Thank you Kyle Davis for wonderfully illustrating my point!
We don’t have true lore from the sources only stuff from Roman guys, Christian guys, everyone BUT who we need it from.
To somehow try to say myself and my contemporaries that have been living this in real life for decades are somehow New Age Fags is laughable when I see you goofy Spergs trying to nail down your precious Orthodoxy so you can be the “leaders” of it ONLINE.
The Bible is 100 or more books written by men, changed by men at will and is ever changing. That ‘precious book’ is used for everything but guidelines. As for the wonderful Vedas of the street-shitting Indians I am entirely impressed with those as well! Very sacred tomes they follow!
Everyone knows what it is correct and incorrect behavior. You don’t need a list of rules, you just need people to stop accepting shitbags in their circles and a little real world intervention for poor behavior.
Do you have a wife? Children? Do you have a good job? A home? Do you have a local group you consistently practice your religion with? Are you successful in anything tangible? If not to any of those then why should I trust your spiritual/life judgement because you read the eddas a bunch of times?
We don’t have a Bible. You dipshits sure as fuck aren’t the Ecclesiarchs you think you are.
You’re the equivalent of baseball card collecting dorks and you don’t live your own religion that you scold everyone else over even though all your groups are rife with infidelity, lying, stealing, on and on with your kind of people.
The past is gone. The present is what we make it and furthermore the Future. I will be remembered, will you guys?