I think it's safe to say that all of us would like to see peace on earth. Perhaps something will change in 2025. It seems that someone in leadership of the so called free western world should be smart enough and brave enough to end this war(and in Palestine). We feel betrayed by those who seem not to care about all the suffering that they are causing by their actions, and/or inaction. What was it Trump promised...?
I hate to break it to you, but this is the normal state of the world. Our world is filled with greed, murder, hatred, and untrustworthiness. In a world ruled by imperfect people, imperfection is the best we can hope for. It's not right, just, or proper. It's not the way God intended, but it is reality.
Why doesn't God fix the problem? Actually he has done everything that was necessary and more, but we humans often exercise our God given privilege to be our own worst enemy. We don't like to live by God's rules. We aren't ready for God to appear and rule on earth! He would have to throw most of us into outer darkness.
When humanity does finally sell out to satan enmasse, Jesus will appear to judge and then set up His kingdom. Then the devil won't be able to whisper in our ears any longer, tempting us to rebel. Then there will be peace. Until then, ask Jesus to help you love your neighbor as yourself now. He's listening, waiting.