There are no refunds on these laws that have been falsely passed through state and federal parliament. There should be no question that the Government is hostile towards the Australian people. Traitors through and through.
It seems like this is a systematic problem Australia wide with the police force. No wonder they hate nationalist so much, we are the only ones that can and will bring them to justice.
When and where will the Anglo-Saxon community concerns be herd by our MP's?
White South Australians came together for a hike to celebrate the success of our national gathering. Despite ongoing pressure from the system, we remain steadfast and committed to building a better future for our people.
Despite a number of Victorians being on non-association conditions since Australia Day weekend, we continue to break attendance records and prove that faith and action are the keys to victory, no matter the level of state persecution from the evil government tyranny.
White man fight back, and join us in the struggle to bring back White Australia.
Keith Woods’ recent article, "Nationalism Doesn't Need National Socialism - Response to Joel Davis," perfectly encapsulates the kind of intellectual dishonesty and historical illiteracy one expects from closet National Bolsheviks posing as nationalists. Encouraging his audience to reject National Socialism isn't just misguided—it's ideological sabotage.
Daniel Zakal, author of National Socialism: Our Struggle and Vitalis, and founder of Invisible Empire Publishing LLC, decisively dismantles every weak and superficial claim made by Woods, exposing his arguments as little more than lazy rhetoric wrapped in recycled Allied propaganda.
Read the full, unapologetic takedown here, and witness Keith Woods, the crypto-communist masquerading as a nationalist, being intellectually annihilated point by point:
Why did Dean Lee the CEO of the Shrine of Remembrance co-operate with Victoria Police to prevent White Australians from entering the shrine only to allow left wing extremist to desecrate it?
I do wonder if these vandals will have the same bail conditions and not be allowed to attend the shrine as I do?
Everyone still on twitter spam this in the replies of the likes of Craig Kelly, Malcolm Roberts and Gerard Rennick and demand they call of the arrest of these scum that shouldn't even be in our country!
Tim Lutze and Jim Roberts were arrested just the other day for simply trying to attend a service at the Shrine, meanwhile this mudslime bitch is defacing a memorial to our fallen ancestors and NOTHING is done about it?
It's about time our supposed representatives in parliament started going after antiwhite activists even a fraction as hard as the Left goes after us. We need to bully these cuckservatives into fighting back.
is there a way we can follow this up with police to make sure there is an active investigation. cops ban us from the shrine, but are these cunts on bail conditions
"Across hemispheres, bonds are only strengthening in our movement whilst we face constant persecution for defending our future. From Legacy Boxing Gym in Victoria to Nordic fight club Veren Laki, who also run fight events and train in the Martial Arts within the Nationalist scene."
Local members of Clann Éireann decided to visit The Grianán of Aileach in County Donegal recently. This historical site has great symbolic importance, due to the fact that it is pre-Christian and was revered and respected by our medieval monks, who wrote poems of its construction in the Book of Lecan. This fact symbolises how the Christianisation of Ireland was not one of denial of our past, but rather an acceptance of our ancestors' heritage while bringing them into the faith of Christ. While there, our members also visited St. Patrick's Holy Well, named after the Saint as he is said to have blessed it. Our Patron Saint is said to have blessed many places in Ireland while accepting the righteous and holy deeds of Caílte Mac Rónáin of the Fianna, as told to us in the Acallam na Senórach. Whether one believes such things happened historically is unimportant, what it symbolises is what is important: reverence, love & acceptance for the totality of our people's history.
There are no refunds on these laws that have been falsely passed through state and federal parliament. There should be no question that the Government is hostile towards the Australian people. Traitors through and through.
Keith Woods’ recent article, "Nationalism Doesn't Need National Socialism - Response to Joel Davis," perfectly encapsulates the kind of intellectual dishonesty and historical illiteracy one expects from closet National Bolsheviks posing as nationalists. Encouraging his audience to reject National Socialism isn't just misguided—it's ideological sabotage.
Daniel Zakal, author of National Socialism: Our Struggle and Vitalis, and founder of Invisible Empire Publishing LLC, decisively dismantles every weak and superficial claim made by Woods, exposing his arguments as little more than lazy rhetoric wrapped in recycled Allied propaganda.
Read the full, unapologetic takedown here, and witness Keith Woods, the crypto-communist masquerading as a nationalist, being intellectually annihilated point by point: