卐 The Sacred Swastika 卐
IF YOU’RE reading this I’m pretty sure you already know most of the history of the swastika and its variants, some of which are called fylfots.
We all know there are Buddhist versions, Hindu versions, National Socialist versions, ancient American Indian versions, Scandinavian versions, and on and on and on. And, yes, we all know that some versions are considered to be lucky, some represent the sun crossing the sky, some represent Thor’s hammer being thrown, and some represent other things. So I’m not going to bore you with a history lesson that you probably already know or which you can look up on the Internet.
What I do want to tell you may be news to you, and that is that some of us consider the swastika or fylfot as an essential religious symbol for our kind that helps link us to the Creator.
Shapes and lines matter, and when they are formed into a swastika or fylfot and used by us, they have a religious and spiritual meaning that haters of White people can’t stand.
And, it’s not just a matter of anti-Whites simply not liking our symbols: This is part of a cosmic battle of good against evil, light against dark, being against non-being, existence against non-existence, the “somethingness” of the Creator against nothingness.
It may seem impossible or mystical or mysterious that two-dimensional shapes and lines matter, even if just written on paper — and can have an effect in our world. But some of us believe there are scientific reasons behind this that reach down into the subatomic underpinning of our level of reality and which science can’t now explain. We believe that, specifically, the proper shapes and lines link us (as the particular people we are, and with the special DNA code that we carry, along with our proper beliefs and actions to the Quantum level of existence and the Creator) with scientific laws and rules that may someday be explained with subatomic physics. Because they are scientific, it does not make them less religious, as we believe the Creator is also discoverable through science and exists in the Quantum level of existence and permeates everything.
You’ve heard of God talking out of the whirlwind, and you’ve seen what water looks like as it drains from your sink, and what distant spiral galaxies look like and what hurricanes and tornadoes look like, right? They look like swastikas or fylfots.
In fact, that spinning shape is found throughout all of existence, and we see it as essential to the Creator and existence itself. Without that shape, there would be nothing. God speaks to us from it in a million different ways. We believe it is a necessary shape for creation, the maintenance of existence — and eventually deconstruction and then creation again — as the spinning stops for a period, dwells for a time, and then begins spinning again.
And we see the swastika or fylfot as representing good and light against evil and darkness. You can represent it this way on, say, a flag, making the background all black and the swastika white, and this represents the Creator pushing back the nothingness and filling it with Its somethingness.
It is goodness, light, life, and existence itself. It is God as It wants to be seen. Evil forces try to deny us this shape. Don’t let them get away with it. They have no right to tell us what shapes we should revere, and we don’t tell them what shapes are okay for them to use. They should mind their own damn business and butt out.