
Silver is one of the most undervalued assets in the world. Often referred to as "God's money" alongside gold, it's been steadily climbing. With market dynamics shifting, where do you think it's headed next? 👀
(US Debt Clock) ⏰ 🔒
(US Debt Clock) ⏰ 🔒
The General

BREAKING: DOGE announces the cancellation of $52 million in U.S. taxpayer funds that were previously being sent to the World Economic Forum.
Intel Slava Z

4️⃣In one of the largest financial hacks in history, hackers stole $1.46 billion from crypto exchange Bybit, Crypto News reports.
Bybit has confirmed that its multi-signature cold wallet has been hacked.
The hackers then immediately distributed the stolen money to 36 wallets.
Bybit has confirmed that its multi-signature cold wallet has been hacked.
The hackers then immediately distributed the stolen money to 36 wallets.

>When I'm talking about old communication systems, we're talking about how things that date back radio waves communication of the early 1900s to encryption back in the 80s, back in the 90s with technology, all of these operations through DARPA, CIA, and all other operations that you're not really aware of. Including stuff that you heard about, like, from Prism that created Facebook, to fiber optics lines to satellite communications and several different forms of telecommunication systems that the deep state had installedall and encrypted.
There are so many operations that are all encrypted system, these encrypted system is how the deep state were financing money through the world. It's a way that they were running these illegal operations of stealing American taxpayers money.
These encrypted old systems of the cabal. This is what was running Wall Street. This is how the CIA Pentago used USAID , federal reserve to funneling money into money laundering operations world wide.
These deep state telecommunication encrypted systems for decades have been running WAR operations, money laundering operations, color revolutions. Human trafficking pedophilia operations. WorldDrug trade and weapons trade operations. And this is how they control countries across the world. This telecommunication systems protected the clintons CIA pedal Rings blackmail extortion rings like Epstein and much much more connected to the world entertainment industry and blackmail operations of world governments.
>It's a new powerful encrypted telecommunications system. And it's working with the Stargate operations. Now, as you know, I've been telling you about Stargate what's underneath the mountains underneath Alaska.
_ That's why Trump was talking about mnt. McKinley in his inauguration speech these were military COMMS. To the deep state across the world that all of Alaska under ground bases are now CAPTURED/ and Trump ( Military Alliance) is in control of the SPIDERWEB operations that connects to other world underground bases .
In 2012 STARGATE operations brought Super advanced technology , a form of powerful intelligent self thinking plasma energy light into our reality of our plant...
>This powerful living plasma light was moved from Alaska to Mnt Shasta then onto Hawaii where military alliance operations begin to use the super advanced technology to move quantum fields of energy to start shutting down deep dark military and Intelligence underground basis and deep state supercomputers > including Alien technology under Denver international airport and Dulce base and several places
( These were the underground wars and explosions 10 k under ground)
The powerful light intelligence plasma CUBE energy source is connected to a Cheyenne Mountain operations and deep deep underground bases CIVILIZATIOns under the blue ice regions//
>>>>Only certain people and military officials can control the living plasma energy of The Cube that is connected to the REAL Stargate operations under Mnt. Hayes
Now, as you learn a lot about telepathy, from remote viewing, from ESP, and that's how they're bringing down a lot of these UAPs, UFOs, extraterrestrial vehicles, all of these different operations.
Jacob Barber is talking about psionic military operation and retrieval programs, Dr. David Greer is talking about these mind operations of ESP and interface operations that are bringing down extra terrestrial vehicles and how the Deep state use these operations to capture advanced technology.
( For over 80 years the Deep state military and cabal have been trying to capture events technology from advanced intelligence beings so they could reverse engineer the technology and try to use the reverse engineered technology to activate hidden technology underneath the Earth that is not quite understood by the Deep state.
There are so many operations that are all encrypted system, these encrypted system is how the deep state were financing money through the world. It's a way that they were running these illegal operations of stealing American taxpayers money.
These encrypted old systems of the cabal. This is what was running Wall Street. This is how the CIA Pentago used USAID , federal reserve to funneling money into money laundering operations world wide.
These deep state telecommunication encrypted systems for decades have been running WAR operations, money laundering operations, color revolutions. Human trafficking pedophilia operations. WorldDrug trade and weapons trade operations. And this is how they control countries across the world. This telecommunication systems protected the clintons CIA pedal Rings blackmail extortion rings like Epstein and much much more connected to the world entertainment industry and blackmail operations of world governments.
>It's a new powerful encrypted telecommunications system. And it's working with the Stargate operations. Now, as you know, I've been telling you about Stargate what's underneath the mountains underneath Alaska.
_ That's why Trump was talking about mnt. McKinley in his inauguration speech these were military COMMS. To the deep state across the world that all of Alaska under ground bases are now CAPTURED/ and Trump ( Military Alliance) is in control of the SPIDERWEB operations that connects to other world underground bases .
In 2012 STARGATE operations brought Super advanced technology , a form of powerful intelligent self thinking plasma energy light into our reality of our plant...
>This powerful living plasma light was moved from Alaska to Mnt Shasta then onto Hawaii where military alliance operations begin to use the super advanced technology to move quantum fields of energy to start shutting down deep dark military and Intelligence underground basis and deep state supercomputers > including Alien technology under Denver international airport and Dulce base and several places
( These were the underground wars and explosions 10 k under ground)
The powerful light intelligence plasma CUBE energy source is connected to a Cheyenne Mountain operations and deep deep underground bases CIVILIZATIOns under the blue ice regions//
>>>>Only certain people and military officials can control the living plasma energy of The Cube that is connected to the REAL Stargate operations under Mnt. Hayes
Now, as you learn a lot about telepathy, from remote viewing, from ESP, and that's how they're bringing down a lot of these UAPs, UFOs, extraterrestrial vehicles, all of these different operations.
Jacob Barber is talking about psionic military operation and retrieval programs, Dr. David Greer is talking about these mind operations of ESP and interface operations that are bringing down extra terrestrial vehicles and how the Deep state use these operations to capture advanced technology.
( For over 80 years the Deep state military and cabal have been trying to capture events technology from advanced intelligence beings so they could reverse engineer the technology and try to use the reverse engineered technology to activate hidden technology underneath the Earth that is not quite understood by the Deep state.
🔹💥Fantastic Fun Friday 💥🔹
🔹Mayhem with Mel 🔹
▪️Welcome L&G, Special Messages today, I haven’t left you, will be back on as needed, in a different way and formate▪️
🔹Within the past 12 months the timelines have really changed, so as always, I offer a different perspective
💥Fort Knox, all that hoop-la, with the bird flu, appears all the EGGS are in Fort KNOX💥😁
💥DJT, GOLDEN cards, correlation with the Iraqi GREEN cards, and the GOLDEN Egg at EASTER….EASTER / RABBIT holes…💥
🔹EASTER Celebrates April 20, add 10 days, to have Orthodox Easter….A Marker🔹
🔹Jan 20, 2025, celebration for the OLD Corporation when inauguration of DJT, focus on first 100 days in office is April 20🔹George Washington was inaugurated in 1789, April, another Marker🔹
🔹April 20, the Silent Day, will be PEACE DAY for Russia and Ukraine… Will this be the cease fire, the END of all wars?🔹
💥Whenever you think of Iraq think of Iran, Russia think of Ukraine, Mexico think Venezuela, etc…. All SCRIPTED, lose the theatre, NO MORE WARS💥March 1, DONE in 30
🔹Message for Elon MUSK🔹
💥The reason you are not getting any REPLIES from the EMPLOYEES, they are all BOTS💥This is to EXPOSE the GOVERNMENT, which happens on March 4th💥
🔹The POPE, long gone, the MSM .. If the POPE death is announced on March 3th, this is the END of MSM, and the Markets will REACT to the Pope death announcements on the 4th🔹The SILVER HAMMER , mentioned a few shows ago, is the CoMex , which trigger the MARKETS, markets includes not only Stock markets, but the Crypto Markets, and Bond Markets….🔹Will start to see SILVER shoot to the MOON, ALL MARKETS on the VERGE of transferring to Quantum System🔹Bank tellers now saying Cards are Quantum 🔹
💥At the anticipated March 3rd Pope death announcement, RV goes LIVE on STELLAR💥
🔹BIS NOT listing a few of the Central Banks do not exist🔹
💥March 3, 34 Q Posts, like: My fellow Americans, May the force be with you, Future proves past, or is it SPRING BACK?💥
💥MARCH 4 DJT Speech , is it a RETURN of the US REPUBLIC ?💥Check out the Maps in my main channel, Future proves Past💥Is this DJT Speech , the first speech of the 19th President of the 19th Congress, or both perhaps, the FIRST ARREST, the Jeffrey Epstein files have been exposed, Is it the ARREST of Congress? WATCH IT ON THE 4th, enjoy it, lots of popcorn, remember what we are seeing, has already occurred!💥
💥March 10, deadline for ISO2022 compliance, but EU deadline is Oct 5, which hasn’t any influence on the RV ROLL, remember intergradations are going to be ongoing as RV unfolds.
🔹IRAQ has RV’d in Country already, with their Green Bonds, Green Cards Connections, also DJT GOLDEN Cards had just been Released 🔹
💥March 10, also deadline for Iraqi citizens to purchase dinar bonds under old rate…💥
🔹March 15, ides of March, the Jubilee Day, DJT called it National Day of Prayer, Is this our REST DAY, GESARA announced? As it would umbrella all the incoming Countries into the New US REPUBLIC , as being part of the RESET, Calendar change, and in GOD we Trust🔹
💥March 20, the Regulations and Crypto markets go away, they are now to be known as Digit Assets💥
🔹March 20, Markets move Real World Assets, gold , silver, platinum, etc.🔹
💥March 31, anything can happen within this March month, stay Alert 🚨 is this the final fundamental for the WTO?Does the WTO disappear? Old platform using a Cloud for actual timing? Another Marker💥
🔹Giving you guidelines/ roadmaps, watch the main channel for guidelines.🔹
💥May 1, the 1933 Death of Federal Reserve . Another Marker 💥
🔹🚨Alerts for Scammers, Bank emails that are not on the banks App, don’t open, be cautious of Med bed scammers🔹
💥L&G everything is lining up, TRUST THE PLAN, trust yourself, see you in the Flip side, GOD BLESS, take care, will be back in as soon as notifications are out, bye for now….💥
🔹💥Fantastic Fun Friday w/Mel by td in America 🔹💥
🔹Mayhem with Mel 🔹
▪️Welcome L&G, Special Messages today, I haven’t left you, will be back on as needed, in a different way and formate▪️
🔹Within the past 12 months the timelines have really changed, so as always, I offer a different perspective
💥Fort Knox, all that hoop-la, with the bird flu, appears all the EGGS are in Fort KNOX💥😁
💥DJT, GOLDEN cards, correlation with the Iraqi GREEN cards, and the GOLDEN Egg at EASTER….EASTER / RABBIT holes…💥
🔹EASTER Celebrates April 20, add 10 days, to have Orthodox Easter….A Marker🔹
🔹Jan 20, 2025, celebration for the OLD Corporation when inauguration of DJT, focus on first 100 days in office is April 20🔹George Washington was inaugurated in 1789, April, another Marker🔹
🔹April 20, the Silent Day, will be PEACE DAY for Russia and Ukraine… Will this be the cease fire, the END of all wars?🔹
💥Whenever you think of Iraq think of Iran, Russia think of Ukraine, Mexico think Venezuela, etc…. All SCRIPTED, lose the theatre, NO MORE WARS💥March 1, DONE in 30
🔹Message for Elon MUSK🔹
💥The reason you are not getting any REPLIES from the EMPLOYEES, they are all BOTS💥This is to EXPOSE the GOVERNMENT, which happens on March 4th💥
🔹The POPE, long gone, the MSM .. If the POPE death is announced on March 3th, this is the END of MSM, and the Markets will REACT to the Pope death announcements on the 4th🔹The SILVER HAMMER , mentioned a few shows ago, is the CoMex , which trigger the MARKETS, markets includes not only Stock markets, but the Crypto Markets, and Bond Markets….🔹Will start to see SILVER shoot to the MOON, ALL MARKETS on the VERGE of transferring to Quantum System🔹Bank tellers now saying Cards are Quantum 🔹
💥At the anticipated March 3rd Pope death announcement, RV goes LIVE on STELLAR💥
🔹BIS NOT listing a few of the Central Banks do not exist🔹
💥March 3, 34 Q Posts, like: My fellow Americans, May the force be with you, Future proves past, or is it SPRING BACK?💥
💥MARCH 4 DJT Speech , is it a RETURN of the US REPUBLIC ?💥Check out the Maps in my main channel, Future proves Past💥Is this DJT Speech , the first speech of the 19th President of the 19th Congress, or both perhaps, the FIRST ARREST, the Jeffrey Epstein files have been exposed, Is it the ARREST of Congress? WATCH IT ON THE 4th, enjoy it, lots of popcorn, remember what we are seeing, has already occurred!💥
💥March 10, deadline for ISO2022 compliance, but EU deadline is Oct 5, which hasn’t any influence on the RV ROLL, remember intergradations are going to be ongoing as RV unfolds.
🔹IRAQ has RV’d in Country already, with their Green Bonds, Green Cards Connections, also DJT GOLDEN Cards had just been Released 🔹
💥March 10, also deadline for Iraqi citizens to purchase dinar bonds under old rate…💥
🔹March 15, ides of March, the Jubilee Day, DJT called it National Day of Prayer, Is this our REST DAY, GESARA announced? As it would umbrella all the incoming Countries into the New US REPUBLIC , as being part of the RESET, Calendar change, and in GOD we Trust🔹
💥March 20, the Regulations and Crypto markets go away, they are now to be known as Digit Assets💥
🔹March 20, Markets move Real World Assets, gold , silver, platinum, etc.🔹
💥March 31, anything can happen within this March month, stay Alert 🚨 is this the final fundamental for the WTO?Does the WTO disappear? Old platform using a Cloud for actual timing? Another Marker💥
🔹Giving you guidelines/ roadmaps, watch the main channel for guidelines.🔹
💥May 1, the 1933 Death of Federal Reserve . Another Marker 💥
🔹🚨Alerts for Scammers, Bank emails that are not on the banks App, don’t open, be cautious of Med bed scammers🔹
💥L&G everything is lining up, TRUST THE PLAN, trust yourself, see you in the Flip side, GOD BLESS, take care, will be back in as soon as notifications are out, bye for now….💥
🔹💥Fantastic Fun Friday w/Mel by td in America 🔹💥
VK Screenshots

"NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2014 revealed the NSA’s use of a tool or malware named "GROK" for keystroke logging. The Intercept article, titled "How the NSA Plans to Infect ‘Millions’ of Computers with Malware," detailed the NSA’s use of various hacking tools, including GROK, as part of its surveillance operations"
12:06am Eastern
12:06am Eastern
We have been hearing of financial collapse for over five years, yet it never collapse.
Why are is our support taken for granted?
🚨Quantum Financial System incoming.
Between Ramadan and March 10
The world collapses
Stock Markets.
World Banking System.
This is what ElonStellar, Stellarmart, Trump projects etc are all for. With XRP Liquidity.
Why are is our support taken for granted?
🚨Quantum Financial System incoming.
Between Ramadan and March 10
The world collapses
Stock Markets.
World Banking System.
This is what ElonStellar, Stellarmart, Trump projects etc are all for. With XRP Liquidity.

_These ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS are much more than you think and can imagine<
>WE ARE HERE> ] DISCLOSURE [ EVENTS UNFOLDING in real time connected to JFK. RFK . MLK. UAPs UFO . USO ( Unidentified Submerged Objects> hidden tech. + More)
I have told you now that Trump's inauguration speech were important military COMMunication(S) , and the reason why he mentioned Alaska >Mnt McKinley being renamed is because these are connected to Mnt. Hayes and SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND ONE OF THE MOST ADVANCED UNDERGROUND BASE IN THE WORLD THAT HOUSES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CONNECTED TO
]]]]CONTACT [[[ OPERATIONS... And these operations are connected to 1947 deep state military operations of ROSWELL.
>As you know now there are several Hussle blowers that are explaining how UFO retrieval programs take place and they are using remote viewers , ESP .. Stargate and several operations connected to human interaction and psionic military operations to connect to with advanced civilizations and bringing them to our world to capture the advanced technology they travel in.
( You have to understand the power of the mind a powerful tool that connects to speaking with God, deities , spirits and beings and internal intuition of the sacred spirit... These communications between the human body and external sources or interdimensional sources has been taking place since humans were created and long before. /// Prayers. Meditation. Ceremonies and much more are powerful forms of communication with dimensional forces good or bad. >>> The Satanic cabal communicate with their deities through several different dark rituals and placed planned events as offerings to their God's and Spirits)
_It's been recorded in the inside the United States archive inside military records inside hidden classified records of the Pentagon and almost all intelligence agencies that programs and operations targeted ESP, Stargate, remote viewing , scionic telepathy communications and much other forms of communication through direct mind frequency quantum energy Fields of the living mind to initiate military operations on several fronts. _
_The Iron Dome. How is this connected to STARGATE ( when we talk about Stargate we are talking about different operations.
>One is CIA/OSS Operations of remote viewing where hundreds of people were killed or silenced in the operations.
>Second we are talking of the REAL STARGATE under mnt HAYES that connects to a world wide SPIDER WEB of underground bases and important ancient civilization sites and advanced technology.. This SPIDER WEB CONNECTS TO DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS
>>>>>>>>>>The A I. system and operations of Stargate being released by Trump> Military< is just a cover story)
_What are the STARGATE operations? Well, here's what's really happening behind the scenes. You know, Trump is going to initiate the Iron Dome that's going to protect the United States from attacks, from digital attacks and even from drones.
That's the story that you're hearing. It's like the one in Israel the one the United States made for them, the Iron Dome. Those aren't the facts<
>>. Here's the real drop, the real intel of how it's connected to Stargate, why these operations are so vital and they're so important.
The Iron Dome is not only protecting the United States from an outside attack, it's actually on the inside protecting the United States from an inside attack. The Iron Dome is actually a NEW SUPER telecommunications system.
It's a new, powerful system that's going to be super encrypted by the STARGATE operations behind the scenes. The new powerful AI technology that is moving at rapid speed that Trump is controlling with Stargate, these powerful operations, is takimg down the old communication systems of the deep state that has been controlling the world for a century.
_These ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS are much more than you think and can imagine<
>WE ARE HERE> ] DISCLOSURE [ EVENTS UNFOLDING in real time connected to JFK. RFK . MLK. UAPs UFO . USO ( Unidentified Submerged Objects> hidden tech. + More)
I have told you now that Trump's inauguration speech were important military COMMunication(S) , and the reason why he mentioned Alaska >Mnt McKinley being renamed is because these are connected to Mnt. Hayes and SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND ONE OF THE MOST ADVANCED UNDERGROUND BASE IN THE WORLD THAT HOUSES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CONNECTED TO
]]]]CONTACT [[[ OPERATIONS... And these operations are connected to 1947 deep state military operations of ROSWELL.
>As you know now there are several Hussle blowers that are explaining how UFO retrieval programs take place and they are using remote viewers , ESP .. Stargate and several operations connected to human interaction and psionic military operations to connect to with advanced civilizations and bringing them to our world to capture the advanced technology they travel in.
( You have to understand the power of the mind a powerful tool that connects to speaking with God, deities , spirits and beings and internal intuition of the sacred spirit... These communications between the human body and external sources or interdimensional sources has been taking place since humans were created and long before. /// Prayers. Meditation. Ceremonies and much more are powerful forms of communication with dimensional forces good or bad. >>> The Satanic cabal communicate with their deities through several different dark rituals and placed planned events as offerings to their God's and Spirits)
_It's been recorded in the inside the United States archive inside military records inside hidden classified records of the Pentagon and almost all intelligence agencies that programs and operations targeted ESP, Stargate, remote viewing , scionic telepathy communications and much other forms of communication through direct mind frequency quantum energy Fields of the living mind to initiate military operations on several fronts. _
_The Iron Dome. How is this connected to STARGATE ( when we talk about Stargate we are talking about different operations.
>One is CIA/OSS Operations of remote viewing where hundreds of people were killed or silenced in the operations.
>Second we are talking of the REAL STARGATE under mnt HAYES that connects to a world wide SPIDER WEB of underground bases and important ancient civilization sites and advanced technology.. This SPIDER WEB CONNECTS TO DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS
>>>>>>>>>>The A I. system and operations of Stargate being released by Trump> Military< is just a cover story)
_What are the STARGATE operations? Well, here's what's really happening behind the scenes. You know, Trump is going to initiate the Iron Dome that's going to protect the United States from attacks, from digital attacks and even from drones.
That's the story that you're hearing. It's like the one in Israel the one the United States made for them, the Iron Dome. Those aren't the facts<
>>. Here's the real drop, the real intel of how it's connected to Stargate, why these operations are so vital and they're so important.
The Iron Dome is not only protecting the United States from an outside attack, it's actually on the inside protecting the United States from an inside attack. The Iron Dome is actually a NEW SUPER telecommunications system.
It's a new, powerful system that's going to be super encrypted by the STARGATE operations behind the scenes. The new powerful AI technology that is moving at rapid speed that Trump is controlling with Stargate, these powerful operations, is takimg down the old communication systems of the deep state that has been controlling the world for a century.
Have a nice Friday Patriots,
There is much noise and disappointment within our movement regarding the release of the Epstein files.
Totally unnecessary!
Anons should know that none of this is for us. Anons should know by now that we are in an ongoing military operation. Why did Trump break it up into phases? So that the people out there can be slowly introduced to the issues!
We already know what was going on. What really happened on the island. The names of those who were there are almost the same as those involved in every other scandal.
Disclosure does not begin at the end, or in the middle, but always at the beginning of everything! And that is exactly what is happening right now.
If you have faith in the military, Trump and his team, you should have it at every stage of this operation!
They know exactly what they are doing!
There is much noise and disappointment within our movement regarding the release of the Epstein files.
Totally unnecessary!
Anons should know that none of this is for us. Anons should know by now that we are in an ongoing military operation. Why did Trump break it up into phases? So that the people out there can be slowly introduced to the issues!
We already know what was going on. What really happened on the island. The names of those who were there are almost the same as those involved in every other scandal.
Disclosure does not begin at the end, or in the middle, but always at the beginning of everything! And that is exactly what is happening right now.
If you have faith in the military, Trump and his team, you should have it at every stage of this operation!
They know exactly what they are doing!
🇨🇱⚠️ — BREAKING: Major blackout in Chile, almost 20 million people without electricity!

> Trump Secretary of State Mark Rubio and including Secretary of defense of the United States are all pushing for disclosure projects being guided by Congress to the American people.
>From RFK JR. TULSI GABBARD ... Heading important operation to bring down the deep state cabal operations to DOGE attacking and exposing the Federal Reserve.... We are coming into the POWERFUL STORM AND DAYS OF THUNDER
These operations of the STARGATE. IRON DOME is connected to the coming release of Advanced hidden technology>>> including the real Med beds. Life beds ( not the fake gimmicks out there) ...... How do you think Trump and Musk can sleep only 2 _4 hours a night and work non stop?
Right now Trump is taking apart the deep state financial money laundering operations and federal reserve that protects the FDA and deep state from letting Med Beds / Tesla beds/ life beds from coming out. The FDA protects the health industry and Big pharma industry and they don't want advanced technology coming out to save lives. For centuries the deep state cabal have been in control of human health and medicine and pandemics < .... Now everything is going to change.......
Trump is on control very important life changing technology<
The IRON DOME is MUCH more than you think!
STARGATE is much more than you think!
The Golden era.
The Great Awakening Operations.
Please help support our channel with a kind donation dear friend and Patriots. We risk our lives giving the Truth and will continue.
Thank you
This information comes from my Patreon channel where i give full COMMS and DROPS in weekly podcast video and audio cast. Join the channel and get the Real Intel years. Weeks. Months in advanced
>From RFK JR. TULSI GABBARD ... Heading important operation to bring down the deep state cabal operations to DOGE attacking and exposing the Federal Reserve.... We are coming into the POWERFUL STORM AND DAYS OF THUNDER
These operations of the STARGATE. IRON DOME is connected to the coming release of Advanced hidden technology>>> including the real Med beds. Life beds ( not the fake gimmicks out there) ...... How do you think Trump and Musk can sleep only 2 _4 hours a night and work non stop?
Right now Trump is taking apart the deep state financial money laundering operations and federal reserve that protects the FDA and deep state from letting Med Beds / Tesla beds/ life beds from coming out. The FDA protects the health industry and Big pharma industry and they don't want advanced technology coming out to save lives. For centuries the deep state cabal have been in control of human health and medicine and pandemics < .... Now everything is going to change.......
Trump is on control very important life changing technology<
The IRON DOME is MUCH more than you think!
STARGATE is much more than you think!
The Golden era.
The Great Awakening Operations.
Please help support our channel with a kind donation dear friend and Patriots. We risk our lives giving the Truth and will continue.
Thank you
This information comes from my Patreon channel where i give full COMMS and DROPS in weekly podcast video and audio cast. Join the channel and get the Real Intel years. Weeks. Months in advanced

_and the deep state military operations at mnt. Denali that was attacking mnt HAYES has fallen.
.> That's the real reason Trump renamed mnt. Dentali back to McKinley, they are CAPTURED OPERATIONS.
( but game theory operations are in place to bring about DISCLOSURE AND CONTACT projects/ operations)
Fake alien invasion ( project Blue Beam was a dissemination Project for many purposes of both white hats and black hats ... * It should be noted here that military operations do not use the word Project blue beam ) WAS a fight for your DNA!!!!
This fight for your consciousness when we are talking about these aliens from different dimensions and different beings range in different vast conscious , some of them are scared of human beings they're very afraid because your consciousness is affecting their reality so they stay away. They are really sensitive to the energy that humans put out
The human powerful vibrations that is connected to fear and pain ( energy) is fuel and energy that some dark forces. Spirits and Extraterrestrials live off and move through.
>There's a fight for this consciousness of the human energy because that human energy is also connected to the highest source of divinity of the God creation the most ultimate source of the God creation So there is a war For this divine energy at the highest levels.
This is what the fallen angels, the dark spirits want. Dark ETs
The war to control the human consciousness, the DNA is what the evil ones want , controlling the human subconscious flow . >>Because just one human can rise to a level of power faith love Compassion and that energy flow of divine energy is effecting different dimensions and that Vibration is surpassing the speed of light it reaches reaches far across the reigns of creation and space and time and interdimension. The beautiful consciousness of the human spirit is creating light in the darkest regions unfathomable places across the universe.
There is panic in the kingdom of Satanic / dark places and operations that humans are achieving a MASS AWAKENING to break the chains of enslavement to their dark system.
You are very important dear friends. Dear Patriots and world humans who join in a consciousness to believe in a fair peaceful world for all.
STARGATE is not what you think it is.. it is much much more and operations connect to Admiral Rogers,, 17. Mh-370 . Hidden technology of plasma. Quantum energy. Infinite energy. And much much much much much more.
These operations of the light forces the White Hats are using subconscious powerful weapons that also connect to intelligenant super computers much stronger than the Google WILLOw supercomputers and they have taken over the other operations on Earth. Now this is going to capture all the operations and that's why Trump was giving comms to the Deep State.
That's why Trump was talking about Alaska about Mount McKinley. Now that's why Trump is talking about Stargate the AI operations. These AI operations of Stargate is connected to White Hats controlling all the other Deep State operations of their advanced technology.
that they're hiding.
Trump is taking Full control. The military behind him is taking FULL control.
Computer systems are coming under the control of the SPIDERWEB that is now controlling everything and all the operations are coming back into one slowly.
_and the deep state military operations at mnt. Denali that was attacking mnt HAYES has fallen.
.> That's the real reason Trump renamed mnt. Dentali back to McKinley, they are CAPTURED OPERATIONS.
( but game theory operations are in place to bring about DISCLOSURE AND CONTACT projects/ operations)
Fake alien invasion ( project Blue Beam was a dissemination Project for many purposes of both white hats and black hats ... * It should be noted here that military operations do not use the word Project blue beam ) WAS a fight for your DNA!!!!
This fight for your consciousness when we are talking about these aliens from different dimensions and different beings range in different vast conscious , some of them are scared of human beings they're very afraid because your consciousness is affecting their reality so they stay away. They are really sensitive to the energy that humans put out
The human powerful vibrations that is connected to fear and pain ( energy) is fuel and energy that some dark forces. Spirits and Extraterrestrials live off and move through.
>There's a fight for this consciousness of the human energy because that human energy is also connected to the highest source of divinity of the God creation the most ultimate source of the God creation So there is a war For this divine energy at the highest levels.
This is what the fallen angels, the dark spirits want. Dark ETs
The war to control the human consciousness, the DNA is what the evil ones want , controlling the human subconscious flow . >>Because just one human can rise to a level of power faith love Compassion and that energy flow of divine energy is effecting different dimensions and that Vibration is surpassing the speed of light it reaches reaches far across the reigns of creation and space and time and interdimension. The beautiful consciousness of the human spirit is creating light in the darkest regions unfathomable places across the universe.
There is panic in the kingdom of Satanic / dark places and operations that humans are achieving a MASS AWAKENING to break the chains of enslavement to their dark system.
You are very important dear friends. Dear Patriots and world humans who join in a consciousness to believe in a fair peaceful world for all.
STARGATE is not what you think it is.. it is much much more and operations connect to Admiral Rogers,, 17. Mh-370 . Hidden technology of plasma. Quantum energy. Infinite energy. And much much much much much more.
These operations of the light forces the White Hats are using subconscious powerful weapons that also connect to intelligenant super computers much stronger than the Google WILLOw supercomputers and they have taken over the other operations on Earth. Now this is going to capture all the operations and that's why Trump was giving comms to the Deep State.
That's why Trump was talking about Alaska about Mount McKinley. Now that's why Trump is talking about Stargate the AI operations. These AI operations of Stargate is connected to White Hats controlling all the other Deep State operations of their advanced technology.
that they're hiding.
Trump is taking Full control. The military behind him is taking FULL control.
Computer systems are coming under the control of the SPIDERWEB that is now controlling everything and all the operations are coming back into one slowly.
🦅 Aquila 🦅

The U.S. State Department is ending support for Ukraine’s power grid restoration - NBC reports
The U.S. State Department is ending support for Ukraine’s power grid restoration - NBC reports
Google Reveals Federal Reserve to Implement XRP As a Worldwide Payment Solution | CryptoNewsLand on Binance Square

🇺🇸🪙Jon Dowling; Let the games begin! President Trump is signaling not only the removal of income tax, but also property tax, the estate tax, excise and capital gains taxes as well! All illegal and not constitutional.
Meanwhile, he plans to go to several countries next week, to include Saudi Arabia, Iraq, China and Russia. All regarding the reset and peace talks which they did years ago. All for optics at this point. The Fed to pause rates today with no meeting in February. This traps Powell as he'll have to own the economy crash of the old system, while President Trump ushers in the new Nesara reset Gold based system. We are finally in the climax point folks after all this time. God's timing is always perfect!👀🙏
Meanwhile, he plans to go to several countries next week, to include Saudi Arabia, Iraq, China and Russia. All regarding the reset and peace talks which they did years ago. All for optics at this point. The Fed to pause rates today with no meeting in February. This traps Powell as he'll have to own the economy crash of the old system, while President Trump ushers in the new Nesara reset Gold based system. We are finally in the climax point folks after all this time. God's timing is always perfect!👀🙏
Intel Slava Z

🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦🇷🇺Trump has given Europe three weeks to sign Ukraine's "capitulation," Ukrainian MEP Mika Aaltola said.
His words are quoted by Newsweek, which writes that the deputy is referring to the peace agreement proposed by Trump.
"If we don't do this, the United States will leave Europe," Aaltola added.
His words are quoted by Newsweek, which writes that the deputy is referring to the peace agreement proposed by Trump.
"If we don't do this, the United States will leave Europe," Aaltola added.

A lot of these unidentified submerged objects including advanced technology and old civilizations and their operations control is unknown. So the deep state try to use captured uaps extra terrestrial vehicles to try to open up that technology and operate their systems and these hidden underground bases of the SPIDERWEB underground bases around the world
So this iron dome that Trump is creating is creating is a new telecommunication systems with super advanced intelligence operations that is capturing all the deep state old TELECOMMUNICATION systems.
When you hear about Willow Google computer as the strongest advanced computer in the world . , that is a flat out lie by the military operations.
The real Stargate computers is interstellar multi-dimensional advanced computer system that is thousands of years beyond belief. And more over Trump ( Military) is in control of the living light intelligence plasma
Energy that is controlling the Trumps a.i. Open Stargate system and IRON DOME
>>> How do you think Trump has attacked the deep state operations in his first month in office as the president of the United States and 2025 and is moving so quickly and swiftly destroying the CIA operations the military operations and their telecommunication systems that protect the dark deep operations and their super encryption systems?
> How is USSF .> MUSK moving so swiftly d through the encryption systems of the deep state that protect the cabal operations?
is cleaning the whole deep state system inside the United States.
When people talk about politics, where the world is going, what's going to happen?
They're talking about the left. They're talking about the right. They're talking about the old system.
>The thing that they're not talking about is AI. The thing that they're not talking about is super advanced military intelligence and
what they're using,> technology that is 1000 years ahead in the future, that technology that we have now, this is what we're talking about when we talk about Stargate, these highly classified operations that Trump is controlling.
I have been telling you for a long time that Trump is inside military operations and these are important sting operations that included 2020 elections it included Musk at the highest levels of operations connected to USSF intelligence operations and 17 operations.
This military sting operation that actually began in 2014 and was fully initiated in 2017 was to take down the world deep state operations and it's connected to crimes against humanity. The creation of the bioweapons, stolen elections, military coup. COUP against several nations and governments around the world...to all the corruptions of money laundering ,, human trafficking . PEDO NETWORKS, creating wars , DRUG TRADE WEAPONS TRADE THE BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS WORLD WIDE ..
_NOW you are seeing the military lines operations moving forward full speed as Kash Patel is coming into the FBI to expose the corruption of the FBI and declassify operations to the American public , Patel is going to connect the FBI coup connected to military coup in the United States and leaders and corporations inside the military coup against Trump and will all connect the money laundering operations and will all connect to human trafficking and to Epstein into the Deep state operations of the CIA in elite families across the world and globalis operations of DAVOS group and much more
> The United Nations
> You're watching the full corruption of the deep state being uncovered by several of Trump's appointees and Trump's super team that is going to uncover human trafficking blue States connected to money laundering operations of the United States and corruption to military coup against Trump Pam Bondi is moving forward with indictments and arrests.
So this iron dome that Trump is creating is creating is a new telecommunication systems with super advanced intelligence operations that is capturing all the deep state old TELECOMMUNICATION systems.
When you hear about Willow Google computer as the strongest advanced computer in the world . , that is a flat out lie by the military operations.
The real Stargate computers is interstellar multi-dimensional advanced computer system that is thousands of years beyond belief. And more over Trump ( Military) is in control of the living light intelligence plasma
Energy that is controlling the Trumps a.i. Open Stargate system and IRON DOME
>>> How do you think Trump has attacked the deep state operations in his first month in office as the president of the United States and 2025 and is moving so quickly and swiftly destroying the CIA operations the military operations and their telecommunication systems that protect the dark deep operations and their super encryption systems?
> How is USSF .> MUSK moving so swiftly d through the encryption systems of the deep state that protect the cabal operations?
is cleaning the whole deep state system inside the United States.
When people talk about politics, where the world is going, what's going to happen?
They're talking about the left. They're talking about the right. They're talking about the old system.
>The thing that they're not talking about is AI. The thing that they're not talking about is super advanced military intelligence and
what they're using,> technology that is 1000 years ahead in the future, that technology that we have now, this is what we're talking about when we talk about Stargate, these highly classified operations that Trump is controlling.
I have been telling you for a long time that Trump is inside military operations and these are important sting operations that included 2020 elections it included Musk at the highest levels of operations connected to USSF intelligence operations and 17 operations.
This military sting operation that actually began in 2014 and was fully initiated in 2017 was to take down the world deep state operations and it's connected to crimes against humanity. The creation of the bioweapons, stolen elections, military coup. COUP against several nations and governments around the world...to all the corruptions of money laundering ,, human trafficking . PEDO NETWORKS, creating wars , DRUG TRADE WEAPONS TRADE THE BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS WORLD WIDE ..
_NOW you are seeing the military lines operations moving forward full speed as Kash Patel is coming into the FBI to expose the corruption of the FBI and declassify operations to the American public , Patel is going to connect the FBI coup connected to military coup in the United States and leaders and corporations inside the military coup against Trump and will all connect the money laundering operations and will all connect to human trafficking and to Epstein into the Deep state operations of the CIA in elite families across the world and globalis operations of DAVOS group and much more
> The United Nations
> You're watching the full corruption of the deep state being uncovered by several of Trump's appointees and Trump's super team that is going to uncover human trafficking blue States connected to money laundering operations of the United States and corruption to military coup against Trump Pam Bondi is moving forward with indictments and arrests.
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