"Men are tired of being rejected by women and are resorting to gaming to fill the hole in their lives."
Please, for the love of God, single guys don't be this pathetic. Men used to remain stag and give women extremely little time by choice so that they could spend more time pursuing interests, goals, and hobbies. It's sounds so weak to say that you either have women or video games. Do something more with your life. If you're a single guy and you have countless hours to give to a woman, what are you even doing with your life? If you're seeking to enhance your career, build muscle and athleticism, learn more, and grow in your spiritual life, learn a martial art, dry fire, spending time in the outdoors, hanging out with other men, how much time do you actually have available to look for a woman?
When I was courting my now-wife, I had to give up hobbies and other pursuits for her. I actually had to sacrifice a portion of my own life for her. And that showed her that I valued her.
If you have nothing better to do with your time than swipe right on tinder and play video games, why are you surprised that you're depressed and women don't find you particularly appealing?