♥Love Light Truth♥
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Канал құрылған күніFeb 21, 2025
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"♥Love Light Truth♥" тобындағы соңғы жазбалар
Қайта жіберілді:

You’re walking your own path at your own pace.
Don't be so hard on yourself because you haven't yet achieved what you wanted, because you can't see the whole picture yet or because you need a break.
Give yourself time to realize your dreams.
This world has been hard on you for long enough. It has pushed you to the limit.
Show yourself compassion and empathy. Give yourself time to rest. Go slowly if you want to. It's not a race you have to win. It is your personal journey.
Look back at all the steps you've taken so far. Maybe it hasn't been a straight line, sometimes slower or faster, but with many lessons and experiences along the way and a strong will to move forward.
You are your best companion on your journey.Your own hero. You are the one you spend the rest of your life with.
Don't be so hard on yourself, you’re doing the best you can.
Please show yourself the love you so freely share with the rest of the world. You so deserve it beautiful soul.
Much love beautiful souls💖💫🙏🏻
Don't be so hard on yourself because you haven't yet achieved what you wanted, because you can't see the whole picture yet or because you need a break.
Give yourself time to realize your dreams.
This world has been hard on you for long enough. It has pushed you to the limit.
Show yourself compassion and empathy. Give yourself time to rest. Go slowly if you want to. It's not a race you have to win. It is your personal journey.
Look back at all the steps you've taken so far. Maybe it hasn't been a straight line, sometimes slower or faster, but with many lessons and experiences along the way and a strong will to move forward.
You are your best companion on your journey.Your own hero. You are the one you spend the rest of your life with.
Don't be so hard on yourself, you’re doing the best you can.
Please show yourself the love you so freely share with the rest of the world. You so deserve it beautiful soul.
Much love beautiful souls💖💫🙏🏻


The accelerated cosmic energy being released now, is purifying at very deep levels, so that it goes deeply into all the stuck, dense energy, false programming, belief systems, all which has kept souls asleep on this planet, as well as deeply into the subconscious, and whatever has been deeply suppressed in the subconscious minds of the collective.
When trauma and pain occurs in the individual as well as the collective, it is often pushed away, as life goes on, and all of this is pushed down, so one can function at physical level, but in truth, is there festering. It clogged up the energy fields and made us more dense, on all levels.
Indeed caused more separation, more division as the survival modes were activated.
These energies now will and are triggering the subconscious so that so much will now surface, individually and collectively which needs to be finally healed and dealt with.
When a festering wound needs to be healed, a doctor will often need to cut it open, to let all the puss out, and then disinfect (purify) the wound, so that it can self-heal. The same applies now and it will bring a deeper level of awakening and activation of souls, individually and collectively.
We, are asked, as Lightworkers, to step up in highest loving service, more than ever before, and hold the light and love steady, even as we expand in illumination. So many of us are working on multiple levels now as souls and multi-dimensionally. After all, our souls are not bound by the physical.
Staying in the heart of love, is the only way, and indeed the omnipotent, omnipotent, infinite way and using those spiritual wings to lift us higher than ever before as we usher in the New Golden Age, with pure intent and holding the vision not only for ourselves, but for every soul on this beautiful planet.
Indeed, highest loving service, with love and joy leaving our divine golden white imprints whereever we are and go and soul travel.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli
When trauma and pain occurs in the individual as well as the collective, it is often pushed away, as life goes on, and all of this is pushed down, so one can function at physical level, but in truth, is there festering. It clogged up the energy fields and made us more dense, on all levels.
Indeed caused more separation, more division as the survival modes were activated.
These energies now will and are triggering the subconscious so that so much will now surface, individually and collectively which needs to be finally healed and dealt with.
When a festering wound needs to be healed, a doctor will often need to cut it open, to let all the puss out, and then disinfect (purify) the wound, so that it can self-heal. The same applies now and it will bring a deeper level of awakening and activation of souls, individually and collectively.
We, are asked, as Lightworkers, to step up in highest loving service, more than ever before, and hold the light and love steady, even as we expand in illumination. So many of us are working on multiple levels now as souls and multi-dimensionally. After all, our souls are not bound by the physical.
Staying in the heart of love, is the only way, and indeed the omnipotent, omnipotent, infinite way and using those spiritual wings to lift us higher than ever before as we usher in the New Golden Age, with pure intent and holding the vision not only for ourselves, but for every soul on this beautiful planet.
Indeed, highest loving service, with love and joy leaving our divine golden white imprints whereever we are and go and soul travel.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.
We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away.
As seeming chaos ranges, as the old systems disintegrate at the seams, your focus, attention and intention, as one with your sacred heart, your central point of focus should be within. For within your own soul, as now fully merged with your monad, your whole navigational systems are. It is time to focus on the New Earth, the New Golden Age and the soul empowered life, you truly wish to live, and are living, from the heart and soul.
All the great masters who ever walked this earth, knew that the still point, equilibrium point, lies within. From this inner still point, nothing can disrupt, disturb nor reach you. For not only lies Divinity within you, but your soul is infinite connected to the whole cosmos, and the Cosmic Hierarchy, the 352 tiers of Creation, the Prime Creator. Your holy breath, your sacred heart and soul, are infinitely plugged and tuned in.
Every morning I affirm my infinite connection, my infinite core, and tune into the day, asking that my way will be made smooth as I am serving with love and joy.
Then I carefully choose what I give my attention too, and when I still get pulled in, as happens, I immediately seek that still point within and get back to center point.
So often what triggers, are mirrors, showing up your own shadows, which are surfacing, so that you can finally be freed and step more fully into the light and love, you truly are.
Embrace your own divinity.
Your freedom to be simply your own true soul self, above all: "To thine own soul self be true!"
And lovingly serve from your heart and soul even as you exponentially grow in consciousness, you allow others to do the same. You are love. Loving the new into form and being.
Judith Kusel
We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away.
As seeming chaos ranges, as the old systems disintegrate at the seams, your focus, attention and intention, as one with your sacred heart, your central point of focus should be within. For within your own soul, as now fully merged with your monad, your whole navigational systems are. It is time to focus on the New Earth, the New Golden Age and the soul empowered life, you truly wish to live, and are living, from the heart and soul.
All the great masters who ever walked this earth, knew that the still point, equilibrium point, lies within. From this inner still point, nothing can disrupt, disturb nor reach you. For not only lies Divinity within you, but your soul is infinite connected to the whole cosmos, and the Cosmic Hierarchy, the 352 tiers of Creation, the Prime Creator. Your holy breath, your sacred heart and soul, are infinitely plugged and tuned in.
Every morning I affirm my infinite connection, my infinite core, and tune into the day, asking that my way will be made smooth as I am serving with love and joy.
Then I carefully choose what I give my attention too, and when I still get pulled in, as happens, I immediately seek that still point within and get back to center point.
So often what triggers, are mirrors, showing up your own shadows, which are surfacing, so that you can finally be freed and step more fully into the light and love, you truly are.
Embrace your own divinity.
Your freedom to be simply your own true soul self, above all: "To thine own soul self be true!"
And lovingly serve from your heart and soul even as you exponentially grow in consciousness, you allow others to do the same. You are love. Loving the new into form and being.
Judith Kusel

Қайта жіберілді:
Charlie Kirk

🚨BREAKING: President Trump has paused all military aid to Ukraine after White House clash, per Bloomberg.

Қайта жіберілді:
NewsTreason Channel 17 (Dave)

They literally dropped a wrestling belt into the shot, just in case folks didn’t notice that what we watched today was no different than professional wrestling.
In professional wrestling, kayfabe (/ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged.
In professional wrestling, kayfabe (/ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged.
Қайта жіберілді:
Kari Lake

I got sworn in today🇺🇸
Looking forward to serving America, streamlining the United States Agency of Global Media and everything it oversees.
Looking forward to serving America, streamlining the United States Agency of Global Media and everything it oversees.
3rd March : 3/3 Portal and initiating ANGEL WINGS
Today is the 3/3 portal, a celebration of Abundance and Beauty and Love. It also give me great pleasure to introduce Angel Wings, a movement of Archangels, Angels and Human Angels to bring the energy of Kindness and Peace to Earth.
At the beginning of 2025, Archangel Michael declared this to be the Year of the Angels. Yet there is so much anger, fear and division on Planet Earth right now. But, this is where the Angels step in – both Celestial Angels and Human Angels – to bring a world wide wave of Kindness, Love and Compassion!
It is up to us to BE the Kindness, the Love and the Compassion!
We unfurl our Angel Wings when we offer gifts of Kindness and Support to those around us, whether it be kind words or small gifts. They may hear the whisper of Angel Wings when they are in our company as we express the deep loving nature of our angelic souls. Perhaps they will not even know that it is us who are channels of Divine Love into their lives.
ANGEL WINGS is a world wide Movement or Wave of Angelic energy led by Archangel Michael and the Archangels, to bring Kindness back to Earth. Also to bring Love, Joy and Peace. We, as Human Angels, can be an expression of Higher Love and Kindness on Earth.
You can join this movement by making a conscious choice to BE the Kindness, Love and Support.
It is time to grow a pair of Angel Wings!
Meditate for Kindness, Love and Peace for Earth, either as an individual or in a group. You are influencing the Planetary field and the collective consciousness when you expand your consciousness or group consciousness in Love. Call the Archangels and the Angels to work with you to bring Kindness, Joy and Peace.
Join the Worldwide Wave as we all come together to create a powerful movement for Kindness and Peace.
As individuals and groups we can offer random acts of kindness and love to our friends and community. BE the Heart and Hands of the Angels on Earth. Angels are mediators for God/Source and we, as Human Angels, can also be mediators for Divine Love on Earth.
As individuals and groups we can offer Blessings and Prayers for Earth and for All Living Beings. The ancient art of Blessing is a powerful way to bring Love and Kindness to the Earth and to those in our community.
Give generously and receive with gratitude. Always be aware of the opportunity to give and receive kindness, When you give with an open heart and receive with gratitude you are working with the flow of Divine Energy and Manifesting Love and Kindness on Earth. Gratitude gives rise to more flow and more reasons for gratitude.
There is Abundance where there is Gratitude and Generosity and an Open Heart!
Please join us in ANGEL WINGS: The Movement!
Feel and hear the whisper of your Angel Wings as you emerge as a Human Angel in Kindness and Love.
- Celia Fenn
Today is the 3/3 portal, a celebration of Abundance and Beauty and Love. It also give me great pleasure to introduce Angel Wings, a movement of Archangels, Angels and Human Angels to bring the energy of Kindness and Peace to Earth.
At the beginning of 2025, Archangel Michael declared this to be the Year of the Angels. Yet there is so much anger, fear and division on Planet Earth right now. But, this is where the Angels step in – both Celestial Angels and Human Angels – to bring a world wide wave of Kindness, Love and Compassion!
It is up to us to BE the Kindness, the Love and the Compassion!
We unfurl our Angel Wings when we offer gifts of Kindness and Support to those around us, whether it be kind words or small gifts. They may hear the whisper of Angel Wings when they are in our company as we express the deep loving nature of our angelic souls. Perhaps they will not even know that it is us who are channels of Divine Love into their lives.
ANGEL WINGS is a world wide Movement or Wave of Angelic energy led by Archangel Michael and the Archangels, to bring Kindness back to Earth. Also to bring Love, Joy and Peace. We, as Human Angels, can be an expression of Higher Love and Kindness on Earth.
You can join this movement by making a conscious choice to BE the Kindness, Love and Support.
It is time to grow a pair of Angel Wings!
Meditate for Kindness, Love and Peace for Earth, either as an individual or in a group. You are influencing the Planetary field and the collective consciousness when you expand your consciousness or group consciousness in Love. Call the Archangels and the Angels to work with you to bring Kindness, Joy and Peace.
Join the Worldwide Wave as we all come together to create a powerful movement for Kindness and Peace.
As individuals and groups we can offer random acts of kindness and love to our friends and community. BE the Heart and Hands of the Angels on Earth. Angels are mediators for God/Source and we, as Human Angels, can also be mediators for Divine Love on Earth.
As individuals and groups we can offer Blessings and Prayers for Earth and for All Living Beings. The ancient art of Blessing is a powerful way to bring Love and Kindness to the Earth and to those in our community.
Give generously and receive with gratitude. Always be aware of the opportunity to give and receive kindness, When you give with an open heart and receive with gratitude you are working with the flow of Divine Energy and Manifesting Love and Kindness on Earth. Gratitude gives rise to more flow and more reasons for gratitude.
There is Abundance where there is Gratitude and Generosity and an Open Heart!
Please join us in ANGEL WINGS: The Movement!
Feel and hear the whisper of your Angel Wings as you emerge as a Human Angel in Kindness and Love.
- Celia Fenn


♥Love Light Truth♥ арнасындағы жарнама
Дәйексөз индексі06.09.202423:59
1 жазбаның қамтуы09.03.202503:41
Жарнамалық жазбаның қамтуы11.02.202503:46
ERRКөбірек мүмкіндіктерді ашу үшін кіріңіз.