Little Litany of the Holy Child
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Dear little Lord Jesus,
Come and bless us.
Baby Jesus, coming to Mary,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, born in a manger,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, announced by a star,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, adored by the angels,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, seen by the shepherds,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, sought by the Wise Men,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, loved by Thy Mother,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, protected by Joseph,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
Baby Jesus, blessing all men,
Little Lord Jesus, bless us.
O dear Lord God, Who became a little child for our sake, teach us to be meek and humble like the little Child of Bethlehem. Amen.
~ Benjamin Francis Musser O.F.M., Kyrie Eleison - Two Hundred Litanies (1944). (One of twelve “Little Litanies” by Blanche Jennings Thompson, D. Litt.)