Proving Prophethood of Muhammad (ﷺ): The miracle of Divine Revelation in the Qur’an (part 1)
Prophecy in the Qur’an: Romans victory over the Persians
Allah revealed Surah Ar-Rum (Makki Sura, what was revealed before Prophet's migration to Medina in 622 AD) -
{Alif-Lãm-Mĩm (1) The Romans have been defeated (2) in a nearby land. Yet following their defeat, they will triumph (3) within three to nine years. The ˹whole˺ matter rests with Allah before and after ˹victory˺. And on that day the believers will rejoice (4) at the victory willed by Allah. He gives victory to whoever He wills. For He is the Almighty, Most Merciful. (5) ˹This is˺ the promise of Allah. ˹And˺ Allah never fails in His promise. But most people do not know. (6)}
The above verse speaks of the Romans being defeated in a time close to its revelation, and then it made a prophecy that the Romans will triumph within the next three to nine years, and that Allah’s (swt) promise never fails. The following is a timeline of the events:
Year 602 (20 BH): The start of the war between the Byzantines and the Persians
Year 610 (12 BH) Heraclius becomes the Byzantine Emperor
Year 613 (9 BH): Persians conquer Homs, Apamea and Damascus
Year 614 (8 BH): Persians conquer Palestine and take the Holy Cross from Church of the Holy Sepulchre to the Capital of Persia (The first time the capital falls under the hands of non-Christians)
Year 619 (3 BH): The fall of Alexandria on the hands of the Persians which led to a shortage of wheat in Constantinople, causing financial problems.
Year 622: (The year of Hijra/Migration): The Roman Empire was on the brink of annihilation and had only Athena, the Isles in the Mediterranean sea, and a coastal strip in North of Africa. The morale of the Roman Empire was rapidly declining and internal struggles appeared which led to predictions of their complete defeat in no time, as the circumstances proved that it was almost impossible for the Roman Empire to win, and it is during these times that the Quranic verse was revealed, prophesying a victory for the Romans over the Persians, which was an unexpected prophecy and it put the Prophet (sawa) in a difficult position as if it goes wrong it disproves his entire message.
Year 622 continued: (The year of Hijra): During this year Heraclius launched a counter-offensive against the Persians, he leaves Constantinople to face the Persians and wins against Shahrbaraz, which is the first victory against the Persians after a series of loses
Year 624 (2 AH): Heraclius conquers modern-day Azerbaijan and destroys the largest Zoroastrian temple
Year 627 (5 AH): Heraclius achieves a devastating victory in the battle of Nineveh against the Persian army
Year 628 (6 AH): The war ends through the revolt of the Persian king’s son against his father and agreeing to a peace treaty with the Byzantines
Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794) comments on the Qur’anic prophecy in his book by saying the following: “At the time when this prediction is said to have been delivered, no prophecy could be more distant from its accomplishment, since the first twelve years of Heraclius announced the approaching dissolution of the empire.”
Post credit: HakiNinth