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Jake Joseph Paul is an American professional boxer, influencer, and actor. He began his career posting videos on Vine and had amassed 5.3 million followers and 2 billion views before the app was discontinued. Throughout his career, Paul has become the subject of many controversies due to his behavior, including being charged with criminal trespass and unlawful assembly. This is an exclusive investigation into the biggest fraud in boxing history! From Disney Channel to mob deals, from Team 10 to underground fights. FBI documents, insider testimonies, and evidence: how Jake Paul is preparing the largest scam of his career. Revealing the dark side of the Paul vs Tyson fight: offshore companies, fixed betting odds, and Mexican cartels.

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👆👆I live in Portugal and this is true. The situation is terrible for the locals. My wife and I both work, if she didn't, we would struggle.
The Kabballah is a branch of Jewish mysticism and Gnosticism originating in Babylon. It uses occult practices and blood rituals. No Christian should be supporting any of this. The rape of Goyim children is endorsed by the Rabbis who wrote the Sanhedrin.
Alan Dershowitz lawyer to Jeffrey Epstein gets put on the spot about Mossad connections. And yet, Jeffrey Epstein was managed by Les Wexner, Ehud Barak, and Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of Robert Maxwell, Israel's superspy). The list of naysayers trying to protect Mossad should be eye-opening. Some examples:

Alex Jones: CIA stooge associated with the Joe Rogan alt-media gatekeeping network.

Lex Friedman: CIA stooge associated with the Joe Rogan alt-media gatekeeping network.

Jack Posobiec: Mossad operative who has infiltrated the MAGA movement since before 2020.

Mike Cernovich: Mossad operative who has infiltrated the MAGA movement since before 2020.

Charlie Kirk: Mossad operative who has infiltrated the MAGA movement since before 2020.

Laura Loomer: Mossad operative who has infiltrated the MAGA movement since before 2020.

Gabe Hoffman: Mossad operative who assisted Epstein in money laundering and was involved in the murder of Isaac Kappy.
Right now in Austria: Thousands commemorate the murdered Alex in Villach. He was killed by a Jihadist psychopathic invader. The kid was only 14.

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The Synagogue of Satan: Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored is the most damning exposure of who’s been running the world behind the scenes for centuries. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock’s groundbreaking historical study is a virtual encyclopedia of this criminal network, spanning over 140,000 words. The entire book is included in this documentary. Included within the wealth of additional information are the complete Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, together with excerpts from each of the 80 articles that make up Henry Ford’s four-volume set, The International Jew, presented for the first time in chronological order. The Synagogue of Satan: Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored is presented in chronological order to aid verification, and its voluminous index enables the reader to navigate throughout with ease. It is not recommended for the faint of heart.

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We have reached a state of emergency with these animals in Europe. A Hindustani, aged 37, invaded the Domingos Sequeira High School in Leiria to try and sexually abuse a student, aged 16. If that was my daughter, God forbid the police would release him.
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CIA gatekeeper Joe Rogan was exposed by the late Matthew North, who was shot in the head and murdered while inside his car after making this video. He was barely 22 years old; may he rest in peace. Matthew exposed the Zionist disinformation networks that dominate today's so-called alternative media and the Kalergi Plan. This essential information is unknown to most people, as Rogan pushes a lot of social agendas while playing the part of ''man of the people''. This is highly misleading as he promotes the moon landing psyop, aliens, carbon tax, and psychedelics and has allied himself with Elon Musk and Alex Jones. He injects liberal agendas into the conservative movement, which has essentially become a flagship for controlled opposition.

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A very shocking Satanic Ritual Abuse testimony by Rebecca from Annemasse in France, which includes cannibalism and a baby. Her parents allowed and facilitated her. One can gather they are members of the cult as well. Yanick Lanuvelle was sentenced to only five years in prison for abuse of minors. He should have been executed. Another child named Robert also shares his tragic story, which included being abused by his own father. Despite the numerous testimonies, the police have not lifted a finger to assist and deliver justice.
If you are a self-hating white person who believes the propaganda that we white people are hateful and horrible, why don't you move out to Africa, India, or the Middle East? You should 100%. You should have some shame and move out, go be with the people you claim are morally superior. Never mind we whites are a minority (less than 10% of the world's population) and racism against us is not only allowed but encouraged by the media, social media, and the elites. You are a Kalergi Plan enabler, a poisonous traitor.
In Lyon, a gang of invaders, mostly militants of the ''religion of peace,'' attack a children's ride, violently damaging it and spreading terror among the poor kids playing there. Where are the French men?
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The Conscious Resistance Networks presents Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein was an American financier and child sex offender. Born and raised in New York City, Epstein began his professional career as a teacher at the Dalton School despite lacking a college degree. After his dismissal from school in 1976, he entered the banking and finance sector, working at Bear Stearns in various roles before starting his own firm. Epstein cultivated an elite social circle and procured many women and children whom he and his associates sexually abused. Epstein was found dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City on August 10, 2019. Written by Derrick Broze, Edited and Produced by Jeremy Martin.

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HORRIFYING: 70 Christians, including children and the elderly, were brutally BEHEADED inside a church by an Islamist group in Congo. The Nigerian Christians being murdered by Muslims have a new death toll total of more than 62,000. Christians are the most persecuted religious group worldwide, and we are being hunted down. And yet, all we hear is the J's crying about what DIDN'T happen almost a century ago and what they facilitated on October 7 via the Hannibal directive.
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The Kalergi Plan was exposed by the late Matthew North, who was shot in the head and murdered while inside his car, for his exposure of the Zionist disinformation networks that dominate today's so-called alternative media. He was barely 22 years old; may he rest in peace. The genocidal Kalergi plan aims to destroy the Indigenous nations and people of Europe, ending the white race in the process. Zionist philosopher Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was a prominent figure in the early 20th century, known for his push for European unification. He served as the founding president of the Pan-European Union for 49 years. He authored several books pushing the plan's ideology, the most relevant being Practical Idealism from 1925.

NOTE: We don’t vouch for the veracity of any of these productions. They are shared for educational purposes. Get access to tons of videos and a wealth of intel only at https://totaldisclosure.net/
To put it into perspective, this is a plan that was originally drawn from a few blueprints, including Albert Pike's (Freemason false idol) draft for world conflicts and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which we know are essentially plans for world domination through an Israel-led one world government. The Synagogue of Satan is led by the ancient black nobility who use the Rothschilds as a front and Mossad as their primary weapon, along with central banking,

Zionist philosopher Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was a prominent figure in the early 20th century, known for his push for European unification. He served as the founding president of the Pan-European Union for 49 years. He authored several books pushing the plan's ideology:

Published in 1923, this manifesto laid the foundation for the Pan-European movement, promoting the idea of a politically and economically united Europe.

Practical Idealism
Released in 1925, this work delves into Kalergi's philosophical perspectives on society and governance.

An Idea Conquers the World
This 1954 autobiography provides insights into Kalergi's life and the development of his vision for European unity.

Crusade for Pan-Europe
In this work, Kalergi chronicles the early years of the Pan-European movement,

Europe Must Unite
Published in 1939, this book emphasizes the necessity of European unification, especially in the face of rising global tensions.

On paper, a united Europe that avoids conflicts sounds terrific. I personally profoundly regret Europe's destruction after WWI and WWII. As we know, what happened after WWI gave birth to the Balfour Declaration and the genocidal creation of modern Israel. It also aimed to wreck Germany, as the nation stood as a bastion of European power for centuries. Here, we focus on the book Practical Idealism, written in 1925, which can be interpreted as a blueprint for the destruction of European nations through racial mixing. Kalergi advocated for a new European elite led by Ashkenazi Jews and supported the gradual erasure of distinct European ethnic groups in favor of a homogenized population that is easier to control intellectually, according to them. The aim is to replace the European ruling class with a Zionist/Satanic aristocracy. As we know, the Babylonian Kabbalah significantly shaped the Talmud, which claims that ''goyim'' are cattle meant to serve the Jews, even stating that sexually abusing a 3-year-old goyim is allowed. The Talmud also claims Jesus is boiling in a pot of excrement in hell and that his mother, Mary was a prostitute. Very sacrilegious, very Satanic.

The so-called "Kalergi Plan" is a secret plan to flood Europe with non-European immigrants to dilute national identities and create a submissive, mixed-race population. The destruction of said 3rd world countries and the implementation of an open border policy all over Europe has not only facilitated massive human trafficking operations but also this nefarious plan.

Obviously, the exposure of this plan is halted via accusations of antisemitism and ''white supremacy''. God gave different types of people their land to develop their identity and culture, and I wouldn't want it any other way. A world made of a hybrid race sounds horrible. I believe every nation should live in peace with each other and focus on empowering all its people. This goes for all races. Open borders as things stand in our society, only facilitate criminal activity.
LOUDER THAN LOVE 11: The Murders of Chris & Chester

Having exposed the weirdness around The Silent Children documentary, it's safe to say many notorious individuals have been taken out due to their willingness to expose child sex trafficking and pedophilia, especially around the time Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were murdered. Some might be connected to the musicians, but one must rely on all the facts, not hearsay. Chris and billionaire investor Ron Burkle (David Geffen's next-door neighbor) had a business relationship through the former's involvement in the music industry and the latter's investments in entertainment via Artist Group International (AGI). Join us as we expose those close to the singer and who are suspicious for diverse reasons, especially focused on the funeral attendees.

You can watch the first 10 minutes for free:
Planned Parenthood participates in and supports trafficking, including child sex trafficking rings. There's no denying it. They are caught on camera. Abortion is the most despicable form of social engineering, where they have programmed people to believe that life doesn't begin at conception and that no murder is being committed.

Minors are allowed to partake in this child sacrifice without parental consent, which aids child sex traffickers in their business. Watch my documentary ''Tears In Heaven: A Pro-Life Film'' which exposes the origins and current state of this heavy crime against humanity.

They promote Elon Musk as the wealthiest man in the world, but the Rothschild family, which has controlled banking since the 18th century, is also worth over $15 trillion.

Don't forget that the Rothschilds are frontmen for the black nobility families:

The list of the 13 most powerful Black Nobility families is speculative, but some of the most commonly mentioned names include:

Orsini – One of the most potent papal bloodlines linked to ancient Roman aristocracy.

Borgia – Infamous for producing popes and cardinals, known for their influence during the Renaissance.

Aldobrandini – A banking and political dynasty with ties to the Vatican.

Farnese – Played a key role in Vatican politics and military affairs.

Colonna – One of the oldest noble families of Rome, controlling major financial and political institutions.

Medici – A banking dynasty that shaped Renaissance Europe.

Chigi – Directly connected to the Vatican and the Jesuit Order.

Pallavicini – One of the wealthiest families in Europe, tied to international banking.

Borghese – A powerful Italian family with strong ties to the Vatican and European nobility.

Barberini – Produced popes and had a significant influence on the Catholic Church.

Gaetani – An ancient family linked to papal history and European royal bloodlines.

Doria/Pamphilj – A robust banking and political dynasty.

Massimo – One of the oldest noble families in Rome, with connections to secret societies.

These families wield influence through Jesuit networks, Freemasonry, the Vatican, and global finance. They operate behind institutions like the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and the United Nations. The wealthiest people in the world don't even want you to know they exist.
I take this opportunity to honor my old friend, Andy Rourke, bass player for the English band ''The Smiths''. Andy and I met in 2013 and immediately hit it off. We had discussed collaborating musically, but that never came to fruition as I was unable to move or travel regularly to New York City, where he lived. My friend was vital in a lot of the blind items I have written exposing the dark underbelly of the music industry, as he trusted me and was entirely against child sexual abuse himself. It sickened him; he was a great man. Unfortunately, Andy lost his battle against cancer in 2023, and before that, he sent me a vault of information that he had not shared before, along with his authorization to name him as one of my sources.

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Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were not simply perverted sex traffickers; they were Mossad agents of the Israeli state and were running a sophisticated, well-funded, and extremely far-reaching honey pot operation.
Chase Geiser, Alex Jones' right-hand man admits proudly he is a 32nd-degree freemason. Color me shocked 😂!
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