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Healing The Divide Channel avatar

Healing The Divide Channel

This is the official channel for the Healing the Divide initiative. We stand for Unity, Truth and Empathy and we protect our medical rights and freedom in society. We would not ever PM you as a channel or discussion group.
TGlist रेटिंग
चैनल निर्माण की तिथिЛют 07, 2025
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Січ 29, 2025
संलग्न समूह


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Healing The Divide Channel के लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

The person who said we are literally killing people and wants to jail and cane us.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Mothership avatar
💉 More than 2,000 people in S'pore made appointments to get the influenza vaccine in 1 day, after Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu died from pneumonia caused by influenza while in Japan.


Follow us on @mothershipsg

"Costs of living in Singapore are high, and every cent counts."

He should ask his WEF Masters to do away with Carbon tax, water tax and useless pandemics that are meant to bankrupt the middle class.

If every cent counts, the cheapest way forward was to ask his lawyers to agree to vary the Court Order so we could just pay him.

But he spent instead thousands more to take up an Enforcement Order to humiliate and harras us. The costs of his Enforcement actions are likely more than the $4k plus that we owe him.

He has since removed evidence of his malice. Luckily I have saved them. On the night of Feb 10, he also posted, "Finally a new day! If you don't succeed, try and try again!"

Yes, he failed at kicking us out of Facebook.

He failed at breaking us with his latest media smear campaign because it has been 3.5 years of tremendous bullying, smearing and coercion. They have destroyed me in every way possible in the eyes of the public and this latest stunt is just a little snippet of what you witnessed for yourself in a few minutes of ambush.

I tolerated 15 days of remand fighting for my life and my sanity every single day. I tolerated abuse of power by Police officers, IMH doctors, psychological terror and every other tactic they used to break me down and make me cave and I didn't.

I wish in the near future, I can tell you my Lion's Den story and how the Lord kept me safe and protected me from harm despite facing these hyenas, wolves and snakes.

He and his WEF gang of elites have used every psychological tactic possible during the pandemic to dehumanise us, blame us, terrorise us and to punish us for standing up to medical tyranny.

Maybe Calvin Cheng has stopped but I'm not so sure the rest would. I still have to face my criminal trials come March 4. Raymond now has also been charged with 12 BASELESS charges.

I have paid a very very heavy price for my stand. I also didn't expect things to spiral so out of control.

It started with very simple demands asking MOH for answers, asking them to come to our zoom meetings, writing to parliamentarians every week for answers. But the answers didn't come. Only accusations and smears.

I have found in my interactions with people who defamed me. First there is denial, then anger. Those who did it deliberately would then accuse me of all kinds of things for calling them out. A few like Ben Leong and Calvin Cheng proceeded to escalate the basic defamation charges out of control involving multiple parties.

Do I wish all these would stop? Of cos. Now that RFK Jr has won and truth will come out fast and furious, I suggest all my enemies to stop. Just say sorry, pay me damages and I will go back to living my carefree life, playing with my cats, travelling, singing, playing the piano etc. As mentioned, I don't have much of a political aspiration, but somehow I've been called to do this very difficult and dangerous thing. I don't even see it as political. We were fighting for our lives. I couldn't say no.

And so here I am. Maybe when Raymond Ng and I both get back our passports, we would spend majority of the time overseas so we could take a break from it all. Hopefully by then, we would have successfully increased the courage index of Singaporeans and the political landscape would be less authoritarian, more transparent and collaborative.

But until then, we can only make lemons out of lemonades. We are not the types to back down or run away. Singapore is our home and we will do what we can to protect our lives and the lives of our fellow Singaporeans in the way we know best.

A new day has come. It's time to pivot.

Iris Koh
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
William Makis MD avatar
William Makis MD
This expose of USAID is absolutely jaw dropping!

I had no idea USAID was the center of money laundering of so much US govt money!

This is epic disclosure from the Trump administration

Money to CIA
Money to WEF
Money to EcoHealth Alliance & Wuhan Lab
Money to Bill Gates' GAVI
Money for censorship in Europe

"There is probably no entity in the government that is more of an entrenched power center of unelected bureaucrats with less accountability, less oversight than USAID. They funnel money to their cronies all over the world through a swampy network of NGOs and cutouts, including some very troubling elements of focusing on things like regime change and destabilizing foreign countries." - Stephen Miller

This is insane...😲


Just to inform you, our AI team has expanded to include an online assistant, collecting the numerous shares of SPH's defamatory article on me and also CNA's article on me. And thanks to Lee Hsien Loong vs Leong Sze Hian, I can sue. I have also gotten myself possession of the statement of claim filed by Davinder Singh in matters of this case, so I would just model my statement of claim after the very genius and smart Mr Davinder Singh. I love our legal system.

Raymond Ng
Gazy The Great

This morning I woke up to Enforcement team from Calvin Cheng. He did not wait for the variation of the court order and proceeded to extract the court order and his army of cameramen to come to our house.

His lawyer from Lee and Lee was also here.

As this is a developing situation, I will update more later.

This is the lawsuit against Calvin Cheng in which we were asked to pay for the injunction. In the last case conference we already asked for variation of the court order and were awaiting further directions from the court.

We will be updating how we will be dealing with this and I ask for your prayers and support in this.

Iris Koh
Historic. It's happening guys.

🇺🇸 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s confirmation as HHS Secretary underscores President Trump’s dedication to empowering Americans with healthier lives, restoring trust in public health institutions, and championing medical freedom for all.

Now let's go kick some ass everyone!

Congrats to the Leader of the Freedom Health Movement Robert Kennedy Junior.

The future's gonna be very very bright.

Bring it on!!!

Celebrate people. 🥳 🥳 🥳 obertKennedyJr
Another attack on a Catholic Priest at the Church of the Holy Spirit.

Are people becoming more aggressive and less empathetic?

I have heard of a testimonial of someone who shared that her husband who was a devout and staunch Christian after taking the mRNA became uninterested to go to church and showed signs of aggression.

These are gene therapies and we really do not know the extent of what they can do to our personalities. Was he hearing voices to attack the priest?

Is this the reason why we are witnessing much more violence, fights and murders these days?

It may be years before we find out the true extent of the harms that these modified gene therapies have inflicted on our people.

In the meantime we can only pray and hope that more people become interested and curious to seek their own answers.

Medical journals are already tracking many of these abnormalities. I will leave them in my comments for whoever is interested to find out more.

Let's pray for healing and forgiveness. May God have mercy on us all.

Iris Koh

mRNA vaccines can cause psychosis.,the%20first%20or%20second%20dose.

Please share more such references in the comments section.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
CNA avatar
Iris Koh and Raymond Ng are facing a court-ordered seizure of their possessions after they failed to cough up around S$4,900 in legal costs from a defamation suit against former NMP Calvin Cheng.

They refused entry to a court sheriff and Mr Cheng's lawyer who arrived at their flat earlier today to enforce the order:
Breaking News
14 Feb 2025.

PETALING JAYA: The Penang Industrial Court has ruled that a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) wrongfully dismissed its senior executive engineer for refusing to take Covid-19 tests at a clinic twice weekly at his own cost.

Court chairman Rusita Lazim found that Irfan Sani Rashid’s dismissal was “unjust”, saying that Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd (MASB) should have accepted his offer to conduct supervised self-tests in the office.

Full article:

Win, Win, Win.
That's what we will do moving on.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
John F. Kennedy Jr. avatar
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Elon says DOGE will be investigating bureaucrats who have somehow amassed a large wealth with public servant salaries!

The scheme has been exposed, and now Deep State bureaucrats are being hunted.

This fits the theme that Trump/Elon are starting with the more digestible crimes, and working their way up to the more heinous acts, once a baseline level of criminality is accepted by the public.

It will be much easier to convince the normies that our politicians/bureaucrats were engaged in crimes against humanity, after we have first proven they are engaged in an extremely sophisticated kleptocracy. If they are willing to enrich themselves off of our tax dollars, it’s more plausible to suggest they are willing to commit other crimes.

Trump/Elon already know how deep the rabbit hole goes, it’s just a matter of how to effectively deliver this news to the public so that they comprehend it, and so they don’t lose their minds and resort to chaos/violence.

Join: John F. Kennedy Jr.
Mafia Media has been the government's lap dogs and propaganda mouth piece for a long time. The Trump Administration has found that billions of dollars have been paid to the Mockingbird media around the world to promote certain ideologies and propaganda.

The press has been weaponsied against ordinary citizens and has with held key information that seek to undermine democratic processes, truth, transparency and accountability.

I had to console my crying cats after Mafia Lap Dogs invaded the privacy of our homes... I told them "Don't worry Mama will protect you and bring you justice..."

I have since filed a POHA PHC/10089/2025 against SPH Media for the nationwide harrassment and defamation of their recent sting operation which would result in a series of legal actions against multiple parties to right the injustice.

Stay tuned for how you can join our fight.

Iris Koh
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Healing The Divide Channel avatar
Healing The Divide Channel
Dear all,

Due to technical difficulties from telegram for our original group, this channel is now linked to: until issues are resolved.

Please Join this new group and assist us to inform your friends / those who chat on our group.

Thank you,
Iris Koh.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Mothership avatar
🚕 About 50 taxi drivers gathered at Changi Airport to protest what they perceived to be unfair work practices.

Nearly 100 also went on collective strike & refused to pick up passengers.


Follow us on @mothershipsg
Why didn't HSA stop Big Pharma from advertising on TV, bus ads, MRT, newspapers using celebrities to take the Covid19 Vaccines? It's already in the act.

RFK Jr: "One of the things I'm going to advise Donald Trump to do in order to correct the chronic disease epidemic is to BAN pharmaceutical advertising on TV."

Good riddance to the over-reach of Big Pharma and Big Food destroying our lives and creating chronic diseases.

The Press and Government Agencies have been weaponised by these Corporations against We the People. Now we will expose them all.
Congratulations to RFK Jr becoming Health and Human Secretary of the United States of America.

Let's Get Them!
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