Maybe I don't read very well. Or maybe I am illiterate in understanding what I read in the Scriptures.
So let me ask my brethren...
Who was the financial advisor and king of common cents? The shekels, drauchma, stator?
Who demanded to be worshipped or not eat, drink or have housing (freedom). To become slaves and do what is told without free will.?
Was it not the evil king?
Who was the true loving KING? That provided an escape to those who believed, obeyed and followed Him by FREE WILL. Who FREELY GAVE common sense to all that asked upon Him. (Holy Spirit of understanding).
Then we were told in the last days, upon the return of these kings both evil and good. Called anti-christ and Christ. That there will be wars and rumors of wars. Apostasy, famines and pestilence. All for a financial system Called by the beast.
I know who I am and will follow. The true loving God Abba, my Father YAHWEH and His Words, His Son.
To Repent from my idolatry sins of money and contracts. To rescind my oathes to false gods groped for.
The STORM OF EXODUS 20:1-7, 17,20-24 is upon U.S! Heed 2PETER 2!
I surrender to God and will be His servant to my death of the flesh. I will raise His blood of the Lamb above my door and forever keep it as a statute, Exodus 12.11-17. For He is my Banner Exodus 17:15, He IS my provider and protector, Psalm 91. And I will Love thy Neighbor as He loves me. Isaiah 61&62:10.
And one day soon, my brethren and I will go before the Military JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERALS with our white Garments, white flag of truce Revelation 6:11-13, Law of War 12.11-13, and praise God for a call of a General Armistice Decree and Truce with everyone. Revelation 7:11-13.
Until then, I will continue to be obedient and patient with God. To be Sove-Reign with Him with my authority of Liberty that He has FREELY GIVEN ME. For when you are in the law(spirit) of LOVE, you are no longer under the Law(spirit)of sin🏳