Most people only deal with their immediate friends and family for the entirety of their life. Therefore, never truly understanding how depraved and troubled the minds of the public really are. After years in the world of activism, you'll find you've been forced to deal with the kind of evil that's only usually faced by specialists. The type of depraved, sickening characters that one encounters when opposed by antifa, are but a distant thought to the average person living within a life of blissful ignorance. The realisations one goes through are as dark as they are awakening.
The average (real) activist is better suited to make mental assessments on people than so called "psychiatrists", who only think with their pocket. One must never act completely from the heart as opposed to the mind, but the heart must still always remain present. Those in today's institutes care little for suffering, despite having the privilege of government backing. Yet, the very people trusted to look after us all then make the life of the activist even harder. Due to a competitive nature among people, many won't give others credit where they know it's due.
Activists exist among the native population who've a genuine understanding of the true nature of mankind. This disturbing reality makes living within "society" all the more difficult. Obviously, said realisations cause a further detachment from a world in which one already felt so out of place. However, this negative creates a major positive. Without those who experience life's depressive lessons as if they were university lectures, who would have the eyes to see the nefarious realities secreted beneath multitudes of optical illusions.
Social media used by the public tends to censor the most depraved posts, and the individuals posting them. The real thoughts of the average person are far more shocking and alarming than many would ever imagine.
When one embarks on the trail of saving morality itself, one will discover the millions of creatures wishing to block one's path. When you see that their numbers never cease, you'll realise the true scale of depravity existing within the populace we live among. What some consider paranoia is to others but the realisation that whomever they meet, may harbour the kind of thoughts or intent that's usually reserved for an evil fit for fiction.
Even if you try and keep to yourself whilst travelling such a path, you will find monsters approaching you so often that you'll have no option but too conclude an immoral agenda exists among them.
Next time you consider dismissing or attacking some of our more experienced activists, consider instead what they really know and how that eats them from within. Of course, many do simply talk rubbish, but a few are worth their weight in a substance far more valuable than gold. Most people need to see something to believe it, but imagine instead, that if you did embark on such a journey, just how many things you'd stumble across.
Too many believe, that simply because they're travelled or "experienced" in their career, that they've a perfect grip on life. In reality, the downtrodden activist who worked for no profit other than the saviour of innocents will have faced far greater challenges for far less reward than those within the realm of normalcy. The height of controlled opposition, such as today's figures within the plastic guise of nationalism, are merely presented as well rounded, experienced intellectuals. The reality is, they're but mirages of the gifted among us who've been forced to operate within the shadows.
This is the reason, academics are so easily undermined by those of us who've challenged the status quo, despite it's uphill challenge. To have merely revised basic academia of a dishonest, mundane nature is to allow building site workers room to become the real form of hungry, truthful academia.
Next time you need some real advice, maybe you'll look to those who care and know far more than they're given credit instead of lemmings who speak only of low hanging fruit.
Think for yourself.