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Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Covid Science Library
Covid Science Library
The speaker makes a point that organ implants might cause auto-immune disease. I found a paper on this - https://www.bsaci.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Allergy-and-Transplantation-avdimiretz2018-1.pdf

Placing foreign material into a person's body can induce autoimmune disease if their self-organs have similarities to the foreign material. With the Covid jab, human cells express viral antigens, so its a bit like a transplant.
This is disgusting, during the scamdemic it was take the jabs to save granny now it's persuade granny to top herself for money. There's people who will do this as well, totally vile.
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The General avatar
The General
BREAKING: Trump announces that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will lead an investigation into childhood vaccines and their potential link to autism, along with other possible causes, as head of HHS.

I have also created a channel specifically for book publishing so I can bring all the resources together - t.me/publishingbooks
Just received:
The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward
Final Report of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
Committee on Oversight and Accountability
U.S. House of Representatives
04.12.2024 - Brad Wenstrup, D.P.M.
... 557 pages ... (!)
And the introduction to it.
Report: Scientists at center of ‘lab leak’ concerns misled Congress
Emily Kopp - December 2, 2024
The uk gov may be using a fake Pcr test for TB to test cattle and shut down farms in the uk . If this is done widely then it could result in shortage of milk and dairy products. Farms may shut down as a result leading to loss of crops as well.

Such a fake TB pandemic would lead to price increases and shortages.

If the Pcr test is producing false positives then farms should independently test their own cattle. If the test comes back negative then they should consider selling to their established customers on the black market until independent testing can confirm the rate of false positives produced by the govt Pcr tests.

Independent testing for TB can be carried out by many labs.

It is possible that the Pcr test used on cattle actually introduced the TB also since the govt is absolutely not to be trusted after what they did during Covid.

Given potential shortages it is advised that households plant their garden areas with cabbages and potatoes rather than flowers , and store basic foods such as rice and beans.

This info may help https://t.me/+hd-jRZ2WrH5hOTc0

As much as it seems far fetched and crazy, we need to accept that some govts may be following a satanic agenda as has been suggested by the X message.

Centralization of power and control is therefore a bad thing.
Updated ready for publication
The paper.
SV40 origin of replication in mammalian cells in absence of SV40 Large T-Antigen
"Positive tumor biopsy qPCR one year after vaccination"
Anandamide - Oct 14, 2024
And just introduced:
BREAKING - New Study Urges Immediate Halt to COVID-19 mRNA Injections Over Alarming Levels of DNA Contamination
"Researchers find DNA contamination in COVID-19 mRNA injections exceeding regulatory limits by over 300%, confirming findings from earlier studies."
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH - Dec 03, 2024
... introducing
BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/Enhancer Sequence
Ulrike Kämmerer, Verena Schulz, Klaus Steger
Science, Public Health Policy and the Law
Peer Reviewed, Clinical Research - 12/03/2024
" ... Conclusion: Our results raise grave concerns regarding the safety of the BNT162b2 vaccine and call for an immediate halt of all RNA biologicals unless these concerns can be dispelled."
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Dr. Judy Mikovits avatar
Dr. Judy Mikovits
This is Professor Angus Dalgleish.

He believes mRNA vaccines are causing an explosion of cancers and autoimmune diseases.

Professor Dalgleish is a leading UK clinical oncologist, vaccinologist, and immunologist with extensive experience in vaccine development and cancer research.

We spent an hour exploring in-detail every part of his concerns about the COVID response and the ongoing vaccine rollout:

- How mRNA vaccines may be causing "turbo cancers"
- The concerning contents he claims are in the vaccines
- Why he thinks the WHO is "one of the most evil organizations in the world"

This is a must-watch for anyone interested in a critical perspective on the COVID-19 response and vaccine safety.

Join on Telegram channel 👇
Control of Information
In previous times the government controlled people through mainstream media. With the arrival of the internet people began to hear alternative views. Then with the arrival of social media people were exposed to data, and evidence that were contrary to government narratives. As a result governments lost the trust of the people, and with it their power.

They want this power back. The only way to do so is to take control of all social media and the information highways. And this can be done using advanced AI that tells you what you want to hear (pacing) and leads you in their direction (leading).

Using AI to Shape the News
The X platform has grown in significance since August 2023. In places like Africa it accounts for 90% of the alternative news content outside of mainstream media. Will it monopolize more of the market? Will X become the only social media?
Once X becomes the only alternative news media then AI may be used to shape the information you receive. AI, armed with data from global surveillance, and a deep analysis of your demographic, can calculate the pitch most likely to be believed for achieving any outcome. Then it can generate a plethora of articles, images and video content to create a convincing presentation, tailored to any group. AI can allow freedom of speech, yet limit freedom of reach, so dissident voices are confined to their own echo chamber, whilst giving the impression that they are being heard, using bots to “like” posts, and send realistic replies.

What we need to realize is that the AI of a supercomputer may now be in play in determining what news content reaches you, and how far your own posts reach to others.

If governments learned anything from the “plan-demic” it is that they must control social media if their agendas are to be successful. First and foremost we are in an information war - and an AI super-computer, used for information control, is the ultimate lying machine.

The Imitation Game
The question then becomes – “how can we test the truth of X news or any news?” We need to rethink what would be a reliable source in such a scenario. Is your source trusted, human? Is your information consistent within itself, verifiable, direct, confirmed by multiple sources?

How can we know when we are talking to a human or an AI? This question was posed by Alan Turing – the Turing Test - originally called the imitation game by Alan Turing in 1949.

The Turing Test later led to the development of 'chatbots', AI software entities developed for the sole purpose of conducting text chat sessions with people. Today, chatbots have a more inclusive definition; a computer program that can hold a conversation with a person, usually over the internet.

In 2001, in St. Petersburg, Russia, a group of three programmers, the Russian-born Vladimir Veselov, Ukrainian-born Eugene Demchenko, and Russian-born Sergey Ulasen, developed a chatbot called 'Eugene Goostman'. On 7 July 2014, it became the first chatbot which appeared to pass the Turing test in an event at the University of Reading marking the 60th death anniversary of Alan Turing. Thirty-three percent of the event judges thought that Goostman was human; the event organiser Kevin Warwick considered it to have passed Turing's test.

OpenAI's chatbot, ChatGPT, was released in November 2022. Celeste Biever wrote in a Nature article that "ChatGPT broke the Turing test". Stanford researchers reported that ChatGPT-4 "passes a rigorous Turing test, diverging from average human behaviour chiefly to be more cooperative".

In November 2023 Elon Musk launched Grok - an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot developed by xAI. It is powered by the Grok 2 AI model introduced in August 2023, the month that the “scratched” X logo appeared.
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LauraAboli avatar
This is why they want you dead. It’s good business.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr avatar
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Dr. Anthony Fauci was forced to admit that none of the 72 vaccines that are currently mandated for children in the US has ever been safety tested.

- @RobertKennedyJr
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Dr Roger Hodkinson avatar
Dr Roger Hodkinson
That time the Victorian Government mandated COVID Vaccines for everyone but the Politicians were Exempt -

Join 👉 https://t.me/RogerHodkinson
Reposted from:
Dr. Judy Mikovits avatar
Dr. Judy Mikovits
This is Professor Angus Dalgleish.

He believes mRNA vaccines are causing an explosion of cancers and autoimmune diseases.

Professor Dalgleish is a leading UK clinical oncologist, vaccinologist, and immunologist with extensive experience in vaccine development and cancer research.

We spent an hour exploring in-detail every part of his concerns about the COVID response and the ongoing vaccine rollout:

- How mRNA vaccines may be causing "turbo cancers"
- The concerning contents he claims are in the vaccines
- Why he thinks the WHO is "one of the most evil organizations in the world"

This is a must-watch for anyone interested in a critical perspective on the COVID-19 response and vaccine safety.

Join on Telegram channel 👇

This is a really good interview by a nurse about vaccinated patients.
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LauraAboli avatar
Anyone surprised?

How "novel" viruses are made.
Deadly virus effortlessly hops species
Helen Pearson
Nature. 2003 Apr 2. Online ahead of print.
doi: 10.1038/news030331-4
" ... Rottier's team created the new coronavirus by injecting cat cells with feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV), a common pathogen that kills around 5% of cats. The researchers added a gene fragment from a mouse coronavirus; this makes a coat protein that recognizes and helps to penetrate mouse cells. ..."
And the paper to it.
Switching Species Tropism: an Effective Way To Manipulate the Feline Coronavirus Genome
Authors: Bert Jan Haijema, Haukeliene Volders, Peter J. M. Rottier
Research Article - 15 April 2003
When we are at it:
A new mouse-adapted strain of SARS-CoV as a lethal model for evaluating antiviral agents in vitro and in vivo
Craig W Day, Ralph Baric, Sui Xiong Cai, Matt Frieman, Yohichi Kumaki, John D Morrey, Donald F Smee, Dale L Barnard
Virology. 2009 Oct 22
doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2009.09.023
... created and adapted. ⚡️
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr avatar
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Between 2006 and 2019, 9 out of 10 FDA commissioners went on to work for the pharmaceutical companies they were in charge of regulating.

Approximately 65% of the FDA's drug review budget comes directly from the pharmaceutical industry.

Americans are the sickest people on the planet, and our health agencies are blatantly compromised.

RFK Jr. and the MAHA movement will benefit Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and all people on the planet.

- @RobertKennedyJr
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