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Jesus is the way. Njlarsen avatar
Jesus is the way. Njlarsen
Jesus is the way. Njlarsen avatar
Jesus is the way. Njlarsen
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Through Adam to Jesus Christ we contrast of the two unions;

One man Adam, contrasted with one man, Christ.
One man's offense -many died.
One man's free gift
-righteousness to many.
One man -brought judgment and condemnation.
One man -for many offenses the gift of justification.
Through one man -death reigns.
Through one man -believers reign in life.
Through one man's offense -condemnation to all.
Through the righteousness of one -justification is offered to all.
Disobedience of one -many were made sinners.
By the obedience of one -many made righteous.
Sin reigned in death in the one case.
Grace reigns throughout eternal life in the other.

~One Man~
By Chuck Missler
Romans Commentary
::: Morning Scriptures :::
Mon., Feb. 24, 2025
"Follow Me"
15 of 30

... 26 But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one" John 10:26-29 ( Thomas Nelson NKJV SB 1997)
Pursuing Humility
Humble people recognize that each individual has great worth in God's eyes.

Ephesians 4:1-3
The Lord has specific aims for each of us individually. But He also has goals that apply universally to all believers, such as a relentless, lifelong pursuit of humility.
A humble mindset is more than a healthy view of ourselves; it is a servant’s attitude that acknowledges our total dependence on the Lord. Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.” In order of priority, Jesus comes first, others are second, and we are last.
As believers, we speak emphatically about loving others, forgiving them unconditionally, and treating them with kindness. But the root of these actions is humility. To be able to love and forgive others, we must be willing to recognize their great worth in God’s eyes and the magnitude of His compassion, love, and forgiveness toward mankind. As Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”
If we think only of how we feel, what’s convenient for us, or ways to profit from a situation, we won’t be demonstrating Jesus’ love. However, when humility is our goal, then love, forgiveness, and kindness will grow out of it.

~In Touch Ministries

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
HEBREWS 12:1-2

Christians have a race to run. This race is set before them; it is marked out for them both by the Word of God and the examples of the faithful servants of God, that cloud of witnesses that encompasses the faithful. This race must be run with patience and perseverance. Faith and patience are the conquering graces and therefore must always be cultivated.
Christians have a greater example to encourage them than any who have been mentioned before. Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith, is the great leader and precedent of our faith. He is the finisher of grace and of the work of faith in the souls of His people, and He is the judge and the rewarder of their faith.
We must look to Jesus; we must set Him continually before us as our example. We must consider Him and meditate much upon Him. We shall find that as His sufferings far exceeded ours, so His patience far excels ours.
There is a tendency in the best of us to grow weary and to faint under our trials and afflictions. The best way to prevent this is to look to Jesus. Faith in Jesus and meditation on the Word of God will bring us fresh supplies of strength, comfort, and courage.

~Matthew Henry Daily Devotional
Good morning family and friends! God bless you. Have a wonderful day! Maranatha 🕊
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Carli • Saved by Grace avatar
Carli • Saved by Grace
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Be Ready For The Rapture avatar
Be Ready For The Rapture
Good morning beloved of Christ Jesus, another beautiful day to give God thanks 🙏🙌

May the Lord answer our prayers for family, friends and the lost today.
Hear oh Lord and answer us according to thy word 🙏

Love and blessings everyone
Have a wonderful day in the Lord🕊👏🙏❤️
Good night and God bless you beautiful family! Jesus loves you! Maranatha 🕊
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Carli • Saved by Grace avatar
Carli • Saved by Grace
Stand Fast In The Faith

In these closing words of Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he once again exhorts his brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage and honour one another. He cites Timothy as a devoted young brother who seems to be a rather reserved young man, and even timid. And so Paul's advice is to welcome Timothy with gentleness of spirit and not to do anything to make him feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, for Timothy laboured hard for the Lord and as a brother in Christ should be received with respect by other members of Christ's Body.

Paul also mentions another staunch brother in the Lord: Apollos, whom Paul wanted to link up with the Corinthian church. The underlying reason for Paul mentioning these brothers seemed to be that as the Body of Christ, we are to pull together; to honour one another; to fellowship with one another; to make sure that we are one in heart and mind with our brethren as we look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

And we find that Paul's closing words to the Corinthians are designed to encourage Christians to watch, to be on the alert, to stand firm in the faith, to act like men and to be strong. Paul is urging the believers at Corinth to be of one mind and to make sure that all that they say and all they do is done in love.

Every Christian should know the importance of watching and being alert, for we have many enemies that seek our downfall. We are surrounded with many false apostles, false prophets, false teachers, deceitful workers and doctrines of demons. All such things, started to infiltrate the Church in the time of Paul, and seem to have exploded into multiple fragments of falsity within today's apostate churches and heretical cults.

The enemy of our soul seeks to permeate every nook and cranny of Christian life. Indeed, we know that the devil himself prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. And that same, the evil enemy, who is called the devil and Satan, will also try to approach us as an angel of light through the medium of deceptive people, false apostles, and deceitful workers who pretend that they are apostles of Christ, but their witness and faith is compromised. How important therefore that we are alert and watchful against the enemy of our soul, not only for ourselves but on behalf of all our brothers and sisters in Christ so that together we keep looking to Jesus, our blessed Hope.

Like the Corinthians, we are also called to be brave and strong in our Christian walk. We are not to compromise our faith but to cling fast to that which is good and noble, right and pure, honourable, admirable, and lovely. And we do this as we trust in the Lord with all our heart, for He is the Rock our Salvation and the Foundation upon which we stand. We are to be devoted to our brothers and sisters in Christ, for we are one Body united together in Him, not only in this life but in the ages to come.

God bless you all.

The Core of Romans ~ The Gospel
By Chuck Missler
Romans (Session 2)
Chapter 1:8-32
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