Even if Trump didn’t get caught up in Epstein’s net, he’s undoubtably caught up in another Jewish entrapment scheme. Roy Cohn, who made Trump, was a Jewish gangster who recorded and blackmailed judges, politicians, and other important figures. You think he would bring someone up who he didn’t have leverage over? You think he didn’t hand that over to Mossad?
Why does this matter? We’re “winning,” aren’t we? Well, the Ukrainians thought they were winning until it turned out they were being played like a fiddle. Now hundreds of thousands of young men have died in a meat grinder so that Jews could take over their economy and natural resources.
There is one simple and very clear rule. With Jews you Lose! Whatever temporary advantages we are receiving with Zion Don will be paid back tenfold in the future in ways that will totally screw us over. Whatever Jews are allowing Trump to do right now is only because they see it as advantageous to themselves.