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Nathan Damigo avatar

Nathan Damigo

One man think tank.
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"Nathan Damigo" тобындағы соңғы жазбалар

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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
Something I predicted years ago is that the only ones who will be made to pay for the destruction of Ukraine are the Banderists etc. When there are war crimes trials, those guys will take the fall, meanwhile Zelensky will be sunning himself on a beach in the French Riviera, or Tel Aviv....
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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
Of course he will get to walk away from this. He's one of the boys 👃
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Geopolitics Live avatar
Geopolitics Live
💬 Musk believes Zelensky deserves ‘AMNESTY in a neutral country in exchange for a peaceful transition back to democracy in Ukraine’

👍 Boost us | Chat | Stickers |@geopolitics_live
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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
Curious that so few have brought this up 🤨
Personally, I am not that invested in the "American" label as an ethnicity. It's not how I would ever identify ethnically, nor do I think other White people should, but it's clear that Charlie Kirk is full of shit.
These flyers should be posted on every campus posting board across the country.
Someone needs to take these flyers to the next Charlie Kirk event. Hold them up and read them to Kirk. Then ask him why he made up his bullshit revisionist answer that anyone can be an American and just call him a liar. Take a big stack with you, and after you do that just hand them out to everyone there.
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Frequent Fliers avatar
Frequent Fliers
New Flier! Henry Clay
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New Flier! Thomas Jefferson
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New Flier! Alexander Hamilton
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New Flier! Benjamin Franklin
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New Flier! Theodore Roosevelt
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New Flier! Abraham Lincoln
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New Flier! James Garfield
Listen to all the campus Christians cheer on Kirk's answer.


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Nathan Damigo танымал жазбалары

Even if Trump didn’t get caught up in Epstein’s net, he’s undoubtably caught up in another Jewish entrapment scheme. Roy Cohn, who made Trump, was a Jewish gangster who recorded and blackmailed judges, politicians, and other important figures. You think he would bring someone up who he didn’t have leverage over? You think he didn’t hand that over to Mossad?

Why does this matter? We’re “winning,” aren’t we? Well, the Ukrainians thought they were winning until it turned out they were being played like a fiddle. Now hundreds of thousands of young men have died in a meat grinder so that Jews could take over their economy and natural resources.

There is one simple and very clear rule. With Jews you Lose! Whatever temporary advantages we are receiving with Zion Don will be paid back tenfold in the future in ways that will totally screw us over. Whatever Jews are allowing Trump to do right now is only because they see it as advantageous to themselves.
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Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
Porn is part of Israel's propaganda and manipulation campaign.
Someone with more time than me and an ax to grind should look into a lot of the "pro-White" accounts on X that have been recently revealed to be ran by non-Whites and see if they can find any subversive patterns outside of something like support for Trump/Musk. Are they also pushing other subversive things, such as American ethnocentrism and anti-Eurpoeanism? How about Christianity? Are they telling people they need to go back to church? Are they supporting the Jewish Ukrainian regime? What type of patterns can we identify, and if so, might this potentially be somehow coordinated? If nothing more, this should be a reminder to everyone to take an extra level of scrutiny to anonymous accounts and what they are advocating, especially when they are able to gain such large followings on X, a platform known for banning IRL White dissidents.
The difference between a libertarian and a capitalist is that one is able to handsomely profit from the economic system while the other is too dumb to understand it’s a rigged game.
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/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global avatar
/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
🇿🇦 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Why the U.S. is Moving to Sanction South Africa: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. South Africa’s Close Ties to Russia and BRICS

2. South Africa’s Increasingly Anti-Israel Stance

3. Economic and Diplomatic Ties with Iran

4. South Africa’s Support for China and the Taiwan Controversy

5. U.S. Legislative Response

Conclusion: Why the U.S. is Moving Towards Sanctions

South Africa’s shift in foreign policy—toward Russia, China, Iran, and anti-Israel diplomacy—has put it on a collision course with the United States. While historically animportant African ally, South Africa’s stance on multiple global conflicts and economic policies has led the U.S. to reassess its support. Sanctions and a reduction intrade privileges under AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) are now likely outcomes if South Africa continues on this trajectory.

👤 Author: Combat Carebear

Trump's FBI is now controlled by brown people. This was intentional. These people will hold no sympathy for us. If you're not familiar with Christian Zionist talk show host Dan Bongino, he hates White people and worships Jews. All you need to know.
The kosher dialectic is designed to get you sucked into it by using inaccurate and intentionally ambiguous language. To avoid such traps, use precision in your language. Ensure there is no room for ambiguity between the signified, and the signifier.
Watched this last night and agree with Balogh. This is a sober minded analysis of the political realities that I myself have been operating on for years. We need to dig in for the long haul and prepare to live as minorities. Only if we lay the groundwork now will we survive what is almost certainly an inevitability.
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Rich Houck ☃️🌲 avatar
Rich Houck ☃️🌲
A lot of this is difficult to figure out until you’re looking back on a body of work.

The JQ used to be more off limits than it is today. That’s the effort of so many folks. Kevin MacDonald. Andrew Joyce. David Duke. Greg Johnson. Myself. And many others.

Jared Taylor and Colin Flaherty did so much about black crime and disproving the myth of “socioeconomic” factors.

And now it’s like, where do we go? I keep pushing on it all. But I’m young and have many years left of this.
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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
Trump's EO on South Africa doesn't mention "Whites" at any point--but it mentions Israel in the first paragraph!

The purpose of these sanctions is to punish SA for its actions against Israel, period. The plight of Whites is the excuse and the smokescreen. And even then, the Trump solution is the same as the Palestinians in Gaza: "help" them to resettle elsewhere, in other words make it easier for their racial enemies to ethically cleanse them from the sacred land of their forefathers.
When it comes time for the draft, trannies won't have to die for Israel, but you will. Thanks Trump!
Not all anti-fascists are anarchists or communists. Tens of millions of Republican Christian Zionists who voted for Trump are also proud anti-fascists, and they’re fighting hard to ensure that their children are outnumbered, mongrelized and enslaved to Jews.
"Wokeness" will only be over once we have carved out a territory for our people that we can hold against outside forces, and established a pro-White, anti-capitalist regime that ensures race traitors cannot use their wealth to undermine our state.
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