The reason I detest most personal trainers is because they deliberately feed off and, in most cases, increase the insecurity of their customers. I respect anyone who faces their fears and insecurities, but not those who see such bravery as a chance to capitalise. The quicker you teach a client what they need to know, the quicker they'll stop paying you. Thus, insincere characters will deliberately waste their clients' time for years simply to cash in. By a year or two, the client genuinely believes they're genetically inferior and end up quitting. Thus, the person's health and happiness were but someone else's sneaky opportunity for finance. Most personal trainers treat the business as a corporate scheme, not a chance to improve someone's life. The client mopes back into depression having wasted their time and money. But, most damaging of all, they'll believe that they tried their best because a so-called "professional" had told them they'd done so. It breaks my heart to see this so often. The rare times I see a real personal trainer, I tend to congratulate them for their skill and honesty. I also see people who qualify to train others who quite clearly haven't been through the pain or achieved the results required to do so. I see them as modern school teachers. All circumulum and dishonesty as opposed to sincerity and talent.