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The Daily Poor avatar

The Daily Poor

Daily reminders to be humble and embrace the life of poverty.
Not a cult [wink].
This channel is Yooper-pilled, youbetcha; if a place is mentioned without a location designated, assume it's in da UP, eh.
Posts written by Prof. Israel Hersh Obadiah Poor
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Канал түзүлгөн датаMay 04, 2023
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May 25, 2024
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"The Daily Poor" тобундагы акыркы жазуулар

RIP Bergland niggas
So true
Did an interview with the MSM. Let me know what you think
You too must be of good hope as regards death, gentlemen of the jury, and keep this one truth in mind, that a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death, and that his affairs are not neglected by the gods. What has happened to me now has not happened of itself, but it is clear to me that it was better for me to die now and to escape from trouble. That is why my divine sign did not oppose me at any point. So I am certainly not angry with those who convicted me, or with my accusers. Of course that was not their purpose when they accused and convicted me, but they thought they were hurting me, and for this they deserve blame. This much I ask from them: when my sons grow up, avenge yourselves by causing them the same kind of grief that I caused you, if you think they care for money or anything else more than they care for virtue, or if they think they are somebody when they are nobody. Reproach them as I reproach you, that they do not care for the right things and think they are worthy when they are not worthy of anything. If you do this, I shall have been justly treated by you, and my sons also.
I miss the cold and snow already
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
ֆƈɦɨʐօ ɢʟǟֆֆ avatar
ֆƈɦɨʐօ ɢʟǟֆֆ
The human body was not designed to tolerate such heat
Unbearably hot outside. I'm dying
Satan was the first emoji reactor.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Xynchannel avatar
Me: makes fun of the idea of a fairly large home costing $300k.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
ヒマワリ会 Sunflower Society avatar
ヒマワリ会 Sunflower Society
Science once again catches up to philosophers, who were already aware that vegans are retarded


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The Daily Poor популярдуу жазуулары

This sort of thinking is mostly just white nationalist types projecting their thinking onto normal people.

Furthermore, this idea can be defeated with a simple question: would the powers that be at the time have allowed it if that was the primary motivation?

No. They would have crushed it.

White nationalists be advised: remember that you are a weirdo, that you are not a normal person, or else you'll be inclined to make silly errors of projection like this.
only in michigan bruh 😭 😭
Perfect time to take the poor pill, psychotherapists
The so-called “right-wing” influencers who thrive online prey on deep-seated entitlement, exploiting young men’s disillusionment with a system that neglects them. These opportunists weaponize frustration, turning resentment into outrage to bolster their influence. At their core, they fear their audience’s potential flourishing, their possible contentment, and those who offer fulfillment without grievance and resentment. Their survival depends on anger, which is why they detest those who remind us that a meaningful and good life is readily obtainable and show us how to claim it.
Interesting post from Hickman:

I have far more in common with a Continental European conservative / reactionary than anyone on the American right.

This is because I sincerely believe the Enlightenment and all that came from it has been a disaster. And the Enlightenment's Godfather appears to have been, unfortunately, the Reformation. When Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira referred to modernism (and Communism, progressivism, etc) as a "frenetic intemperance," I believe he was spot on.

The very problem that has faced the West for several centuries has been the problem of revolution. All who would uphold the principles of benevolence, decency, order, and beauty are duty-bound to oppose and counteract revolutionary forces that aim to upend nature, moral, and Divine order. In so doing, one ought not to hesitate to go after revolutionary ideas and technologies even if they are popular. If anything, they should especially go against them if they are popular, working to supplant them with durable, timeless beauty and order.

Of course, in America, this disposition is a non sequitur insofar as popular politics are concerned. America is the place where the boy's utterance of "fuck you" towards his father is central. The rebellion against the father (even in the name of The Father) is at the center of American DNA -- and, in likewise boyish form, the pursuit of endless fattening luxuries at any cost is a chief source of meaning-making for the America.

Those who spit in the face of nature to employ high technics in service of this pursuit are hailed as demigods by our public; those with an entrepreneurial flourish for "sticking it to the Man" for the masses are celebrated as Kings -- even in cases where "the Man" was right all along. If I remark on these matters, I am met with total disgust, of course. And strangely, it is a disgust I understand intimately, even if I cannot endorse it. This is because I am still, after all, an American.

And so where do I fit? In a Catholic Church in an obscure village in the Adirondack Park, I suppose. This is the closest I can get to a world that mirrors my own ideals anywhere in the USA. If I went to Europe or South America -- I'd be an alien, a migrant, a foreigner. Here, I make sense.

Perhaps this is because the Adirondack Park is the most obviously "reactionary" part of America. The Park Agency violently abhors change; it stewards, protects, and enforces the natural order contained in God-given wilderness. Our State Constitution forces our wildlands to go unmolested regardless of what the market or the masses could ever want or need -- and the long arm of the Empire State's regime will crush anyone who goes against their desires for the Park with a fist as iron as a great Monarch. This is all profoundly unamerican -- and deeply reactionary in a very classical sense.

To be here and to be in Communion with Rome is to be as close to "Continental European" conservatism that an American-born reactionary can be. It is the perfect place for me to dwell in my obscure position without much tension.

In Alabama or California, Texas or Montana -- I would be reminded much more frequently of the respects in which I sharply differ from most American conservatives. Here, I am understood.
The official Daily Poor abbreviation of "secondly" is "2dly"
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Bear Core avatar
Bear Core
Note: I can't fully vouch for this given that it's an area I haven't been to, but enough good people have recommended that region to me that I think it's probably pretty on point:

Imagine: You buy the $49k house in Ogdensburg, NY. You take the $40k/yr part-time job as a TSA agent at the federally-subsidized airport there that only sees ~40 passengers per day.

You're pulling $2500/mo. Your mortgage is $375. Your job is so easy you read all day at work.

Take long walks along the St Lawrence River, go to Mass at the Cathedral -- take the train up to Ottawa now and then for a long weekend. Hunt deer in the State Forest, fish trout on the Oswegatchie River. Hang out at the VFW and have breakfast at Phillip's.

It'd be an objectively fine life, and you could start living it next week if you liked -- as long as you had a credit score of 600 and 3.5% of $49,000 plus closing costs; let's call it $4,000 cash. Pass a drug test for TSA.

Boom -- federal bennies for an easy PT job, $1500/mo in spending money or savings. Absurd amounts of free time. Quick access to a major Canadian metro of 1M+. Could leave the wife at home and have a whack of kids, too -- no problem.

The only thing you really *can't* do there is LARP as Gordon Gecko or trick yourself into thinking you'll weasel your way into the power elite. I guess that's enough to take it off the table for a lot of people -- I don't know.

My only real question is to what extent a job like that would feel fulfilling to most people. Maybe you could get that kick from volunteering in your free time or something, though.
When considering buying a home in an area and evaluating prices, it is essential to consult the “recently sold” data for the specific area.

Currently, there is a pronounced tendency for sellers to list properties at prices that substantially exceed their probable market value. For instance, in a region I just looked at, the median sale price for the previous quarter is merely half the median listing price. Without this critical awareness, the process of assessing housing options could easily become a demoralizing endeavor.
"If you're not motivated to try to change the entire country and would rather do good on a smaller scale, you're a loser."
COVID era feels like a fever dream
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Wholesome & Virtuous avatar
Wholesome & Virtuous
Notice how there's two lanes southwards and only one northwards. This is because nobody would want to stay in this terrible place, and the roads were constructed with this in mind, youbetcha
Google thinks I'm the sort of Heeb who buys a $3000 pen
This is what a $200k house looks like in Michigan's upper peninsula. It really is that bad. Definitely don't consider moving here.
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