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Print Revolt avatar
Print Revolt
Get ready for the American Freedom Party Convention!
Is the American Freedom Party “America First” or “Race First”?

The American Freedom Party is unequivocally race first. At the heart of our Nationalist philosophy lies the understanding that a Nation is defined by its people. A healthy Nation must, therefore, be rooted in a unified and cohesive race. For this reason, we prioritize race above all else—it is the foundation upon which all national identity and strength are built.

That said, within the broader context of White European nations, we recognize our immediate responsibility to prioritize America first. As Americans, this is the land we reside in, defend, and cherish. Nationalism begins at home, and in order to effectively contribute to the larger international struggle of Our People, we must ensure that Our Nation is strong, stable, and capable.

This principle mirrors the metaphor of securing your own oxygen mask on an airplane before assisting others. A weak or incapacitated Nation cannot provide meaningful support to others. By focusing first on strengthening America, we better position ourselves to contribute to the success and survival of White European Nations globally.

In summary, while our focus is race first, we recognize that our race’s collective success depends on the strength of each Nation individually. For us, that starts with America. 🇺🇸
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WØLFSHIƏLD Studios avatar
Check out this interview I did by Print Revolt! It should give you a better idea of what my goals are with my film studio project, but also, there are some exclusive new sneak peak shots from Once Upon a Time in Minnesota, only available in this article! 👀
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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
If you’re a “White Nationalist” who voted for Trump, you voted for this Executive Order, and in some cases likely your own imprisonment down the line, for even going so far as to criticize Jews too harshly. This is especially true in places like South Dakota, where Trump DHS appointee and dog-killer Kristi Noem codified the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism into law.

You can read my full post about this from some time ago
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WØLFSHIƏLD Studios avatar
Help spread the word, hit the notification and don't miss Sunday the 19th, starting at 2PM EST / 7PM GMT, the annual Fedora Favorites best songs of 2024 compilation CD release party!

This epic marathon show will spotlight 19 of the best original songs composed and released by our volk artists over the course of 2024, with 10+ of the artists, including Jody Kay, Sun Vessel, Bleunwenn and more joining for interviews about their work, what they accomplished in 2024 and whats in store for 2025!

It can be easy to miss many of the incredible songs produced by our magnificent artists, so make sure you tune in get to know the musicians better and catch up on your new favorite songs!

Watch it live on YouTube

And on Odysee
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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
The ADL loves to screech about anti-Semitism being on the rise, now claiming a dramatic 900% increase over the last decade. But let’s ask the eternal question: why?

The answer isn’t some irrational hatred springing from nowhere. It’s the inevitable consequence of Jewish behavior—of a people whose actions have consistently served to subvert and destroy the People and Nations they inhabit. When you monopolize industries, push for White replacement, ethnic genocide, open borders, and cultural degeneracy all while insulating your own communities and ethnostate from the chaos you create, you cannot be surprised when resentment grows.

Anti-Semitism isn’t some unprovoked phenomenon—it’s a reaction to the destructive influence Jews have exerted on Western civilization. They lobby for endless wars in the Middle East, but never for America’s borders. They champion multiculturalism, but only for our Nations—not for their illegitimate state of Israel. They flood our media, using the lying press, with anti-White filth, break down the moral fabric of society, and then feign shock when people push back. This isn’t “baseless hatred”; it’s cause and effect. As Jews continue to undermine the White societies they lurk in, the backlash will only intensify.

The ADL’s endless victim narrative is not an honest analysis—it’s a deflection, a strategy to silence any critique of Jewish power and actions. But Our People are waking up. The rise in so-called anti-Semitism isn’t a coincidence or a manufactured “hate wave.” It’s the result of a long-overdue reckoning, and the responsibility lies squarely with those who have spent generations dismantling Our Nations from within.
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NOVA avatar
A good time to remind everyone to get vetted and get involved.

It's your nation, fight for it
Is the American Freedom Party “America First” or “Race First”?

The American Freedom Party is unequivocally race first. At the heart of our philosophy lies the understanding that a Nation is defined by its people. A healthy Nation must, therefore, be rooted in a unified and cohesive race. For this reason, we prioritize race above all else—it is the foundation upon which all national identity and strength are built.

That said, within the broader context of White European Nations, we recognize our immediate responsibility to prioritize America. As Americans, this is the land we reside in, defend, and cherish. In order to effectively contribute to the larger international struggle of Our People, we must ensure that Our Nation is strong, stable, and capable.

This principle mirrors the metaphor of securing your own oxygen mask on an airplane before assisting others. A weak or incapacitated Nation cannot provide meaningful support to others. By focusing first on reforging America, we better position ourselves to contribute to the success and survival of White European Nations globally.

In summary, while our focus is race first, we recognize that our race’s collective success depends on the strength of each Nation individually. For us, that starts with America. 🇺🇸
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Nathan Damigo avatar
Nathan Damigo
New update on the legal front!

I am proud to announce that I will be represented by the Free Expression Foundation’s Glen Allen! The lawfare is not over yet, and I am raising funds for the final battle! This case will have implications for the other Sines v Kessler defendants. So, if you can contribute, you can do so online or by check or money order! Please ensure to note that the donation is for my case!


By mail:

Free Expression Foundation’s Glen
RE: Nathan Damigo
P.O. Box 65242
Baltimore, MD 21209-9998
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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
If Musk is some secret pro-White advocate, then why was the American Freedom Party banned on X today for posting a clip of Thomas Rousseau? The previous excuse was that he was "riding out the storm" until inauguration, but this ban occurred on the very day of swearing in. Other such posts by the AFP that resulted in account restriction were such statements as “It’s Okay to be White” and “White Lives Matter”. Clearly, Musk disagrees with these sentiments.

If this administration is truly pro-White, why has it actively persecuting and censored dissident activists? Could it possibly be because we oppose Jewish power? An administration doesn't need to be entirely staffed by Jews or led by a Jewish figurehead to operate as a Jewish movement. The interests of Zionists, Judeo-capitalists, globalists, and universalists align perfectly against Whites, and this administration embodies all of these things and more.

Wake up. They are not here to save you.
Be the Change — Together

One of the most effective strategies used by anti-Whites is how they rally behind any of their groups, pushing people toward action regardless of which organization they join. They don’t care if someone’s with Group A, Group B, or Group C—they just want people moving in the same direction, echoing their message until it’s amplified a hundredfold. And it works. They build strength through unity, standing together despite their ideological differences.

It’s time we do the same. For us, it isn’t just about the American Freedom Party or any single organization. Whether you’re part of Patriot Front, the American Freedom Party, a well-structured Active Club, or another group fighting for our people and our values, what matters is that you’re doing something. Real change doesn’t happen from the sidelines. Real change happens when dedicated people come together, support each other, and take action—each one of us working in whatever way we can.

Patriot Front is an example of people unafraid to be seen and heard, standing up for their beliefs. It’s not about them, it’s about us—showing that we, too, can put aside the little differences and unite under a common goal. If you’re already part of a group, stay strong and keep pushing. If you’re not, find your path to action. Be the change, whether with Patriot Front, an organized Active Club, the American Freedom Party, or any group that’s out there working for the same cause; a brighter future for Our People. 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 Join Us!

🦅 Join Patriot Front!

🇺🇸 Visit Our Website!

🇺🇸 Get Active!
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Print Revolt avatar
Print Revolt
Recently, after the Trump team made plain their desire to continue the replacement of American workers with those of foreign birth, we made a post here mentioning the need to support true America First parties. In keeping with this idea, we interviewed John Fassbinder of the American Freedom Party in order to gain more insight into his role within the party, how the American Freedom Party is working to represent the American people.

Read the full interview on our site.

Please share to show your support.
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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
Whether he’s Jewish, or as he puts it, “aspirationally Jewish”, Musk’s interests are rooted in preserving the Jewish stranglehold over Our People, and by extension obtaining the personal wealth that will be amassed from doing such a thing. The discerning Dissident need not be told this, but for those many people easily taken in by emotion, take this as further confirmation of his Jewish loyalty. It should not need to be said that one cannot serve Our People’s interests while supporting international Jewish capitalism or its peddlers.
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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
Many mistake our worldview for cruelty, but in reality, we are merely acknowledging and adhering to the Natural Order. Nature itself is unforgiving—it does not tolerate weakness, nor does it grant equal outcomes to all. It is not cruel, for example, to recognize that some individuals, whether due to severe illness, deformity, or mental deficiency, are incapable of leading productive, functional lives. It is not cruelty to acknowledge that a Nation burdened with the incapable, the weak, and the alien cannot thrive. This is not an ideology of malice, but one of order, strength, and the preservation of what is good and fruitful.

The reality is that those who are of ill body and mind, and those who are racially incompatible with the society we seek to build, hinder progress rather than contribute to it. Nature makes distinctions—between the strong and the weak, between the fit and the unfit, between the worthy and the unworthy. Our role is not to impose cruelty, but to recognize these distinctions and structure our society accordingly. To deny this reality is to invite decay, dysfunction, and ultimately, destruction.

We do not seek suffering; we seek a world that flourishes. A people who are strong, a Nation that is vibrant, and a future that is sustainable. To reject the Natural Order in favor of sentimentality is not compassion—it is negligence. We embrace the path that Nature itself has laid before us, not out of cruelty, but out of duty to Our People, our future, and the higher order that governs all life.
Executive Director John Fassbinder of the American Freedom Party, in an interview with Nix Jeelvy, helps lays out the hard truth: No one else is coming to save us.

The election is over, and it never truly mattered who won. Neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris, nor any future Republican or Democrat front runner, is ever going to save us. The two-party system is a Jewish, anti-White machine designed to keep Our People persecuted and powerless. We must save ourselves.

If we want real change, we have to take control of our own destiny, this means regaining political power in our own Nation. That means building a real nationalist movement, including networking organizations such as NOVA, activist organizations such as Patriot Front, a true pro-White political party like the AFP, and many other great organizations with solid pro-White values. We may each have a different role as individuals in The Struggle, but we all have a duty to play our part. 🇺🇸

Join us. Build with us. Take back Our Future.
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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
Anyone who feels that Trump will save us is completely delusional. His rhetoric is empty, his actions are loyal only to Jewish interests, and his follower base is a pro-Zionist cult. If anyone is still taken in by his lies, or tells you he might still be playing the long game, they should not be involved in any serious political activity. Remember their names, and avoid them at all costs.

Carson Ford Brooks
President, Founder

The American Freedom Party is proud to announce Mr. Carson Ford Brooks as an additional speaker for our upcoming 2025 National Convention! Mr. Brooks is the founder and president of the National Organization for Vital Action, a pro-White non-profit organization founded for the purposes of community, networking, and institution building.

Carson joined the National Justice Party in late 2022, completely green to the world of real-world organizing on behalf of White Americans. Within 5 months, he was asked to lead the Tennessee NJP supporter group. Over 2023, he became an activist leader when he organized 9 protest actions around the country against drag events catered to children, black-on-White violence, LGBT indoctrination in schools, the consequences of our border crisis, and the U.S. government's support for Israeli war crimes.

When the NJP dissolved, Carson rallied the state communities who wanted to press on together with public organizing and founded NOVA in 2024. He comes from an artistic background and has demonstrated an unshakable will to advocate for our people's interests. Guests at our National Convention this March will get the opportunity to see what it is about Mr. Brooks that led to his rapid ascension as a pro-White organizer, as well as learn more about the mission of NOVA. 🇺🇸
Capitalism, at its core, is a system that places profit over people, exploiting labor, resources, and even the very identity of a Nation. Elon Musk and Donald Trump are perfect examples of this vile system in action. They use their wealth and influence to further their own interests, all at the expense of the very people they claim to serve.

They play on the emotions of White Americans, giving the illusion of support, but in reality, their actions contribute to the disintegration of the national community. Musk’s tech empire thrives on the backs of cheap labor, importing H-1B workers to replace White American citizens, while Trump’s business empire has long been entrenched in Jewish globalism, seeking to maximize profits at the expense of American workers and sovereignty.

These capitalists do not care about the future of Our People—they care only about their bottom line. The fact that they exploit every opportunity to enrich themselves, all while undermining the values and cohesion of the Nation, shows them to be nothing more than parasites. They are part of a system that reduces Our People to mere commodities, trading Our Heritage and future for the sake of their own enrichment. 🇺🇸
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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
Public humiliation rituals like these are nothing new—we have seen them before, and we will see them again. Every time, the same lesson must be repeated: NEVER apologize for your beliefs. They are correct, they are justifiable by the Natural Order, and they are fundamentally superior. If you concede even a millimeter to our adversaries, they will bury you. They are sharks, and the moment you show weakness, you are bleeding in the water. They will tear you apart—and frankly, if you concede to them, you will have deserved it. Stand firm. Embrace who you are.

I will second what Anti-Communist Combat HQ said: To be hated by scumbags like those on the podcast who interviewed this coward is an absolute honor, and the minute they stopped hating me would tell me I’m doing something wrong.
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Print Revolt avatar
Print Revolt
With his latest film, Once Upon a Time in Minnesota, soon to be released, we reached out to Lord Wolfshield to find out more about his inspirations for the film, and gain some insight into his history with film-making, his goals, and more.

Read the full artist interview here.

If you would like to see more from Lord Wolfshield and Wolfshield studios, follow him on Telegram, YouTube, Odysee, X (formerly Twitter), and Gab. To donate and support his work, send donations through CashApp, Coffee or donate to his Bitcoin wallet (39by2nX5454wXs58uiMFTqzyw6HYhaRFos).

If you are interested in becoming a creator on Print Revolt, fill out our creator form.

If you would like to see more of these interviews and know when they go live:
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Nathan Damigo avatar
Nathan Damigo
Many seem confused at my criticisms of Trump and seem to think that I am saying it would have been better had Kamala won. That is not what I am getting at. Republicans/Democrats are two wings of the same Jewish, anti-White vulture. What I am saying is that we will not get what we want, nor what we need, until WE take power OURSELVES. This means YOU cannot just sit back now and think that all is fine and that Trump is going to fix everything. Even if you think that Trump was better for Whites than Kamala, YOU STILL HAVE TO START WORKING TOWARDS TAKING POWER YOURSELF. This means building up an alternative political party, running for office on the state and local levels under that explicitly pro-White banner, and building an apparatus of non-prophits and legal entities to buttress that party and disrupt our opponents. That is the only path to victory. Make it so.
Hey everyone!

I'm back on X (formerly Twitter) with a new account! Unfortunately, my previous account was suspended, but I'm excited to start fresh and reconnect with all of you. You can find me at @TomislavSunic.

I'd really appreciate your support—follow me, spread the word, and let’s continue the conversations where we left off! Looking forward to engaging with you all again.

See you there!
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Dutch Dissident avatar
Dutch Dissident
A message from the Erasmusbrug: WHITE LIVES MATTER

Please share
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WØLFSHIƏLD Studios avatar
The first edit for Once Upon a Time in Minnesota is finally done! Runtime sits at 51 minutes with credits, a pretty massive leap from my last project, which ran 16 minutes long.

Seeing it all come together after such an insane amount of time and effort working on this is such a gratifying feeling. I think people are gonna really like this one!

I still have to color grade, add sound effects and a score, but I should be on track for a late Febuary/early March release date. Be sure to follow here for more updates

And join the Kino Krew community chat if you'd like to get involved in future productions or want to join the regular movie watchparties

Teaser trailer can be seen here
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