer systems in different places underneath Kirtland Air Force Base,
far deep underneath the Pentagon, underneath the huge gigantic system that's under there. They use consciousness to control computers. They speak with different technologies. It's really like the sci-fi stuff that you see in movies.
So these operations of the SPIDERWEB in Alaska. Mnt hayes. Mnt. McKinley connects to different places around the world and plantary systems.
Mount Hazes up in Alaska. It's one of the biggest bases, but it's also one of the most benevolent, the most sacred. The aliens that live under there, they have a huge gigantic system of a wormhole/REAL STARGATE SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER INTELLIGENCE A I. SYSTEMS that goes through the earth and it connects to these different places and dimensions >>AND >There has been a war for a long time as the Deep State operations
have been trying to capture mnt .Hayes with man-made mnt. Denali base ( mnt McKinley)<
_That's why Trump's inaugurational speech was so important that he gave COMMS: on mnt McKinley. ( Why would trump talk about mountain McKinley during a world speech especially at his inauguration while there are thousands of other vital issues of geopolitical affairs?.
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Near 100,000 IDF ( Israel Defense Forces) have abandoned the Israeli military and Intelligence operations.
This intell is also confirmed by U.S. Colonial Lawrence Wilkerson,<
Israel is in self destruction as the Israeli Military is heavy divided in operations against it's own military operations.
//// There is Major Panic in Israel as the military forces start internal campaign against Netanyahu.
There is also Major Panic that Turkey is planning to make a major military chess move against Israel. This comes from U.S. military Intel assessment.
Israel is in panic because the real last major war they were in was in 1962 .
And to this day they are only fighting rebels and small military coalitions .
WIRES>]: Netanyahu is refusing to fly the past months without heavy armed military operations.
Now that Trump is back in public power.. He's ensuring THE STORM OPERATIONS SPEED UP in several world countries.
This intell is also confirmed by U.S. Colonial Lawrence Wilkerson,<
Israel is in self destruction as the Israeli Military is heavy divided in operations against it's own military operations.
//// There is Major Panic in Israel as the military forces start internal campaign against Netanyahu.
There is also Major Panic that Turkey is planning to make a major military chess move against Israel. This comes from U.S. military Intel assessment.
Israel is in panic because the real last major war they were in was in 1962 .
And to this day they are only fighting rebels and small military coalitions .
WIRES>]: Netanyahu is refusing to fly the past months without heavy armed military operations.
Now that Trump is back in public power.. He's ensuring THE STORM OPERATIONS SPEED UP in several world countries.
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