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Jesus is the way. Njlarsen

Please pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
There is a genuine cleansing of minorities local Alawites and Christians, going on in Syria at the moment, and the Arab League is silent. The international community is silent. And for the many around the world going through this. 🙏🏻😢💔
There is a genuine cleansing of minorities local Alawites and Christians, going on in Syria at the moment, and the Arab League is silent. The international community is silent. And for the many around the world going through this. 🙏🏻😢💔

I Am The Door Of The Sheep
No one but Jesus used the words "verily, verily I say unto you," for these were words that carried authority, a greater authority than any earthly jurisdiction ~ a sovereign command that was directly from God. Jesus wanted to get across the eternal truth that He was the door of the sheepfold; the only Good Shepherd; the one Way to God; the revealed Truth of God and everlasting Life that only comes from God ~ for He is God in the flesh. But His disciples did not understand His words.
Jesus had come to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and explained in detail that He was the Good Shepherd Who alone could save His people. He was the Living Water Who alone sprang up into everlasting life. He was the Bread of Life Who alone came down from heaven to feed hungry souls. He was the only way through whom His people must go, if they were to reach their eternal destination.
But despite the clarity of His teaching and the beautiful word~pictures He painted for them, His disciples did not understand what Jesus had been saying to them and so He repeated the truth to His disciples: "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, for I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."
The plain truth of God ~ of Who He is ~ the sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, has been spelled out in Scripture in easy~to~understand words. The literal truth of fallen man and what he is and what he needs is similarly written in the holy Scriptures, all of which point to man's need of a Saviour, and all of which point to Jesus as that Saviour.
We are the sheep and Jesus is the door of the sheep~pen, which leads to life eternal. And Jesus is the Good Shepherd of the sheep Who leads and guides, protects and feeds the sheep that belong to Him. As such, we are to listen to His Word and trust what He says ~ all of which is written in the Word of God, the holy Scriptures.
Let us pay heed to all that Jesus says. Let us trust all that the Word of God tells us.
God bless you all.
No one but Jesus used the words "verily, verily I say unto you," for these were words that carried authority, a greater authority than any earthly jurisdiction ~ a sovereign command that was directly from God. Jesus wanted to get across the eternal truth that He was the door of the sheepfold; the only Good Shepherd; the one Way to God; the revealed Truth of God and everlasting Life that only comes from God ~ for He is God in the flesh. But His disciples did not understand His words.
Jesus had come to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and explained in detail that He was the Good Shepherd Who alone could save His people. He was the Living Water Who alone sprang up into everlasting life. He was the Bread of Life Who alone came down from heaven to feed hungry souls. He was the only way through whom His people must go, if they were to reach their eternal destination.
But despite the clarity of His teaching and the beautiful word~pictures He painted for them, His disciples did not understand what Jesus had been saying to them and so He repeated the truth to His disciples: "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, for I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."
The plain truth of God ~ of Who He is ~ the sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, has been spelled out in Scripture in easy~to~understand words. The literal truth of fallen man and what he is and what he needs is similarly written in the holy Scriptures, all of which point to man's need of a Saviour, and all of which point to Jesus as that Saviour.
We are the sheep and Jesus is the door of the sheep~pen, which leads to life eternal. And Jesus is the Good Shepherd of the sheep Who leads and guides, protects and feeds the sheep that belong to Him. As such, we are to listen to His Word and trust what He says ~ all of which is written in the Word of God, the holy Scriptures.
Let us pay heed to all that Jesus says. Let us trust all that the Word of God tells us.
God bless you all.

Ships Are Directed By A Small Rudder
The tongue is a very small instrument but it can be extremely influential, both for good and for evil. In the book of Proverbs, we find many examples where the tongue can be used for good ~ but it also describes the harmful mischief~making and untold damage that a deceitful, gossiping, murmuring, or lying tongue can inflict on an innocent victim.
The tongues of the righteous can give great encouragement and instruction, help and warning. The tongue is the beautiful instrument that is utilised to sing words of worshipful praise to the Lord God Almighty, and proclaim the wonders of His name and the glories of His majesty.
However, the tongues of the wicked have been described as tools of destruction and instruments which can produce much pain and heartache. The tongue has been likened to a sharp sword which can inflict malicious backbiting against a neighbour, or has been likened to the poisonous venom of a fork~tongued serpent which can be used to frame deceit and harness trickery.
James gives three illustrations of the significant influence, wide~reaching effect, and damage of which this little member of the body is capable. In the previous verse, he compares the far~reaching effect of one's tongue with the tremendous impact of a tiny, metal bit in a mouth of a horse... and the comparative ease by which the huge animal is brought under control.
In the following verse, he compares the speed and devastation that can be caused by a boasting tongue with a tiny spark which can speedily set ablaze a burning inferno ~ and which can cause untold damage, destruction, and pain.
Here in this verse, the tongue is compared with the little rudder on a great and mighty sea~going vessel: "Look at the ships," James says, "even though these vessels are so great and can be driven by strong winds, they are still controlled by a very small rudder, which causes them to move wherever the inclination of the pilot desires."
The imagery that James uses to describe the enormous, negative influence that the tongue can inflict, is very convincing and should cause each one of us to carefully guard our tongues, knowing what damage can be caused when words are spoken hastily, carelessly, angrily or cruelly.
May we be those who are careful with words, guard our speech, and use our word to heal and not hurt, to guard and not gossip, to edify and encourage and not to wreak havoc. May our tongues be used to glorify God, knowing that this small instrument is under our personal control. May we choose to curb our tongue and use it for good and not for ill.
God bless you all.
The tongue is a very small instrument but it can be extremely influential, both for good and for evil. In the book of Proverbs, we find many examples where the tongue can be used for good ~ but it also describes the harmful mischief~making and untold damage that a deceitful, gossiping, murmuring, or lying tongue can inflict on an innocent victim.
The tongues of the righteous can give great encouragement and instruction, help and warning. The tongue is the beautiful instrument that is utilised to sing words of worshipful praise to the Lord God Almighty, and proclaim the wonders of His name and the glories of His majesty.
However, the tongues of the wicked have been described as tools of destruction and instruments which can produce much pain and heartache. The tongue has been likened to a sharp sword which can inflict malicious backbiting against a neighbour, or has been likened to the poisonous venom of a fork~tongued serpent which can be used to frame deceit and harness trickery.
James gives three illustrations of the significant influence, wide~reaching effect, and damage of which this little member of the body is capable. In the previous verse, he compares the far~reaching effect of one's tongue with the tremendous impact of a tiny, metal bit in a mouth of a horse... and the comparative ease by which the huge animal is brought under control.
In the following verse, he compares the speed and devastation that can be caused by a boasting tongue with a tiny spark which can speedily set ablaze a burning inferno ~ and which can cause untold damage, destruction, and pain.
Here in this verse, the tongue is compared with the little rudder on a great and mighty sea~going vessel: "Look at the ships," James says, "even though these vessels are so great and can be driven by strong winds, they are still controlled by a very small rudder, which causes them to move wherever the inclination of the pilot desires."
The imagery that James uses to describe the enormous, negative influence that the tongue can inflict, is very convincing and should cause each one of us to carefully guard our tongues, knowing what damage can be caused when words are spoken hastily, carelessly, angrily or cruelly.
May we be those who are careful with words, guard our speech, and use our word to heal and not hurt, to guard and not gossip, to edify and encourage and not to wreak havoc. May our tongues be used to glorify God, knowing that this small instrument is under our personal control. May we choose to curb our tongue and use it for good and not for ill.
God bless you all.

Treasure In Earthen Vessels
Our mortal bodies are made from the dust of the earth and for the duration of our earthly life we live in frail, feeble, perishing bodies, which are decaying and dying. Seemingly they are of little worth to the great, powerful, omnipotent, eternal Creator, Who is to be praised forever and ever, amen. And yet God has taken those apparently useless, insignificant human forms and poured into them a revelation of the glorious gospel of His only begotten Son.
God has poured into our hearts the divine light of His love and glory, the glorious truth of His salvation and grace, the rich treasure of the good news of Christ, Who alone can save a sinner from the penalty and power of sin, death, and hell. God caused the treasured light of the knowledge of the glory of God, to fill and flood our weak, physical bodies, so that He might live in us and work through us ~ for our eternal benefit and for His greater praise and glory. We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power within, may be of God ~ and not of us.
Satan is the god of this world and the enemy of our soul who seeks to blind our eyes to this tremendous truth or at least to deceive us with a satanic lie. But the light of the gospel of grace is the spiritual light that shines into the hearts of all who believe and it restores our soul. On the road to Damascus, Paul was not only spiritually blind but the glory of the risen, ascended, glorified Christ, blinded his physical eyes as well. But that blindness to the truth in Paul was removed, and his eyes were opened to the beauty of Christ ~ and he saw clearly both, physically and spiritually.
From dust we are and to dust we will return. Yes, our bodies are indeed earthen vessels, but the treasure that has taken up residence within our mortal frame, is the beautiful Spirit of Christ Jesus our Lord. It is the glory of God within, and Paul wants us to rejoice at the surpassing greatness of the privilege that is ours ~ and that the power within, will be of God and not of ourselves. It is through faith in Christ Jesus that we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the incomparable greatness of the power within, will come from God and not from ourselves.
The new, eternal life of the resurrected Lord Jesus was breathed into our bodies, which were dead in trespasses and sins. And the Holy Spirit of God took up permanent residence within our weak, mortal frames, from the moment we trusted Christ Jesus, for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. The light of the knowledge of the glory of God started to stream into our hearts at the point of salvation ~ and His indwelling Spirit is the greatest treasure of God, Who resides in mortal man.
The almighty Creator, Who caused light to shine out of darkness, is the One Who has shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ ~ so that His life may dwell in us and His love may shine into our hearts, so that we may be made ministers of His grace and show forth the excellency of His power to those that remain dead in their trespasses and sins.
There is no merit in us that we should be so honoured, as the contrast between our frail, feeble, perishing bodies and His divine strength and eternal light demonstrates ~ but by His goodness and grace, this heavenly treasure has been placed in earthen vessels ~ our human body, which is Christ in us the hope of glory, so that the excellency of that power may be shown forth in our lives.
We are the earthen vessels into which the glorious truth of the gospel of God has been poured, causing our mortal bodies to become the temple of the Holy Spirit, Who uses this gospel light to guide us into all truth and as we proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to others. The treasure within is the Spirit of Christ ~ so that as we work the works of God, the surpassing greatness of His power will be of God and not of us. Let us praise His name for His inestimable grace towards us.
God bless you all.
Our mortal bodies are made from the dust of the earth and for the duration of our earthly life we live in frail, feeble, perishing bodies, which are decaying and dying. Seemingly they are of little worth to the great, powerful, omnipotent, eternal Creator, Who is to be praised forever and ever, amen. And yet God has taken those apparently useless, insignificant human forms and poured into them a revelation of the glorious gospel of His only begotten Son.
God has poured into our hearts the divine light of His love and glory, the glorious truth of His salvation and grace, the rich treasure of the good news of Christ, Who alone can save a sinner from the penalty and power of sin, death, and hell. God caused the treasured light of the knowledge of the glory of God, to fill and flood our weak, physical bodies, so that He might live in us and work through us ~ for our eternal benefit and for His greater praise and glory. We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power within, may be of God ~ and not of us.
Satan is the god of this world and the enemy of our soul who seeks to blind our eyes to this tremendous truth or at least to deceive us with a satanic lie. But the light of the gospel of grace is the spiritual light that shines into the hearts of all who believe and it restores our soul. On the road to Damascus, Paul was not only spiritually blind but the glory of the risen, ascended, glorified Christ, blinded his physical eyes as well. But that blindness to the truth in Paul was removed, and his eyes were opened to the beauty of Christ ~ and he saw clearly both, physically and spiritually.
From dust we are and to dust we will return. Yes, our bodies are indeed earthen vessels, but the treasure that has taken up residence within our mortal frame, is the beautiful Spirit of Christ Jesus our Lord. It is the glory of God within, and Paul wants us to rejoice at the surpassing greatness of the privilege that is ours ~ and that the power within, will be of God and not of ourselves. It is through faith in Christ Jesus that we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the incomparable greatness of the power within, will come from God and not from ourselves.
The new, eternal life of the resurrected Lord Jesus was breathed into our bodies, which were dead in trespasses and sins. And the Holy Spirit of God took up permanent residence within our weak, mortal frames, from the moment we trusted Christ Jesus, for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. The light of the knowledge of the glory of God started to stream into our hearts at the point of salvation ~ and His indwelling Spirit is the greatest treasure of God, Who resides in mortal man.
The almighty Creator, Who caused light to shine out of darkness, is the One Who has shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ ~ so that His life may dwell in us and His love may shine into our hearts, so that we may be made ministers of His grace and show forth the excellency of His power to those that remain dead in their trespasses and sins.
There is no merit in us that we should be so honoured, as the contrast between our frail, feeble, perishing bodies and His divine strength and eternal light demonstrates ~ but by His goodness and grace, this heavenly treasure has been placed in earthen vessels ~ our human body, which is Christ in us the hope of glory, so that the excellency of that power may be shown forth in our lives.
We are the earthen vessels into which the glorious truth of the gospel of God has been poured, causing our mortal bodies to become the temple of the Holy Spirit, Who uses this gospel light to guide us into all truth and as we proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to others. The treasure within is the Spirit of Christ ~ so that as we work the works of God, the surpassing greatness of His power will be of God and not of us. Let us praise His name for His inestimable grace towards us.
God bless you all.

Your Word Is A Light
We journey through a fallen world with many dangerous pitfalls, slippery places, and dark foes seeking to destroy our close fellowship with our Lord, but in Psalm 119, we are given a beautiful promise and an eternal truth; that God's Word is a gleaming lamp to our feet that will guide us through the darkness of this fallen world and it is a shining light to brighten the pathway we take.
Not only are there external difficulties and dangers to face in life's journey, but also there are internal failings and weaknesses that lurk deep within our soul which can cause us to walk away from our 'First Love', but God's Word provides a sure foundation upon which to stand in a darkened world that is falling apart.
Scripture is our secure guidebook to return us into a right relationship with the Lord when we abandon the road of righteousness or stray from the path of peace.
The Word of God is an inextinguishable lamp to guide us along the right path, and it is a radiant light that banishes the shadows of uncertainty, by illuminating the next step in this sin~soaked world.
Opening~up of the pages of Scripture will brighten the path we take, re~energise our hope in Christ, and provide understanding to the one who walks humbly before the Lord.
God's Word is the light of truth that is written for our learning to lead us away from each shadowy danger that crosses our path and to strengthen our faith in our Saviour as He gently leads us. It lifts the darkness before us, and straightens every crooked path.
His Word not only brightens our pathway, guards us on our journey through life, and warns us of each lurking danger, but it is a treasure~trove of precious gemstones to be hidden deep within our heart, for it contains words of wisdom to guide our thinking, precious promises to encourage our hearts, godly instruction on how to live as the Lord desires us to live, and it is the perfect pattern for Christian living as well as the qualified adjudicator of our daily conduct.
The Bible is the sure Word of the living God Who has told us the end from the beginning, and all God’s children do well to take heed to its precious pages as unto a light that shines in a dark place.
We would do well to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God, and to guard it within our hearts, for it is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path, and it brightens up every corner of our lives, for it is God's instrument to lead us into holiness and to guide our feet into His way of truth.
God bless you all.
We journey through a fallen world with many dangerous pitfalls, slippery places, and dark foes seeking to destroy our close fellowship with our Lord, but in Psalm 119, we are given a beautiful promise and an eternal truth; that God's Word is a gleaming lamp to our feet that will guide us through the darkness of this fallen world and it is a shining light to brighten the pathway we take.
Not only are there external difficulties and dangers to face in life's journey, but also there are internal failings and weaknesses that lurk deep within our soul which can cause us to walk away from our 'First Love', but God's Word provides a sure foundation upon which to stand in a darkened world that is falling apart.
Scripture is our secure guidebook to return us into a right relationship with the Lord when we abandon the road of righteousness or stray from the path of peace.
The Word of God is an inextinguishable lamp to guide us along the right path, and it is a radiant light that banishes the shadows of uncertainty, by illuminating the next step in this sin~soaked world.
Opening~up of the pages of Scripture will brighten the path we take, re~energise our hope in Christ, and provide understanding to the one who walks humbly before the Lord.
God's Word is the light of truth that is written for our learning to lead us away from each shadowy danger that crosses our path and to strengthen our faith in our Saviour as He gently leads us. It lifts the darkness before us, and straightens every crooked path.
His Word not only brightens our pathway, guards us on our journey through life, and warns us of each lurking danger, but it is a treasure~trove of precious gemstones to be hidden deep within our heart, for it contains words of wisdom to guide our thinking, precious promises to encourage our hearts, godly instruction on how to live as the Lord desires us to live, and it is the perfect pattern for Christian living as well as the qualified adjudicator of our daily conduct.
The Bible is the sure Word of the living God Who has told us the end from the beginning, and all God’s children do well to take heed to its precious pages as unto a light that shines in a dark place.
We would do well to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God, and to guard it within our hearts, for it is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path, and it brightens up every corner of our lives, for it is God's instrument to lead us into holiness and to guide our feet into His way of truth.
God bless you all.


Praise the Lord for His hand upon this couple. Gloriavale is still an active community here in New Zealand. Let’s pray that God will continue to deliver people from this cult.






Thank you @Njlars for sharing this with me ❤️
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