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SERVIAM- I Will Serve
SERVIAM- I Will Serve
दृश्य की संख्या


रिपोस्ट छिपाएं
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Society of the Sacred Blood avatar
Society of the Sacred Blood
How can you not know that we live in a period of chastisement and ruin? The enemy of mankind has caused the breath of corruption to fly over all regions; we behold nothing but unpunished wickedness. Neither the laws of men nor the laws of religion have sufficient power to check the depravity of customs and the triumph of the wicked. The demon of heresy has taken possession of the chair of truth, and God has sent forth His malediction upon His sanctuary.
"Oh, ye who listen to me, hasten then to appease the anger of Heaven. But no longer implore His goodness by vain complaints; clothe not yourselves in sackcloth, but cover yourselves with your impenetrable bucklers. The din of arms, the dangers, the labors, the fatigues of war are the penances that God now imposes upon you. Hasten then to expiate your sins by victories over the infidels, and let the deliverance of holy places be the reward of your repentance. - St Bernard preaching the crusade

History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Beacon of Truth
Devout Apostle of Our Lady and Her Rosary
True Son of Archbishop Lefebvre.

Phare de la vérité, apôtre très dévot de Notre Dame du Rosaire. Vrai fils de Mgr Lefebvre.
Hello all,

My son has RSV pneumonia. We are being admitted to a pediatric ICU shortly. If you could spare some prayers for Theo that would be much appreciated.

Thanks. May God bless and Mary Keep
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Thermopylae avatar
🇻🇦 🇬🇧 - Traditional Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson has been hospitalized with haemorrhage on his brain and was able to receive the last sacraments.

In your charity, please pray for his health and soul.

Follow: @ThermopylaeNews
Update #2 Message from my wife

Tonight is an important night for theo on the ventilator settings. Let’s really pray that Theo continues to tolerates the Bipap settings and that he remains calm or fights the tube. If he tolerates those ventilator settings while remaining calm, he can get that tube out. Please pray for guidance from the medical team. We have had our difficulties working with the medical team and were not a big fan of this Attending. So please please please pray that the attending makes the right decision for Theo. Theo will be nothing by mouth at 4 am so that we could do possible extubation. My husband and I really want the tube out. The other thing we really need prayers for is for Theo to not be affected so much by the opioids he was on for sedation. (Fentanyl) This is super difficult for us as no child should ever have to deal with an opioid withdrawal at such a young age. This is where we place our faith in God that he heals Theo holistically and he does not have further complications. Thank you for all your love and support .
St. John Chrysostom in regards to St. Perpetua (Feast Day March 6, along w/ St. Felicitas)

I feel an indescribable pleasure in reading the Acts of the Martyrs; but when the martyr is woman, my enthusiasm is doubled. For the frailer the instrument, the greater is the grace, the brighter the trophy, the grander the victory; & this, not because of her weakness, but because the devil is conquered by her, by whom he once conquered us.

He conquered by woman, & now woman conquers him. She that was once his weapon, is now his destroyer, brave & invincible. That first one sinned, & died this one died that she might not sin. Eve was flushed by lying promise, & broke the law of God our heroine disdained to live, when her living was to depend on her breaking her faith to Him who was her dearest Lord.

What excuse, after this, for men, if they be soft & cowards? Can they hope for pardon, when women fought the holy battle with such brave, & manly, and generous hearts?

-Homil de diversis novi Testamenti locis
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
St Michael's Operations🏴‍☠️🇻🇦
It is with a heavy heart that I take to my keyboard to commemorate one of our finest champions, Bishop Richard Williamson. My heart is especially heavy because I started to write this eulogy in my mind last Friday, also beginning "It is with a heavy heart..." but then I put it down and prayed hard, hoping I wouldn't need it. Well, the tears have come and gone, but as King David said:
Now that he is dead, what need to fast? Can I bring him back from the grave? I shall go to be with him, he will not come back to me.

The man was maligned during his life, and many scarcely understand the true reasons for his infamy. His reputation was hardly for ecclesiastical infractions, as many like to say, but had far more to do with speaking truths, especially political truths, that no one else dared to. I have had even good men say to me that he did wrong, for the pectoral cross on his chest bound him to certain responsibilities and restrictions. Nonsense! Amen, amen I say to you: The servant is not greater than his lord; neither is the apostle greater than he that sent him. Before the bishops were, the Apostles and the prophets were, and was speaking the truth too good for them? St. John the Baptist and the prophet Jeremias, among many others, spoke political truths even unto persecution, imprisonment, and death! But truly I say to you also: while there will be men who say of the Bishop: "I hate him, for he prophecies no good to me, but only evil", God hates lying lips more, as He does those who sweeten His oblation with honey or compromise it with leaven.

We shall suffer no evil to be spoken of Bishop Williamson. He did his duty as finely as any crusader, and while we lament being separated from him today, we rejoice at the patronage of a newly-ascended saint upon a heavenly throne.
Bishop Richard Williamson! ¡PRESENTE!
o/ o/ o/
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
TruthUnchained avatar
Prayers needed for my 4 month old girl (addie) and wife. Both of them are heading to the ED with similar presentation.

For those looking for spiritual reading/meditation, I highly recommend this book from St Francis de Sales.

This is an outstanding audio recording if reading books is not your thing.
The War On White Men

से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Anti-Communist Combat HQ avatar
Anti-Communist Combat HQ
Neither are We able to remain much longer or be any longer Christians, if it has come to this point that We are terrified at the threats or the artifices of the destroyers.

Pope Clement XII
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
✝️ Monseigneur Williamson a rendu son âme à Dieu cette nuit à 00h23.

« Cette vie est d’une gravité immense. Elle est aussi sérieuse que l’éternité est longue, et l’éternité ne se termine jamais. Ainsi, la gravité de la vie est littéralement infinie. De cette brève existence dépend une éternité. »

🕊️ @MemoriaNatio
Laudetur Jesus Christus!

My son will be going home today!

I will make a more complete post on regards to my experience and trials that we had to overcome while here. Needless to say this part of the recovery is completed, and I hope it's not anything you have to encounter yourselves. To God I give all the glory. I am nothing without Him!


I would also like to make a special shout out to the channels that have shared the call for prayer. Please give them a follow if you haven't already.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
TruthUnchained avatar
There will be no more Eleison Comments or sermons posted.

The Bishop is completely unconscious after suffering a haemorrhage in his brain It's just a matter of time before he goes to his eternal reward.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for him.
Theo was extubated this morning. Still groggy from all the meds.

Hopefully the road to recovery goes well and we can prevent future complications.

I will continue to update you all on his status.

Thanks to all that have prayed for my son (and shared my posts)

We have a great community on telegram. Our children are our future

May God Bless and Mary Keep You
Benito Mussolini praised Pope St. Pius X in his My Autobiography as "...the kind-hearted patriarch of Venice, who distinguished his pontificate by a strong battle against the fads of political and religious modernism."
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