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Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
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Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
The Daily Poor avatar
The Daily Poor
The Daily Poor avatar
The Daily Poor
RIP Bergland niggas
You too must be of good hope as regards death, gentlemen of the jury, and keep this one truth in mind, that a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death, and that his affairs are not neglected by the gods. What has happened to me now has not happened of itself, but it is clear to me that it was better for me to die now and to escape from trouble. That is why my divine sign did not oppose me at any point. So I am certainly not angry with those who convicted me, or with my accusers. Of course that was not their purpose when they accused and convicted me, but they thought they were hurting me, and for this they deserve blame. This much I ask from them: when my sons grow up, avenge yourselves by causing them the same kind of grief that I caused you, if you think they care for money or anything else more than they care for virtue, or if they think they are somebody when they are nobody. Reproach them as I reproach you, that they do not care for the right things and think they are worthy when they are not worthy of anything. If you do this, I shall have been justly treated by you, and my sons also.
Unbearably hot outside. I'm dying
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
ヒマワリ会 Sunflower Society avatar
ヒマワリ会 Sunflower Society
Men of Athens, I am grateful and I am your friend, but I will obey the god rather than you, and as long as I draw breath and am able, I shall not cease to practice philosophy
generally landfills are decomposing materials and not natural stone
I miss the cold and snow already
Satan was the first emoji reactor.
Alright, yous guys, all dem outsiders figurin’ you’ll trek up here to the UP for dem big hills and mountains—don’t even t’ink about it, eh? Sure, you’re all jazzed to come gawk at ‘em, snap some of dem touristy pics, maybe climb what you’re callin’ a mountain peak to brag to your pals back home. But hold up dere, ‘cause I’m spillin’ da real truth: dem ain’t mountains, no sir. Dem’s landfills, plain as day, only we ain’t stackin’ trash. Nah, we’re talkin’ snow—piles and piles of da white stuff. Winter keeps dumpin’ it on us like a bad joke, and it don’t never get warm enough up here to melt it all away, so we just shove it in dem hills, year after stinkin’ year. Ain’t no scenic beauty to write home about—just a giant snow junkyard, youbetcha. Save your gas and stay down dere where you belong, eh?
So true
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
ֆƈɦɨʐօ ɢʟǟֆֆ avatar
ֆƈɦɨʐօ ɢʟǟֆֆ
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Xynchannel avatar
Science once again catches up to philosophers, who were already aware that vegans are retarded
If God wanted us to smelt, he wouldn't have given us sharp stones
About a mile west of Crisp Point Lighthouse.
Did an interview with the MSM. Let me know what you think
The human body was not designed to tolerate such heat
Me: makes fun of the idea of a fairly large home costing $300k.
"The machines have Alzheimer's," scientists say
Generally. But the poverty and lack of development is so severe that the locals generate only stone waste.
Dylan asks, "you guys have a skinwalker or wendigo problem up there?"

No. The woods are completely safe and you're encouraged to go walking alone at night, as the UP is especially beautiful at night; have to see those Northern lights, eh.
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