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PMC Nazbolwaffen (uncensored) avatar

PMC Nazbolwaffen (uncensored)

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Pax Tube avatar
Pax Tube
New Pax Tube video is now live!

Join me as I explore how Liberalism corrupts Christianity.

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Vynlazer Militia International avatar
Vynlazer Militia International
Capitalism and Freedom
"Mussolini is a man no less extraordinary than Lenin. He, too, is a political genius, of a greater reach than all the statesmen of the day, with the only exception of Lenin; he has that intuitive sense of reality which is the supreme gift of statesmen and which in him is enhanced by an exceptional energy of will and action."

🔗 Source Georges Sorel's letter to Jean Variot in 1922
Socialist Anti-Freemasonry

Karl Marx viewed Freemasons as an instrument of bourgeois society, which support the existing state apparatus. In his writings "The Holy Family" and "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right", he associates Freemasons and other secret societies as embodying bourgeois ideology and philistinism.

The Bolsheviks, even before the revolution, viewed Freemasonry with suspicion, associating it with bourgeois, capitalist or anti revolutionary behaviors. After the Revolution in 1917, Freemasonry was banned in Russia, and it was linked with Zionism or international finance capitalism.

Freemasonry was outlawed in every Warsaw Pact and Eastern Bloc nation. revivals of Freemasonry in Czechoslovakia and Hungary were suppressed in 1950. In China, Freemasonry was targeted and effectively eradicated from all aspects of society.

"Freemasonry has long served as one of the means by which the bourgeoisie has tried to preserve its class rule."
—Lenin, The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution
"We believe that Spain is a unity of destiny in the universal, and we reject all forms of separatism and regionalism because they are detrimental to the national interest. We are not monarchists, we are not republicans, we are not even democrats, we are not anything but Nationalists, and Nationalists above all else. We do not care about labels; we care about the nation. The nation transcends doctrines, political parties, and the pettiness of current politics. We want a Spain where everyone, from the peasant to the industrial worker, from the intellectual to the soldier, contributes to the greatness of our homeland. We want a Spain where justice is not an abstract ideal but a living reality, where the worker enjoys the fruits of his labor, where the land is not the property of a few but the heritage of all. We want a Spain that is strong, just, and capable of taking its rightful place among the nations of the world.

—José Antonio Primo de Rivera, speech at the Teatro de la Comedia in Madrid on May 19, 1935
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𝐙𝖔𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝐖𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖓 avatar
State funded protests

Joe Rogan: I guarantee these protests are organized through USAID NGO protests. There's a lot of money involved. This is organized funded protests. they're mobilizing other NGOs and utilizing their mailing lists.
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Patriotic Socialist Front — New Channel avatar
Patriotic Socialist Front — New Channel
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Keith Woods avatar
Keith Woods
🇮🇪 Today in multicultural Ireland: a "South American" went door to door stabbing people at random in Dublin.

The inner-city of Dublin is already minority Irish. This is our future without nationalists in power.

X 🔗
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ye avatar
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Vynlazer Militia International avatar
Vynlazer Militia International
National Socialism was a Cornered Fox

National Socialist Germany was a reaction to the unequal treaties and tge destructiom of the first world war.
If America never got involved or if Wilson accepted Japans racial equality proposal they would not have rose.
This is something Liberals will never accept responsibility for.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Vynlazer Militia International avatar
Vynlazer Militia International
Proudhoun and the Jews
Though some twentieth century writers have maintained that Proudhon was not an anti-Semite, we find in his notebooks proof of the contrary. In this selection from his notebooks Proudhon’s anti-Semitism goes far beyond that of Marx at approximately the same time, calling not for the end of what Jews represent, i.e., capitalism, but of the Jews as a people. Proudhon’s privately expressed thoughts were elaborated on in the same year as this entry by his follower Alphonse Toussenel in his “Les Juifs, Rois de l'Epoque,” The Jews, Kings of the Era. After reading the passage translated here it can come as no surprise that the founder of the royalist group Action Française, Charles Maurras, drew inspiration from Proudhon.
Its also worth mentioning that 11 out of 27 of the mentioned notable thinkers on the wikipedia page for the Frankfurt school are Jewish


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