To put it into perspective, this is a plan that was originally drawn from a few blueprints, including Albert Pike's (Freemason false idol) draft for world conflicts and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which we know are essentially plans for world domination through an Israel-led one world government. The Synagogue of Satan is led by the ancient black nobility who use the Rothschilds as a front and Mossad as their primary weapon, along with central banking,
Zionist philosopher Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was a prominent figure in the early 20th century, known for his push for European unification. He served as the founding president of the Pan-European Union for 49 years. He authored several books pushing the plan's ideology:
Published in 1923, this manifesto laid the foundation for the Pan-European movement, promoting the idea of a politically and economically united Europe.
Practical Idealism
Released in 1925, this work delves into Kalergi's philosophical perspectives on society and governance.
An Idea Conquers the World
This 1954 autobiography provides insights into Kalergi's life and the development of his vision for European unity.
Crusade for Pan-Europe
In this work, Kalergi chronicles the early years of the Pan-European movement,
Europe Must Unite
Published in 1939, this book emphasizes the necessity of European unification, especially in the face of rising global tensions.
On paper, a united Europe that avoids conflicts sounds terrific. I personally profoundly regret Europe's destruction after WWI and WWII. As we know, what happened after WWI gave birth to the Balfour Declaration and the genocidal creation of modern Israel. It also aimed to wreck Germany, as the nation stood as a bastion of European power for centuries. Here, we focus on the book Practical Idealism, written in 1925, which can be interpreted as a blueprint for the destruction of European nations through racial mixing. Kalergi advocated for a new European elite led by Ashkenazi Jews and supported the gradual erasure of distinct European ethnic groups in favor of a homogenized population that is easier to control intellectually, according to them. The aim is to replace the European ruling class with a Zionist/Satanic aristocracy. As we know, the Babylonian Kabbalah significantly shaped the Talmud, which claims that ''goyim'' are cattle meant to serve the Jews, even stating that sexually abusing a 3-year-old goyim is allowed. The Talmud also claims Jesus is boiling in a pot of excrement in hell and that his mother, Mary was a prostitute. Very sacrilegious, very Satanic.
The so-called "Kalergi Plan" is a secret plan to flood Europe with non-European immigrants to dilute national identities and create a submissive, mixed-race population. The destruction of said 3rd world countries and the implementation of an open border policy all over Europe has not only facilitated massive human trafficking operations but also this nefarious plan.
Obviously, the exposure of this plan is halted via accusations of antisemitism and ''white supremacy''. God gave different types of people their land to develop their identity and culture, and I wouldn't want it any other way. A world made of a hybrid race sounds horrible. I believe every nation should live in peace with each other and focus on empowering all its people. This goes for all races. Open borders as things stand in our society, only facilitate criminal activity.