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Daniel Zakal's Art Gallery

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I find it deeply disturbing to see people openly defending what should be universally condemned, all in the name of their most sacred text. The reactions I’m receiving only confirm that pointing out uncomfortable truths within their own holy book is met with anger rather than reflection.

If you consider yourself a Christian but find yourself rejecting certain passages of the Bible—passages said to be the direct word of God—then it’s worth asking yourself: Why do I follow something that contains such reprehensible ideas? Blind faith should never come at the cost of morality or critical thought.

Do better, be better, hail Hitler.
1. The Bible Explicitly Endorses Pedophilia

The Christian Bible doesn’t just fail to condemn pedophilia—it outright permits and encourages it. If Christianity were truly a moral religion, why does its own god allow and command child rape and forced marriage?

✝ Numbers 31:17-18 – God Commands the Israelites to Take Child Brides

“Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man. But save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

This is a direct order from God for his followers to slaughter all non-virgin women and boys, but take the virgin girls for themselves.

What do you think these Israelite warriors were doing with these young girls? Taking them in as daughters? No—they were taking them as sexual property.

✝️ Deuteronomy 21:10-14 – Captured Women Can Be Taken as Wives (Including Children)

“When you go out to war against your enemies and the Lord your God delivers them into your hands and you take them captive… you may take a beautiful woman as your wife.”

Nowhere does it state that there is an age restriction—meaning girls of any age could be taken.

The same passage then states that if the man later decides he does not want her, he can discard her like trash.

✝️ Exodus 21:7-11 – A Father Can Sell His Daughter as a Sex Slave

“If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do.”

If her master is pleased with her, he may keep her or sell her to someone else.

This isn’t just child slavery—this is outright sex trafficking commanded by the God of Christianity.

✝️ 1 Kings 1:1-4 – King David’s “Virgin Comfort Girl”

When David was old, his servants searched for a “beautiful virgin” to warm his bed. They found Abishag, a young girl.

David did not “marry” her—she was simply there to lie in bed with him.

The Bible is riddled with stories like these, proving that Christianity has never condemned pedophilia—it has normalized it.
2. Jesus and the New Testament Enable and Protect Pedophiles

Christians love to say, “That’s the Old Testament! Jesus changed things!” Except he didn’t. The New Testament continues the same perverted acceptance of child abuse, and Jesus himself refuses to condemn it.

✝️ Jesus Never Once Condemns Pedophilia in the Entire New Testament

For a man who preached about morality, he never speaks a single word against child rape or abuse.

If Christianity were truly moral, wouldn’t the Son of God have condemned pedophiles? But he never does.

✝️ Matthew 18:5-6 – “Welcoming a Child is Welcoming Me”

Jesus states: “Whoever welcomes a little child in my name welcomes me.”

This verse has been used by pedophiles for centuries to justify abusing children under the guise of “Christian love.”

✝️ Titus 2:9-10 – Slaves Must Obey Their Masters (Including Child Slaves)

“Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything.”

This includes children who were taken as property—meaning Christian doctrine explicitly forbids them from resisting abuse.

✝️ The Catholic Church Has Used the “Forgiveness” Doctrine to Protect Pedophiles

Christianity’s biggest weakness is its obsession with forgiveness, which allows the worst criminals—including pedophiles—to avoid justice.

The Vatican has repeatedly protected child rapists, moving priests to different parishes instead of punishing them.

Christianity is not a faith that protects children—it is a faith that protects their abusers.
We are a hate movement
I could wield the wealth of kings, claim the hoarded treasures of fallen empires, yet my soul would remain unsatisfied. If the vast dominion of the earth, the moon, and even the stars themselves were placed beneath my hand, still, I would be empty. For there is only one fire that burns within me, one yearning that eclipses all else—the unshackling of my people.

Without them, I am nothing. You are nothing. But together, we are everything.

I do not seek to pass from this life into some distant eternity, knowing I have left my task undone. I do not long for the comfort of remembrance, nor do I fear the abyss. My purpose is here, now, pressing upon me like an unrelenting force, a whisper carried through the ages, calling me to resurrect what was lost, to reclaim what was stolen, to restore what was cast into oblivion.

Before my birth, I did not exist, and it did not trouble me. Yet here I stand, bound to this world once more. And that alone has sealed my fate—I will return. The wheel turns. It does not ask, it does not wait, and it does not stop. I have risen once from the depths of nothingness, and so I shall rise again. The cycle is set. To be born once is to be born again, for the path back has been carved. There is no escape from the will that pulls me forward, no release from the purpose that grips my essence.

So now I say to you, standing in the shadows of hesitation, watching as others fight and build—step forward or be forgotten. To spectate is to betray. What is a man if he does nothing for his own? A ghost before death, a hollow vessel awaiting the inevitable. Rise! Build for your people, create for your people! Take your place among the Life-Affirming soldiers, for without them, you are nothing. With us, you are everything.
The Story of Lot: Christianity’s Endorsement of Sexual Perversion, Incest, and the Protection of Predators

Christians love to claim that their faith is the foundation of morality. They tell themselves that their god is righteous, that their doctrine defends the innocent, and that degeneracy is a modern invention. Yet, their own sacred texts expose these lies. The Bible—the very book that defines their faith—condones, excuses, and even rewards sexual perversion, incest, and the exploitation of children. And nowhere is this clearer than in the story of Lot, a man described in the Bible as “righteous” yet whose actions are anything but.

Lot offers his own daughters to be gang-raped, commits incest with them, and suffers no punishment for any of it. Instead, he is saved by God and honored in Christian scripture. This is not an obscure story—it is one of the most famous tales in biblical history, and it shatters the idea that Christianity stands against sexual degeneracy. The Bible does not merely contain horrific acts—it justifies them.

Some Christians will desperately attempt to escape responsibility by saying, “That’s the Old Testament! That’s not real Christianity!” This is a blatant lie. Jesus himself constantly referenced the Old Testament and affirmed its teachings. The New Testament is built upon the foundation of the Old Testament. Without it, Christianity collapses entirely. If the Old Testament is false, then so is Christianity, and every so-called “moral” argument from the Bible falls apart.

This is what modern Christians refuse to admit: their faith is not separate from these stories—it is built upon them.

I bring this up because many "Christians" have zero clue as to what they are subscribing too. To call your self a Christian is to also say your a defender of pedophilia, child rape, incest, and extermination of innocent people and animals when it's convenient for you through your so called righteous God. How I see it is simple, you are just as evil as the Jews. And somehow you're okay with it. I am not and I'll never be okay with someone being a Christian around me.
“That’s the Old Testament!” – The Christian’s Pathetic Excuse

When confronted with these atrocities, modern Christians will desperately attempt to distance themselves by saying, “That’s the Old Testament! That’s not Christianity!”

This is a blatant lie. The New Testament is completely dependent on the Old Testament. Jesus himself affirmed the Old Testament as the foundation of Christian doctrine.

Jesus Directly References Lot as a Righteous Figure

✝️“Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all.” (Luke 17:28-29)

Jesus treats Lot’s survival as an example of God’s will. No condemnation of his actions—only affirmation.

The New Testament Continually Upholds the Old Testament as Divine Law

✝️“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5:17)

✝️“For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:18)

If Jesus himself affirmed the laws and stories of the Old Testament, then Christians cannot reject them without rejecting their own faith. If the Old Testament is wrong, then Christianity is built on a lie.
Christianity is not a faith of righteousness. It is a faith of corruption, submission, and moral cowardice.

If you believe in justice, strength, and the protection of the innocent, then Christianity is not your faith. Let it die.
Lot Commits Incest with His Own Daughters—and God Does Nothing

As if offering his daughters to a rape mob wasn’t enough, Lot’s story takes an even darker turn. After escaping Sodom, Lot and his daughters settle in a cave. Fearing they will never find husbands, his daughters decide to intoxicate their father and rape him to become pregnant.

✝️ Genesis 19:32-36
“Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.”

So they made their father drink wine that night. And the firstborn went in and lay with her father; he did not know when she lay down or when she arose.

The next day, the younger daughter did the same, and Lot was not aware of it. Thus both daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father.

Two daughters rape their own father while he is intoxicated—yet God does nothing.

There is no punishment for this act. No condemnation. No wrath from heaven. Instead, Lot’s incestuous offspring go on to become rulers.

✝️ “The firstborn bore a son and called his name Moab; he is the father of the Moabites to this day. The younger also bore a son and called his name Ben-Ammi; he is the father of the Ammonites to this day.” (Genesis 19:37-38)

This is biblical morality. A man gets drunk, his own daughters rape him, and their children become great nations—all with God’s silent approval.

If Christianity is truly about righteousness, then why does God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins but allow Lot’s incest to go unpunished? If Christian morality is absolute, why does it apply to some acts but not others?

The answer is clear: because biblical law does not see incest or the abuse of children as a moral crime.
Lot: A “Righteous Man” Who Offers His Own Daughters to be Raped

Christian apologists love to talk about how Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for sexual sin. But what they don’t talk about is what their so-called “righteous” men did in those cities.

In Genesis 19:1-8 ✝️, Lot welcomes two angels disguised as men into his home. The men of the city demand that Lot send them out so they may rape them. Rather than refusing outright, Lot offers his own daughters instead.

✝️ Genesis 19:7-8
“I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly. Behold, I have two daughters who have not known any man. Let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please. Only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof.”

This is one of the most horrific passages in the Bible. Lot—who is later described in the New Testament as “a righteous man” ✝️(2 Peter 2:7-8)—is willing to hand over his own daughters to be raped by a mob to protect strangers.

The glaring problem? God does not rebuke Lot for this. There is no punishment. No condemnation. Instead, Lot is rescued, while the rest of the city is destroyed.

This raises a critical question: If Christianity stands against the abuse of children, why does God allow Lot to survive after attempting to hand over his own daughters to be violated? Why does God burn Sodom and Gomorrah, yet reward Lot—a man who willingly offers his own daughters to rapists?

The answer is obvious: Christian morality is selective. In biblical law, a man’s daughters are his property, and he may do with them as he pleases.
3. The Catholic Church is a Global Pedophile Ring

If Christianity were truly moral, then why has nearly every major Christian institution been caught covering up mass child rape?

⛪ Over 330,000 Children Abused by Catholic Priests in France Alone

A 2021 report found that over 330,000 children had been sexually abused by Catholic clergy in France since 1950.

The Vatican responded not by punishing the priests, but by covering up their crimes.

🇻🇦 The Global Vatican Cover-Up

The Catholic Church has spent billions covering up child sex abuse scandals worldwide.

Instead of removing pedophiles, the Vatican moves them to new locations where they can continue abusing children.

✝️ Christian “Missionaries” Have Used Their Faith to Target Children

Across Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, Christian missionaries have been caught sexually abusing the children they claim to be “saving.”

These crimes go largely ignored because the Church simply pays off victims and silences them.

This is not an accident—this is systemic. Pedophilia in Christianity is not an exception—it is the norm.
2. Christianity Conditions Its Followers to Accept Jewish Rule

Christianity does not just worship Jews—it conditions its followers to obey them without resistance, no matter how much harm they cause.

Matthew 5:39 – "If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." This is programmed submission. If a Christian sees Jewish corruption, they are taught to accept it rather than fight back.

Matthew 5:44 – "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." When Jews dominate the media, banking, and politics, Christianity teaches its followers to pray for them rather than remove them.

Luke 20:25 – "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s." This verse is used to justify obedience to any ruling power, including the Jewish-controlled governments of today.

Through these doctrines, Christianity enslaves its followers to Jewish rule, ensuring that they will never resist, never fight back, and never even question their own subjugation.
4. Christianity Demands Absolute Submission to Authority—Even Child Abusers

One of the biggest reasons pedophilia thrives in Christian circles is because Christianity demands blind obedience to religious leaders.

✝️ Romans 13:1-2 – “Submit to Authority”

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.”

This means that if a priest or pastor molests a child, the victim must remain obedient because they are “ordained by God.”

✝️ 1 Peter 2:18 – “Slaves, Obey Your Masters, Even the Cruel Ones”

Children raised in Christian households are taught that disobedience is a sin—which makes them easy targets for predators.
3. Christianity Paves the Way for Jewish Globalism

The modern world is drowning in Jewish influence, and Christianity is what made it possible.

Christianity’s Universalism (Galatians 3:28) – "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This verse is a direct attack on racial and national identity. It erases ethnic distinctions, creating a borderless, globalist mindset that makes people easy to control.

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) – Jesus commands his followers to spread his teachings to all nations, which means dismantling ethnic barriers and encouraging race-mixing. This is exactly what we see today—Christianity promoting mass immigration, multiculturalism, and the destruction of national identity.

Christian Zionism – Christianity is the reason why millions of White Christians worship Israel, sending billions in aid and fighting wars on its behalf. American evangelicals believe that protecting Jews is a sacred duty, making them willing slaves to Jewish interests.

Without Christianity, Jews would not have been able to establish globalist institutions, push mass immigration, or create the conditions necessary for their control. Christianity destroys the natural racial defenses of nations, making them ripe for Jewish domination.
4. Christianity Promotes Pacifism While Jews Seize Power

While Christianity teaches submission and meekness, Jews take power and dominate.

Christianity Preaches Pacifism – Christians are taught that "vengeance is the Lord’s," that "the meek shall inherit the Earth," and that they should "love their enemies." Meanwhile, Jews teach their own people to be aggressive, unified, and power-hungry.

Judaism Teaches Racial Supremacy – The Talmud explicitly states that Jews are superior to all other races:

"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans; they are beasts." (Baba Metzia 114b)

"Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed." (Soferim 15:10)

"A Gentile who strikes a Jew deserves death." (Sanhedrin 58b)

While Jews build their own racial consciousness, Christianity tears it down among Whites, making them docile, apologetic, and unwilling to fight back.