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Mothership avatar
🚕 About 50 taxi drivers gathered at Changi Airport to protest what they perceived to be unfair work practices.

Nearly 100 also went on collective strike & refused to pick up passengers.

➡️ https://bit.ly/4gC1ef3

Follow us on @mothershipsg
Breaking News
14 Feb 2025.

PETALING JAYA: The Penang Industrial Court has ruled that a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) wrongfully dismissed its senior executive engineer for refusing to take Covid-19 tests at a clinic twice weekly at his own cost.

Court chairman Rusita Lazim found that Irfan Sani Rashid’s dismissal was “unjust”, saying that Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd (MASB) should have accepted his offer to conduct supervised self-tests in the office.

Full article:

Win, Win, Win.
That's what we will do moving on.
Historic. It's happening guys.

🇺🇸 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s confirmation as HHS Secretary underscores President Trump’s dedication to empowering Americans with healthier lives, restoring trust in public health institutions, and championing medical freedom for all.

Now let's go kick some ass everyone!

Congrats to the Leader of the Freedom Health Movement Robert Kennedy Junior.

The future's gonna be very very bright.

Bring it on!!!

Celebrate people. 🥳 🥳 🥳
t.me/healingthedivide obertKennedyJr
He thought he could just remove evidence. Luckily I saved already...
"With a court appointed officer and a whole crew from all the major news outlets."

Which major news outlets came? The Straits Times, CNA, Mothership Was it a paid media expose or funded by $900 Million Dollars of Tax Payers money? Who in these media outlets authorised them to come?

Did lawyers from Lee and Lee know about this?

Does this look like an ABUSE of COURT PROCESS to you?
Adults face up to what they have done. They won't run overseas one ah.

Singapore Police Force hope you can investigate potential breaches, including Unlawful Assembly outside my house to subsequently humiliate and intimidate me in the major press.

Ministry of Law, Singapore any comments? Minister Murali Pillai any comments about how this Enforcement was conducted?

Would Ministry of Law, Singapore be giving any public statements about how the court deals with Enforcement procedures and the decorum of court processes?

Dealing with lawsuits is already stressful enough. Should the media be allowed to participate in this? Will they be punished?

If AGC can be tagged, I would. I wonder if they would prosecute. What do you think?
Let's see shall we?

Please help me to share and viral. I'm sure it won't be as widespread as the media smear they did on me, but ask yourselves, are you going to allow these CryBaby Elites to do this to ordinary Singaporeans?


Iris Koh
Updates on Enforcement Saga
12 Feb 2025.

The reason why we didn't pay the order yet is because Lee & Lee did not consent to us splitting the costs and paying them separately. They did not agree for the order to be varied.

We were thus seeking the court's clarification and directions on this on Jan 6 2025. Usually the Registrar will update us in the next case conference which is coming up on 25 Feb.

Did the lawyers advise him to hold his hand first before such drastic measures are to be taken?

As you can hear from my video, the lawyer acknowledged that this indeed happened but said his client has every right to enforce.

Even if Calvin Cheng is in need of the money due to high living costs as claimed from his Facebook post, did he then come back to us and agree that we can now pay the amount we proposed before enforcement?


As such we are of the view that the Enforcement actions were carried out in bad faith and malice.

We are applying for the lawyers from Lee & Lee to be recused as they cannot be both witness and Calvin Cheng's lawyers during the Enforcement Process at the same time until this issue is resolved.

Many people do not know this but a lawyer's first duty is to the Court, and not just to their client. If they suspect something illegal or inappropriate is taking place, it is their duty to stop it before it escalates.

Stay tuned in this unfolding drama. I'll be submitting my Objection to Enforcement shortly at the Supreme Court.

Iris Koh

Dunno what kind of demonic experiments Anthony Fauci is up to.


"Costs of living in Singapore are high, and every cent counts."

He should ask his WEF Masters to do away with Carbon tax, water tax and useless pandemics that are meant to bankrupt the middle class.

If every cent counts, the cheapest way forward was to ask his lawyers to agree to vary the Court Order so we could just pay him.

But he spent instead thousands more to take up an Enforcement Order to humiliate and harras us. The costs of his Enforcement actions are likely more than the $4k plus that we owe him.

He has since removed evidence of his malice. Luckily I have saved them. On the night of Feb 10, he also posted, "Finally a new day! If you don't succeed, try and try again!"

Yes, he failed at kicking us out of Facebook.

He failed at breaking us with his latest media smear campaign because it has been 3.5 years of tremendous bullying, smearing and coercion. They have destroyed me in every way possible in the eyes of the public and this latest stunt is just a little snippet of what you witnessed for yourself in a few minutes of ambush.

I tolerated 15 days of remand fighting for my life and my sanity every single day. I tolerated abuse of power by Police officers, IMH doctors, psychological terror and every other tactic they used to break me down and make me cave and I didn't.

I wish in the near future, I can tell you my Lion's Den story and how the Lord kept me safe and protected me from harm despite facing these hyenas, wolves and snakes.

He and his WEF gang of elites have used every psychological tactic possible during the pandemic to dehumanise us, blame us, terrorise us and to punish us for standing up to medical tyranny.

Maybe Calvin Cheng has stopped but I'm not so sure the rest would. I still have to face my criminal trials come March 4. Raymond now has also been charged with 12 BASELESS charges.

I have paid a very very heavy price for my stand. I also didn't expect things to spiral so out of control.

It started with very simple demands asking MOH for answers, asking them to come to our zoom meetings, writing to parliamentarians every week for answers. But the answers didn't come. Only accusations and smears.

I have found in my interactions with people who defamed me. First there is denial, then anger. Those who did it deliberately would then accuse me of all kinds of things for calling them out. A few like Ben Leong and Calvin Cheng proceeded to escalate the basic defamation charges out of control involving multiple parties.

Do I wish all these would stop? Of cos. Now that RFK Jr has won and truth will come out fast and furious, I suggest all my enemies to stop. Just say sorry, pay me damages and I will go back to living my carefree life, playing with my cats, travelling, singing, playing the piano etc. As mentioned, I don't have much of a political aspiration, but somehow I've been called to do this very difficult and dangerous thing. I don't even see it as political. We were fighting for our lives. I couldn't say no.

And so here I am. Maybe when Raymond Ng and I both get back our passports, we would spend majority of the time overseas so we could take a break from it all. Hopefully by then, we would have successfully increased the courage index of Singaporeans and the political landscape would be less authoritarian, more transparent and collaborative.

But until then, we can only make lemons out of lemonades. We are not the types to back down or run away. Singapore is our home and we will do what we can to protect our lives and the lives of our fellow Singaporeans in the way we know best.

A new day has come. It's time to pivot.

Iris Koh
Why didn't HSA stop Big Pharma from advertising on TV, bus ads, MRT, newspapers using celebrities to take the Covid19 Vaccines? It's already in the act.

RFK Jr: "One of the things I'm going to advise Donald Trump to do in order to correct the chronic disease epidemic is to BAN pharmaceutical advertising on TV."

Good riddance to the over-reach of Big Pharma and Big Food destroying our lives and creating chronic diseases.

The Press and Government Agencies have been weaponised by these Corporations against We the People. Now we will expose them all.
Congratulations to RFK Jr becoming Health and Human Secretary of the United States of America.

Let's Get Them!
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene avatar
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Congratulations to the new Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.!

Let’s Make America Healthy Again!! 🍎🇺🇸

Part 2:

10. Raymond Ng, Koh Ken Kuan, and I were authorized by Dr. Zul to investigate Dways' affairs, including financial discrepancies like unexplained leader payouts (e.g., Shalina’s $22k income) and missing overseas revenues. You can see my TikTok videos for more details.

11. Any misconduct by Nancy Long directly impacts Dr. Zul since he is also a director. Our actions aimed to inform and protect him from liability.

12. My name was also at stake because I had promoted Dways in the past. Some, like Mary Chieng, still associate me with Dways despite my departure.

13. Nancy Long was never alone; she had her group. One of them even shouted violently at us. Ramesh Chinapan was caught on video threatening to kill Raymond. It’s all documented.

14. Mary and Ramesh later filed a POHA claim against Raymond, claiming they felt harassed by his lawsuit announcement.

15. I was removed from Dways because Ramesh and Mary were circulating a likely fake police document (from Geno Ong) to smear me. (Watch my TikTok video.)

16. I am currently suing Dways for breach of contract.

17. Nancy Long eventually dropped her POHA case against us. We were not harassing her; we were doing our jobs.

18. Ramesh and Mary never made their allegations public in writing; instead, they spread malicious rumours to destroy my reputation and livelihood.

19. While I appreciate Mary’s $2,500 loan for our Rice Media lawsuit, the damage she has done through defamation far outweighs that amount. I haven’t sued her yet because I have bigger matters to handle, but Raymond is suing her.

20. I still have unpublished footage from the Dways saga. If my detractors continue smearing my name, I might release them to set the record straight.

21. Leo Hee Khian falsely accused me of harassing and threatening vax-injured and vax-free individuals. When I asked for proof, he remained silent. If he meant Charlene Lin, then count the defamatory remarks she made about us. Raymond merely announced his lawsuit against her. If he meant Ramesh and Mary, I’ve already addressed that. If he meant Beatrice, read my blog article. If he is referring to Jacinta whom Raymond is suing, she called him a cheat in his business group. She hanged out with Ramesh and Mary a lot, that's why.

22. Our detractors blame us for standing up to defamation and harassment. They discourage people from engaging with us to resolve misunderstandings, ensuring a one-sided narrative against us.

23. Regarding claims that Raymond is a scam, we maintain that all our businesses are legitimate. Business is never a guaranteed success—especially in volatile markets like crypto and amidst unpredictable global crises like COVID-19. We have sued Rice Media for their defamatory article and will continue to hold others accountable. Raymond will defend himself against the baseless 12 charges against him—because he knows they are without merit. By suing the people who have defamed us, we also remain responsible to people whom we still have financial obligations to.

24. We have never met Geno Ong, and we are not even directors of some of the businesses she listed. There is no point in addressing baseless claims from someone in her final days who had no understanding of business.

25. Of course, we can improve. I’ve told Raymond to refine his messaging. While we will continue suing those who spread defamatory articles from the mainstream media, we will focus on those with clear malicious intent and a history of defaming us. If you shared such content unknowingly and wish to apologize, reach out to us—we are open to amends.

26. In the coming days, we will send out numerous Pre-Action Letters. Don’t be alarmed. Use this opportunity to see how the media has misled you and come heal the divide with us. We are reasonable people if you talk to us nicely and don't accuse us of anything.

We aim to create a society that values facts over hearsay.

I believe this would be a much better world.

Iris Koh
Full message:
The press and many have asked me what would I be doing, after this historically unprecedented enforcement order.

Of course needless to say, I trust the Court. The whole society and potentially the government are probably ganging up to affect our lives and just 2 months back got my facebook accounts banned. I sued facebook via HC/OC 974/2024 and Court compels Facebook to restore my and Iris Koh's accounts. Government may fail me but the Court has NEVER failed me. So I put my future with the Honourable Court. So my method would be based on what a legal person would do using the Court system.

I would be doing the following;

1) Notice of Objection (on grounds we were waiting for clarification from His Honour to clarify the exact wording of the Court Order, via oral application and other reasons).

2) POHA on all the media that are there, from all indications CNA, Straits Times, and some other press were there.

3) Originating Summons to compel pre action discovery from the following persons in investigation on how the press or media got to be part of the bailiff process when bailiff process is meant to be discrete and non public.

a) Lawyer 1 from Lee & Lee - I am not here to shame any lawyer, so I am going to term it as Lawyer 1, on his how did the press know about this.

b) Lawyer 2 from Lee & Lee - he was further away and was shaking his head when I asked him politely his identity. It seems from his mannerism, he is not agreeable to what his colleagues were doing.

3) Bailiff officer from Court - I would ask him to provide a statement or sworn affidavit as to how the press is being communicated or how he did not prevent the press from being part of the process.

4) I have found defamatory remark, that is present in The Straits Times article which was re shared by other press and also thousands of people who reshared on social media - they would be sued after I file discovery orders on facebook to reveal their data.

Raymond Ng
Mafia Media has been the government's lap dogs and propaganda mouth piece for a long time. The Trump Administration has found that billions of dollars have been paid to the Mockingbird media around the world to promote certain ideologies and propaganda.

The press has been weaponsied against ordinary citizens and has with held key information that seek to undermine democratic processes, truth, transparency and accountability.

I had to console my crying cats after Mafia Lap Dogs invaded the privacy of our homes... I told them "Don't worry Mama will protect you and bring you justice..."

I have since filed a POHA PHC/10089/2025 against SPH Media for the nationwide harrassment and defamation of their recent sting operation which would result in a series of legal actions against multiple parties to right the injustice.

Stay tuned for how you can join our fight.

Iris Koh
https://www.tiktok.com/@gazythegreat/video/7470552952957193480 -

I will be taking legal action vs Lee & Lee's lawyers and also the bailiff officer.

Hello everyone, this is Gazy.

On 10 February, Calvin Cheng carried out a debt recovery enforcement process in a legally questionable manner.

The enforcement was conducted in the presence of multiple newspaper camera crews.

To my knowledge, since the founding of the Republic of Singapore, such an incident has never occurred. Even PAP ministers who sue for defamation have never attempted to recover court-awarded damages in the presence of the press.

I realized that bailiff officers and legal counsels, as officers of the Court, have an obligation to ensure that debt recovery is conducted with only essential personnel involved. As such, they are duty-bound to prevent the media from turning the enforcement into a public spectacle.

Failing to uphold this obligation suggests that the officers of the Court—the bailiff and legal counsels—may have committed professional misconduct.

Therefore, I am in the process of filing an originating summons to compel the bailiff and legal counsels to testify about their roles, if any, in facilitating an enforcement action that appears to have been orchestrated to embarrass me and my wife, Iris. Their actions may have the potential to scandalize the judiciary, but I will leave it to the Honourable Court to determine whether such misconduct has occurred, rather than prejudging the matter. It will also be for the Court to decide whether disciplinary action should be taken against the bailiff or the legal counsels involved.

Additionally, the originating summons, which will be filed in the High Court, will compel testimony from various newspapers regarding how they obtained knowledge of the execution schedule. While court orders are public information, the specific date and time of an enforcement action are not. This suggests that someone must have tipped off the media.

Raymond Ng
Gazy The Great
AIYO... NUS again...and that's just the first link I clicked on... Is this where the $700k comes from?


To support and stimulate basic, applied and advanced research at educational or research institutions, non-profit organizations, and commercial firms, which support the advancement of fundamental knowledge and ...read more

Administrative Agency


Part 1:
I thought Ben Leong supposed to shut up already? That's why I never believed him. Anyway, since his sentiments seem to be shared by many, I will take some time to address all these.

Bear with me.

1. Did I film him? No.

2. Did I film Calvin Cheng? No.

3. Did Raymond film Ling Wei Hong? No. He didn’t even show his office when he went there.

4. Even if they were filmed, we would have simply handed them the letters, informed them of the lawsuits, and left.

5. As litigants in person, we are required by the Rules of Court to serve documents personally for them to be valid. And so we did.

6. Why shouldn’t we announce who we are suing? The PAP does it all the time! It’s legal. It informs the public that we won’t tolerate defamatory comments and are restoring our names and honor. If you don’t care about your reputation, that’s your choice, but don’t expect us to let ours be tarnished. If you defame us and then cry victim when we announce legal action, know that POHA court won’t help you.

7. Those we’ve named in our lawsuits are free to make their own videos and respond publicly, yet most do not. Why? What is their defence? Because we take responsibility for what we say and do—unlike our adversaries who prefer to attack from the shadows.

8. The Dways incident was minor compared to what happened when we served Nancy Long with a court order from Dr. Zul. The footage only captured the escalation, not the full event. I was the one who called the police in both cases. As Raymond Ng was engaged as his management consultant and we were also assisting him, we have a moral duty to inform the public and to prevent hurt to the general public.

9. The Dways case was not an Enforcement Order. Dr. Zulkifli Othman was about to be removed as a director and needed to investigate financial matters, including irregularities. The video was meant to inform the public.

Full message on:
He is removing evidence now that he has ordered the media sting operation on us. Luckily I have saved it already. He is going to get many many people in trouble, including his own lawyers and his media sting operation team.

Don't forget to thank him, Calvin Cheng.

Everything that I have done is legal and above board, including going to his house to serve him my Pre-Action to inform him that I'll be suing him. He did not even dare to come down and take my letter.

I have never once disclosed where he lives and we have always just focused on making announcements of the people we sued, which is totally legitimate.

What did he and his gang of supporters do?

The law will catch up on them.
I will be going to supreme court later to file more actions and to protect my rights.

Stay tuned for more action.

Iris Koh


Just to inform you, our AI team has expanded to include an online assistant, collecting the numerous shares of SPH's defamatory article on me and also CNA's article on me. And thanks to Lee Hsien Loong vs Leong Sze Hian, I can sue. I have also gotten myself possession of the statement of claim filed by Davinder Singh in matters of this case, so I would just model my statement of claim after the very genius and smart Mr Davinder Singh. I love our legal system.

Raymond Ng
Gazy The Great
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
John F. Kennedy Jr. avatar
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Elon says DOGE will be investigating bureaucrats who have somehow amassed a large wealth with public servant salaries!

The scheme has been exposed, and now Deep State bureaucrats are being hunted.

This fits the theme that Trump/Elon are starting with the more digestible crimes, and working their way up to the more heinous acts, once a baseline level of criminality is accepted by the public.

It will be much easier to convince the normies that our politicians/bureaucrats were engaged in crimes against humanity, after we have first proven they are engaged in an extremely sophisticated kleptocracy. If they are willing to enrich themselves off of our tax dollars, it’s more plausible to suggest they are willing to commit other crimes.

Trump/Elon already know how deep the rabbit hole goes, it’s just a matter of how to effectively deliver this news to the public so that they comprehend it, and so they don’t lose their minds and resort to chaos/violence.

Join: John F. Kennedy Jr.

If it looks like DOGE is it DOGE?

See who the US Govt has been funding.

You can type in Singapore, groups and individuals that you wanna check and all will be revealed... Works like magic...

Have fun. Don't say Bo Jio.


New centre in Singapore aims to build next generation of leaders against future pandemic threats.

I hope NUS Duke Medical account for its role in the creation of the COVID19 Virus together with Eco Health Alliance and Anthony Fauci's Gain of Function Research, Project Defuse.

They are using Singapore as the base, since most of our population is asleep and highly compliant.

Guess what is their greatest threat? Misinformation and people like us... !!!

This must absolutely GO. Creation of bio-weapons must absolutely STOP for the sake of humanity.


This is an article that describes what Debt Collectors can or cannot do under the law.

How many clauses do you think they violated?

One of the worst I thought was the section on "Unlawful Assembly"... There was clearly more than 5 pax outside my house coming to intimidate us.

Do you think the AGC would charge them for "Unlawful Assembly", intimidation, harrassment and violation of the debt collectors act?

I mean surely this type of unlawful assembly would really protect we the people don't you think? Not the type that charged me for asking people to wear a tshirt (that says United we stand for choice) outside the police station...or others for lighting candles outside Changi prison or delivering letters to the istana.

If the AGC takes action, it might disprove the theory that there are 5 departments after us.

What do you think? Will CryBaby Elites get away with these egregious violations of the law?

Really scary how our country has become when ordinary citizens like us have to face a sting media operation when we stepped outside the house, when we are already faced with hardship from debts, lawsuits and criminal charges filed to intimidate us.

This is the true lawfare.

The next tragedy is: how many people really care?

I have tagged Ministry of Law on Facebook for comments.


If you care, please help me to share and viral and bring awareness to the terrible harrassment that has happened to me and Raymond over the past 3.5 years.

I ask for your continuous prayer and support to fight this evil and what is happening in our country.

Iris Koh

For those who are doubting if I have asked for clarification of costs and the court order to be varied, check out this update on TikTok dated 6 Jan. Of cos that time, my enemies had kicked us out of Facebook and you all didn't know. But we are back, thanks to the Supreme Court of Singapore. : )

Registrar said he will check with the judge. I assume that means he will update us on Feb 25. It would all be documented in the notes of evidence of the proceedings and emails with Lee & Lee.

Now that this has been blown out of proportion, it actually reflects more on him than on me. I'm grateful for all the kind hearted lawyers who have reached out to me and offer me friendly counsel in view of these unprecedented attacks.

I'm glad that there are still good lawyers around who know that they have a duty to ensure dignity to their profession.


The country has hope.
Iris Koh.
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